Hypertension, most commonly referred to as "high blood pressure", HTN or HPN, is a medical condition in which the blood pressure is chronically elevated. It was previously referred to as arterial hypertension, but in current usage, the word "hypertension" without a qualifier normally refers to arterial hypertension.

Symptoms Of High Blood Pressure - This Could Save Your Life


Symptoms high blood pressure, headache, dizziness, blurred vision, pounding in the ears, a slow or rapid heart beat, nervousness and lack of sexual desire. This is by far not a complete list, but is the most common symptoms doctors see today. These are generally ignored by the people, but it is always advisable to control your blood pressure on a daily basis have been experiencing, if each of them on a regelmaige basis.

Heart attack, stroke, eye damage and visual disturbances are just some of the damage they can cause. It is important that if you have experienced any symptoms, your doctor immediately. To develop heart, because the heart is "overloaded" and can not have oxygen, what he is capable of. This is known as the "ischemia" - or a lack of oxygen to the heart or brain.

You may also experience shortness of breath. Shortness of breath in people with high blood pressure is usually a result of being obese. On the other hand, if your blood pressure is rising out of control, or has curiously without any change in medication, respiratory distress, then the symptom of early heart failure. Shortness of breath - a feeling out of breath during physical activity routinemaigen - is usually the first symptom people notice. When walking up a flight of stairs takes your breath away, it could mean that you have emphysema (but it is also a symptom of heart disease and some types of cancer) .

hypertension, or high blood pressure, is considered a modern day disease, this cause heart disease and stroke. Once symptoms are evident, the correct treatment should be sought immediately. Hypertension, if untreated, it can cause the heart to vergraern because of the increased power required to pump blood against the greater resistance in the vessels. It is often called the "silent killer". It affects nearly 50 million Americans.

If you believe that you have any of these symptoms of high blood pressure, you should immediately check. Your doctor will usually have come in a few times to check whether your pressure and run some simple tests. You may also be asked to bring it on a daily basis for a few weeks before reporting back to him.

Medications are generally not required until the doctor finds these symptoms are due to the high blood pressure. If you do not want the medication for the rest of your life, then you can use other options to reduce your blood pressure. These natural options can be only so effective. No matter what you decide, you have high blood pressure seriously.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michelle_Travis

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