Hypertension, most commonly referred to as "high blood pressure", HTN or HPN, is a medical condition in which the blood pressure is chronically elevated. It was previously referred to as arterial hypertension, but in current usage, the word "hypertension" without a qualifier normally refers to arterial hypertension.

The High Blood Pressure Remedy Report Review - High Blood Pressure and the Solution


If you have been diagnosed with High Blood Pressure, the doctor has probably given you some medications to take in order to get it lower. For those that have been living with Hypertension, they already know what it is like to be in a regimen of certain foods and medicines that need to be taken at a certain time each and every day. The High Blood Pressure Remedy Report is here to tell you that your pressure can be lower without the use of drugs. This is an all natural method that will help you to get your health back to normal with a safer method.

1. Natural Cures For High Blood Pressure.

Many of the medications that you need to take in order to lower your blood pressure can have serious side effects. By using the all natural methods that are taught and given in the report, you are going to learn how to do what your doctor tells you to do without all of the risk of further complications. Did you know that one of the medications that is taken for high blood pressure will actually cause you to lose nutrients? This should tell you that there has to be a better way to get your life back to normal without taking any unnecessary risk. You need to live healthy to be healthy.

2. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed.

The report comes with a money back guarantee so if you do not see the results that you are looking for, you will be able to get your money back in full. There is absolutely no risk to your health or to your wallet.

3. A Healthier You.

Not only are you going to discover the way to naturally lower your blood pressure but, you are going to feel healthier in every way. You will find that you may even lose some unwanted weight that has been sticking around. It doesn't matter your age, gender or weight, this is the program that you have been waiting for. Stop procrastinating and purchase now before you take anymore medication that could be causing you more harm than good.

Autor: Thomas K Thomas K
Level: Basic PLUS
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Is the High Blood Pressure Remedy Report a scam? Visit http://www.millionsreview.com/the-high-blood-pressure-remedy-report-review.html to read a FREE report and find out the truth about this Natural Hypertension Cure before you buy!

Added: October 21, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Reduce High Blood Pressure - Why We Need to Lose Weight


If we want to reduce our high blood pressure, we must control our weight. It has long been recognized that a bulging waistline is linked to our hypertension. The more we are overweight, the greater the risks to our health.

Yet 30% of hypertensives their high blood pressure to normal levels can reduce only to lose weight.

Being overweight does not lead to our hypertension, is the culprit, the fat deposits around our internal organs. This leads to our body, the amount of the hormone insulin, which our bodies are trying to to increase to convert excess blood sugar into energy. The double whammy is that they meet our high blood pressure causes and it could also lead to Type 2 diabetes!

The good news is that losing weight may not necessarily difficult, or involve unappetizing diets.

Thinning is a natural way to reduce our high blood pressure. Here are my tips on how to lose weight, healthy:

1st Exercise: Take regular moderate cardiovascular exercise such as brisk walking. Only 30 minutes brisk walking a day we will be better overall health. Our heart and lungs will be strengthened, and we lose weight if we burn more calories than we consume. We will also reduce our high blood pressure.

2nd Nutrition: Adoption of a healthy, calorie-restricted diet, the fresh fruit and vegetables are rich, and is low in fat and salt. Avoid salt to food at the table. Try five different fruits and vegetables a day eat at least one of whom should be a green vegetable. Choose lean meats and try to two servings of fish per week.

Some of the most successful weight loss diet plans advocate with six small healthy meals per day instead of the usual two or three large meals. Try out the principles of food combining, confers with several small meals per day.

3rd Drink lots of water: Try to take at least two liters of water a day to drink, not all at once, of course, but aim to have spread to eight glasses of water throughout the day. It helps you feel full longer, reducing the temptation to cheat us on our diet. Our body is to be properly hydrated.

If our high blood pressure, we must take steps to reduce our weight and minimize the consequences to draw.


Click Here If you want to reduce your high blood pressure naturally. http://how-to-lower-your-blood-pressure.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Robert_Reddin


Natural Blood Pressure Control Diet


One of the most important but often most overlooked natural high blood pressure remedies is our diet. Eating the right kind of foods is a very effective natural blood pressure control method in the prevention of high blood pressure but also in the prevention of other health risk issues such as heart disease, diabetes, etc. Here are the basics of a diet plan known as the DASH diet.

DASH which stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension is said to be able to lower a persons blood pressure by a few points in just two weeks. The DASH diets main focus is on lowering blood pressure naturally and keeping it under control so that it is possible that overtime a persons blood pressure could actually drop by as much as eight to fourteen points. If this is something that you find as impressive as I do then please read on. This type of diet is high in protein, fiber and healthy nutrients and also low in sodium, cholesterol, saturated fat, and total fat. The foods that it consists of are mostly fruits and vegetables, low-fat dairy products, lots of whole grains, fish, poultry, and beans. You are also allowed to eat red meats, some fats and sweets in smaller amounts or proportions than what you probably now normally eat.

Being given this sort of variety to choose from a person should be able to create menus that are nutritious as well as avoid the boredom of having to eat the same thing over and over again. Sounds like a win-win situation to me. Switching to a more natural diet to lower blood pressure naturally is a very good idea but often people seeking healthier lifestyles try to change too much at once too fast. The best advice is to do it gradually, a little bit at a time and to just sort of ease into it by changing one or two things at a time. If you think that this diet might be right for you then give it a try and I wish you good luck with it.

To find out more or to see the DASH diet visit this website: http://dashdiet.org/

Autor: David D. Brewster

Mr. Brewster himself has been permanently disabled because of health problems and firmly believes in natural alternatives over pharmaceutical drugs and through his research to help his own self he also hopes that he may be able to benefit others. He says that diet or "eating right is only one of the many available natural cures."

Added: October 20, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


What Are the Causes of High Blood Pressure?


In 2008, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), heart disease was the leading cause of death in the world (number one in the U.S. as well), which represents 30% of all deaths worldwide! That means about one in three people in the world died in a kind of heart ailments.

In the United States has dramatically increased public awareness of personal health in recent months, and many people want to know what are the causes of high blood pressure. There are certain risk factors involved, that many people neglect to attribute the hypertension.

The following factors may lead to an increased risk of high blood pressure:

  • smoking

  • obesity

  • For
  • much salt in your diet

  • Bad eating habits

  • neglect exercise

  • stress

  • High cholesterol

  • heart defects

  • A family history of high blood pressure

discussions with the general health care and a review of health care, more and more people are aware of the need to take for themselves to expensive drugs, doctor visits and avoid time-consuming at worst, an early death.

According to the American Heart Association, 90 to 95% of hypertension cases, the exact cause is unknown. If we can not figure out the exact causes of hypertension, it is extremely important that we do take steps to reduce our best to keep our chances of developing high blood pressure, and this will mean that some major lifestyle changes. I do not know how about you, but I do not want to have high blood pressure remedies invoked in order to live a fulfilling life.

While there is really not much you can do about your genetics do play a role in your blood pressure, there are many choices that you can control if you want to lower blood pressure. Healthy life is not as difficult as it seems, and not only help to lower blood pressure, but it can lead to a variety of other benefits as well.

Here are just some of the ways you can help lower your blood pressure:

  • Quit smoking

  • Avoid fried foods

  • Exercise daily

  • eating foods that are low in cholesterol

  • Reduce your sodium intake

  • Take time

  • avoid stimulants

A healthy diet is an obvious lifestyle change that many people have to make. This does not mean that you can never eat a burger and fries again, but it means that you are aware of what you need to eat. Eat foods that are lower than in saturated fat and lower your salt intake, and avoiding fried foods can all lead to lower blood pressure. These tasks, in conjunction with another is a good way to get your heart healthy and strong, and can be much faster than the simple one that just one or the other.

Not only will help the above-mentioned changes diet, your blood pressure, but they can also significantly impact on other aspects of your body in a positive way. Healthy diet (can lower LDL the bad cholesterol) and HDL the good cholesterol (). Higher HDL is even the risk of myocardial infarction.

I know it is not an easy task, but if you stop smoking, not just your heart Thank you, but the lungs are as good. Secondhand smoke contains a number of toxins that not only you but also your local area. I am not one of those who thinks that smoking is bad, but it's a proven fact that it will cause, and many negative aspects. With the rising cost of cigarettes, even your wallet will be the benefits of smoking to be seen.

A regular exercise routine is also key to helping to lower blood pressure . This does not mean you have to spend hours lifting weights for hours in the gym, it just means more to a walk on a regular basis. With the obesity rate in the U.S. steadily increasing, physical activity is crucial for maintaining a healthy heart. Exercise is also a good way to alleviate the burden affect us all in our daily lives.

So while the debate rages on health care, it is high time that we take responsibility for our own health. Your heart is the strongest muscle in the body, but he too has its limits, and enter to not care when. Take the necessary steps to reduce your blood pressure, and you'll find that you can lead a happy and healthy life and in your golden years.


Tim Mielke
Published Author and Supplement Expert

Tim Mielke has been involved in the supplement industry for over 15 years. As a former competitive body builder and personal trainer, Tim has extensive first-hand knowledge of the benefits and pitfalls of fitness supplementation. Knowledge so extensive, in fact, that his book, "The Book of Supplement Secrets: A Beginners Guide to Nutritional Supplements," was recently published and is currently available through Amazon.com. Tim brings this supplement and bodybuilding know-how to http://www.everythingantiaging.com as a contributing author and researcher.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tim_Mielke

Awesome Natural Treatments to Help Lower High Blood Pressure


Blood pumped from the heart around the body exerts a constant fluctuating pressure on the walls of arteries. Pressure levels are lowest early in the morning and are highest during physical exercise. When blood pressure is consistently raised, it is known as hypertension.

This condition is estimated to affect up to 20 percent of adults in developed countries but since there are usually no symptoms, it could go undetected until picked up during a medical checkup. Untreated, hypertension can damage blood vessels and increase the risk of stroke, heart disease, and kidney disease, as well as other disorders.

Things that can trigger high blood pressure is excessive alcohol and caffeine consumption. A women that is going through postmenopausal can trigger high blood pressure in her body. If one takes in a lot of salt for example from salty potato chips this can help contribute to hypertension. Smoking can trigger a biochemical reaction in the body for one to develop high pressure. One's family history is another indication that you may get high blood pressure also.

Here are some natural treatments one can do if you have hypertension. Make sure that you reduce the intake of salt to only one teaspoon a day. Next eat plenty of potassium rich foods. You can start with bananas, celery, oranges, or watercress. You will need to also cut back on processed foods, coffee, and alcohol. Also if you are a tea drinker purchase only caffeine free teas. There are certain teas that have caffeine in it so be careful .

Other natural treatments for diastolic pressure would be to include regular daily exercise. Since exercise is known to help reduce mild hypertension. Aromatherapy is another option for reducing high pressure. Essential oils from the lavender flower and the rose are said to have sedative qualities which will help you to unwind and relax. Another great point about aromatherapy is that it can help with stress and tension. One needs to have a life with less tension and stress to help keep ones blood pressure low. Weight loss is a Hugh factor to lowing blood pressure. You may also want to try a full-body message. If you go to a massage therapist she or he will use slow long strokes to help you unwind. There have been studies that show that a full-body message temporarily lowers blood pressure and helps relaxation.

There is a treatment called Tai Chi. Tai Chi is the combination of movement, mental focus, and breathing. This combination of Tai Chi has been shown to lower blood pressure raised by mental and emotional stress. Remember you have only one life to live take care of your body.

Autor: Felecity Aldridge Felecity Aldridge
Level: Basic PLUS
I have an MBA, I love to write, I love reading, online marketing, and creating web sites. I am married and active with women's ministry. ... ...

Here at the herbal remedies and holistic health site you will find information that will help you make better decisions towards your health.

The type of information that you will find will deal with herbal medicine, natural remedies, herbal supplements, home remedies, and homeopathic remedies.


Added: October 19, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


Understanding Hypertension - What Causes High Blood Pressure


high blood pressure or hypertension is the condition in which the walls of the arteries is again given too much pressure as the blood and is pumped from the heart. It is a common health condition in adults. However, there are cases of young people and children who have this condition. So, what causes high blood pressure? Read on to find out.

There are two major classification of hypertension according to the cause. The first type is the primary high blood pressure and the second type is referred to as a secondary means. Primary hypertension is also known as essential hypertension. It is the general term for high blood pressure, in which cases the cause is not clear and not with other diseases such as kidney and sleep disorders. The secondary, on the other hand, the classification of hypertension, resulting from a given situation as experienced adverse reactions to drugs or other complications of the diseases caused by the patient.

While the direct cause of primary hypertension are not yet determined, experts agree that enable multiple factors contributing to this condition. Below are some of the risk factors leading to high blood pressure:

Age . The risk increases as people grow older increasingly less elastic in the arteries and less effective in controlling the blood tend to rise.

Family History . Persons who are nationals with hypertension are more likely to develop the same health condition.

exercise . Exercise strengthens the heart and aid in the proper circulation of blood. A sedentary person is more susceptible to any disease such as hypertension.

stress . Miss Stress management is to have negative consequences. In a study by a group of researchers from the University of Texas conducted suggested that the methods will be air traffic controllers to deal with stress, have a great impact by the risk of them with hypertension in the future.

Smoking . Smoking results in a lack of oxygen in the blood so the heart pumps faster thereby increasing blood pressure.

Alcohol Intake . In one study, researchers found that regular drinkers have higher systolic blood pressure than people who do not drink.

frequent intake of salty food . There are studies that show that the companies accustomed to a less salty diet high blood pressure have only a few cases.

after a high fat diet . Saturated fats often found in animal foods are usually sources of "bad" cholesterol, that the chances that this disease may increase.

are experienced for secondary hypertension, other diseases from one patient as the most likely causes. A frequent cause is the contraction of the arteries that supply blood to the kidneys. It is a so-called renal artery stenosis, which occurs when a tissue deposits on the arterial wall. Another cause is hyperaldosteronism, a condition where it takes an excessive production of the hormone aldosterone to the retention of sodium and release of potassium from the body. Taking drugs is another cause, since some drugs, the effect of an increase in blood pressure. Other causes are caffeine intake, thyroid disease and the constriction or narrowing of the aorta.


If you suffer from this condition you can visit http://www.treating-hypertension.com to learn more about of the causes of hypertension.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mary_Ponce


Lower Your Blood Pressure


Fruit and vegetables can improve your health and well being in a number of different ways. For example, if you eat a salad of green leaves and tomatoes, you will be taking on board a good helping of lycopene, and this can help to keep your blood pressure down.

Israeli scientists recently confirmed that tomatoes, and products made with tomato, lower blood pressure and thus decrease the risk of heart disease too.

The study in Israel was led by Esther Paran. She is head of the hypertension unit at Soroka Medical Center, and the research involved a double blind test of patients who were already being treated for hypertension, but who were not responding well to the usual hypertension relieving drugs. These patients - or half of them actually - were given a supplement of tomato extract for a week, and those taking the extract exhibited a meaningful drop in blood pressure after only four weeks.

It is the lycopene content (lycopene is a powerful antioxidant)of tomatoes that makes them so effective in lowering the blood pressure. Following on from the research, the Israeli company Lycomato now grows hybrid fruit so that the lycopene content of each tomato is elevated. Lycopene is not the only antioxidant found in the tomato, so they are exceptionally good for us.

Recommended tomato consumption is four per day. Eating raw tomato is not always enjoyable so hear are five other ways to get your daily fix.

1. Make Chili. Tomato puree can be used as the base for this, and garlic which is also good at lowering blood cholesterol, is another vital ingredient. Lean meat, kidney beans and perhaps some fresh tomatoes can be added to the mix together with raw chili peppers and chili powder to give it a real zing.
2. Pasta Sauce. Make pasta sauce using fresh tomatoes, tomato puree and maybe some sundried tomatoes. Make sure to add in plenty of olive oil as this can enhance the health giving properties of the tomatoes.
3. Salad. You should eat one fresh salad a day and make sure to include a tomato in the ingredients. Tomato salad is also tasty - slice the tomatoes and mix them with sliced onion and a little torn basil, then drizzle with virgin olive oil and grate on some black pepper.
4. Drink it! The best way to do this is to make your own tomato juice with a juicer, as prepared juice can control extra salt and sugars. You can add other vegetables such as celery and carrot, and lemon juice adds interest to the flavor too.
5. Take a tomato supplement. A 200mg supplement contains the equivalent of more than four tomatoes' worth of antioxidant.

Autor: Richard Johnstonn

Richard has worked in the health industry for over 4 years now and loves to write about health. Richard also has a website dedicated to looking at facts about wind turbines on his renewable energy website at:

Added: October 17, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


High Blood Pressure - A Warning Sign Not to Be Ignored


Hypertention is one of those things that is more likely to occur as you age. However, it is not an inevitable condition. In fact, whether or not hypertention is a condition unto itself or a symptom of something larger is a point for discussion. Hypertension causes a wide variety of other serious medical issues and is often a red light that makes health care providers stop and take a patient more seriously. However, often the patient himself neglects to pay attention to the gravity of the issue of hypertention and may continue to make poor lifestyle changes.

For those whose doctor has informed them that they have elevated blood pressure or are at risk for it, there are important changes that they can make to help their condition. In fact, some people may be able to reduce their blood pressure enough to avoid medications altogether. The things you need to do include the following.

  • Limit your alcoholic intake to 2 servings per day for men and 1 serving for women.
  • Exercise aerobically on a regular basis.
  • Lose weight if you are overweight.
  • Quit smoking immediately.
  • Lower the amount of sodium you consume in your diet. You should only have approximately 1 teaspoon or 2300 milligrams of salt daily.
  • Make sure you eat a diet that is rich in vegetables, fruit and low fat dairy products. Consume less fat, especially saturated fat.

If your doctor prescribes one of the multiple kinds of drugs on the market to treat hypertention, it is important to follow his directions carefully. Highs and lows in your blood pressure due to improper use of a medicine can be dangerous and high blood pressure is dangerous enough already. Some of the things it can directly lead to include heart failure, heart attacks, kidney disease and stroke. Treatment for high blood pressure or hypertension has conclusively been shown to reduce the occurrence of strokes, heart failure and heart attacks.

An important aspect in your treatment for high blood pressure or even pre-hypertension is regular doctor visits and medications. Having good medical insurance is a great benefit to anyone suffering from hypertension and needing such treatment, because it makes it so much more accessible. Even if you already have group medical insurance you may be surprised to learn how much you could be saving with an individual plan. If you have any of the risk factors for high blood pressure like a family history of the disease, being a smoker, overweight or sedentary, you need to make sure you have the best medical insurance plan you can.

Autor: Tom Carolan Tom Carolan
Level: Basic PLUS
Since 2001 Tom Carolan has analyzed the insurance requirements of thousands of individuals, families and businesses across multiple states. As Director of Client Services for ... ...

BestHealthcareRates.com has helped thousands of individuals, families & businesses find affordable medical insurance or family medical insurance. BestHealthcareRates.com is Rated A+. For more information and for your free medical insurance quote visit, BestHealthcareRates.com today!

Added: October 16, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


How to Reduce Blood Pressure - The Importance of Breathing!


How to reduce blood pressure is a topic concerning a large percentage of the population, and I can honestly say that breathing can be of great importance in its treatment. Yes, I know breathing is a pretty important thing to be doing but what I am talking about is the importance of breathing correctly.

I am going to tell you a true story.

I first found out I had high blood pressure in 1974 when I went for a medical. In those days I was smoking and drinking heavily, and had a poor diet so it really was no big surprise.

When I gave up smoking some 20 years ago I may have felt better, but I certainly piled on the weight, which I have never been able to get rid of entirely.

For many years now I have been on medications to control my hypertension, but until recently these have not helped to improve things greatly. Following every visit to the doctors, I have had intentions of exercising more, and losing weight. OK for the first couple of weeks then things get back to normal.

Just over four weeks ago I went to my doctors for my six monthly check up and my blood pressure was higher than ever - 185/90. The doctor said I should increase my medication immediately. Now I do not like taking drugs in the first place and so I convinced my doctor to give me a four weeks reprieve. If I could improve things in this time then the medication would stay as it is.

So I went away, not having any idea of how I was going to get my blood pressure reduced. Of course I could climb on my exercise bike more often, cut out the beer and wine, and attempt to lose a significant amount of weight, but to make a significant improvement in four weeks would take some doing (plus the fact that I love my beer and wine!)

Don't get me wrong, I strongly believe exercise, diet, and maintaining a reasonable weight are extremely important, not only with regards to blood pressure, but for other health issues as well.

But I decided to do some research and find out if there was some other form of natural treatment for hypertension and I was shocked to find out that slowing down your breathing can greatly help in the control of high blood pressure. This fact was backed up by further research. Apparently slower breathing has a number of effects, one of which is a chemical effect which can have a significant effect on blood pressure. When stressed we tend to breathe quicker and more shallow, and sometimes even hold our breath without being aware of it. This will make our blood more acidic by unbalancing the levels of gases in our system. Following on from this, our kidneys become less efficient at getting rid of sodium, which in turn results in higher blood pressure.

There are, in fact, expensive devices on the market which train you to breathe slower - I'm sure you will have seen at least one of these that retails for about $300.

Basically, the aim is to spend 15 minutes a day of breathing exercises with a target of 6 breaths per minute. I am sure that this can be achieved with no help at all but personally I found a program that helped me not only to breath to this schedule, but also helped with relaxation as well.

Anyway, last week I returned to my doctors who was pleasantly surprised to see that my blood pressure had dropped to 138/78, so no increase in medication. I am actually hoping that if I can keep this up I will be able to reduce my medication.

I have also maintained a stricter exercise program, but I am certain that the breathing exercises have played a major part in this improvement.

For anyone suffering hypertension it's definitely worth a try.

Autor: Phil Fox

Phil Fox has a number of websites aimed at helping people make the right decisions and giving people genuine advice on a number of topics, one of which is a subject close to his heart - How to Reduce High Blood Pressure.

Reduce Blood Pressure

Breathing slower reduces blood pressure

Added: October 14, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


Homeopathic Hypertension Treatment - No More Drugs!


One of the most common sense ways to use a homeopathic hypertension treatment is through a diet filled with fruits and vegetables. It is now completely evident and very well documented that eating natures' delights is not only delicious, but the real method to solving so many of our health issues. In a society filled with obese and "satisfy me now" individuals, it is no wonder high blood pressure is such a huge issue. We are bombarded with advertisements for foods that have no nutritional value, and actually cause many of these hypertension issues. It is essential for us to realize the value of proper diet, understanding that not only will we be much more healthy, but will be more energized without the risk of hypertension.

Traditional exercise (aerobic and competitive) is fine for homeopathic hypertension treatment and will have many benefits to the individual. However, the best overall method for alleviating hypertension is the practice of Yoga, both hatha (physical) and meditative. Huge physical and psychological benefits occur while using various Yoga techniques. When practicing hatha Yoga with proper focus and effort, tremendous stress relief happens. Following that up with even a little meditation does wonders for the heart, as combining the physical and mental aspects of Yoga do wonders. For years it has been known that Yoga lowers blood pressure and slows down the heart rate. This slower heart rate obviously will ease the hypertension scenario with each individual.

When there are so many ways to solve hypertension without the use of drugs, why would anyone use them? Many of us are basically living by the quick fix, which drugs are supposed to do. Well, that just has no chance as drugs just don't work. Putting the wrong ingredients in your body creates a hotbed for serious illness. The only benefits of using drugs are the benefits the pharmaceutical companies get from the huge cash gains. Do things the right way. Create the habits necessary for your success, including the diet and Yoga ideas above. Virtually any homeopathic hypertension treatment far exceeds any drug treatment that is available, and keeps you healthy and strong.

Autor: Michael A Donnelly

One of the reasons I love internet marketing is to be able to find excellent ideas or products that really make a difference in the lives of people. The ability to use a Homeopathic Hypertension Treatment for blood pressure problems versus the typical drug prescriptions is just good stuff. That's why I wrote about it. Check out this site for additional information.


Added: October 13, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


What is A Normal Blood Pressure Level in a Human?


The normal blood pressures are believed to be somewhere around 120/80 mm of Hg, whereby 120 is the systolic pressure, i.e. the numerator while 80 is the diastolic pressure, i.e. the denominator.

The pressure of the blood changes in each of us throughout life, and on a minute-to-minute basis. It tends to get higher as we age, and is usually lowest when we sleep. As we go through a normal day, it fluctuates and becomes elevated in response to stress, pain, hormonal levels, meals and exercise. These are normal responses to our environment.

The human heart pumps blood through the blood vessels in a wave-like pattern. The peak of the wave corresponds to the heart's contraction. The pressure of the blood at the peak of the heart's contraction is known as the systolic blood pressure. When the heart relaxes, the pressure of the blood falls, and a lower level of blood pressures occurs, known as the diastolic blood pressures. This systolic and diastolic blood pressures are measured at routine doctor's visits and hospitalization. If you are told that your blood pressure is 120 over 80, it implies that your systolic blood pressure is 120 and your diastolic bp is 80. This is an ideal pressure of the blood.

However, the pressure of the blood has been found to vary from individual to individual, at variable times and circumstances. Thus, it was observed clinically that certain range could be said to be within normal for an adult but beyond such limits the body system becomes threatened. The upper limit of the normal is now defined as blood pressures of 135 (systolic pressure) over 85 (diastolic pressure).

Based on these arbitrary figures, hypertension is defined as an elevation in the blood pressure above these ideal levels (140/90mmHg). If either the systolic or the diastolic blood pressure is persistently greater than this, hypertension is said to be present.

Once the level is tampered with, either increasing or decreasing, a problem sets in. This problem posed by normal pressure imbalance may lead to untimely death. This is the more reasons everyone should make sure that there blood pressures are checked regularly. This is to detect any possible increase in the pressure of the blood and take urgent steps towards controlling it.

Hypertension has been reported as one of the 4 killer diseases globally. The case becomes worse with the fact that hypertension shows no symptoms.

Consequently, a handful of people never detect the symptoms until it has crossed the normal blood pressures level. This is a deadly condition that can lead to other killer diseases.

Autor: Cross Mantyali

Are You Ready To Defeat that Hypertension? Or do you want that hypertension to send you to your early grave?

I guess you wouldn't! Here's introducing High Blood Pressure Truth : A Practical, Step by Step Instructional Guide to Naturally Curing Your High Blood Pressure. Go here to read important secret information about high blood pressure that will blow your mind and make you remain grateful to this day.

See it here: http://www.High-Blood-Pressure-And-Hypertension.blogspot.com

Added: October 12, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


Ways to Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally


High blood pressure or hypertension is one of the greatest health challenges of all times. It is a problem that can spark a host of complications and conditions. For this reason, it is always wise to look into ways of keeping healthy with this regard. High blood pressure is caused by many factors which include disease, stress, poor lifestyle habits and many others.

When a doctor realizes that you need to lower your blood pressure, they will recommend remedies that will help avert a crisis. This article will focus on natural remedies to lower your blood pressure. Doing this naturally will help you evade side effects that might be the source of greater complications. The following ways will help you keep your pressure levels in check.

First, you have to rid habits like smoking. Smoking is a single factor that has the power to raise your pressure to unhealthy levels. Smoking is also responsible for many other ailments of the body. There is no simple way to stop but, there are tips that can help you transition with confidence. You must reach a point where you grow tired and admit to the problem. The other step is to choose life and say no to death. The fact of the matter is, smoking can mean life or death and this reality will help you have the heart to change.

Another vital way is to go on a DASH diet. This is highly recommended by doctors and many people who go this direction do not have regrets. DASH simply stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. The following are components to this kind of diet. You will take in more fruits and vegetables while you cut on fats and dairy products. You will eat whole grain while doing away with red meats and sweet foods. This diet includes foods that are rich in calcium, potassium and magnesium. Patients who start and follow through with this diet record dramatic changes within the first 2 weeks.

When it comes to lowering your blood pressure naturally, alcohol becomes a contentious issue. This is because alcohol can be both bad and good for you. Here is what you should know. The idea is to employ moderation. Those who drink too much will not just have increased pressure but will also suffer from liver diseases, heart failures, strokes, certain cancers, not to forget fatalities caused when driving drunk. Taken in moderation, alcohol will promote your level of good cholesterol and even prevent blood clots. Many experts will advice you to take a glass of red wine a day to get the goodness of alcohol and other red wine components.

Weight loss is a good way to help bring balance to your blood pressure. There are so many programs that you can take full advantage of to make sure you loose weight. Do not forget that diet plays a pivotal role in this. It will have to start with commitment before you make a significant change. With the right tips, you can learn good weight loss strategies.

Exercises are a good way to lower your blood pressure naturally. Safe exercises will help your heart and improve circulation and promote healthy blood pressure. Exercises will provide a wholesome goodness because you will not just be in top shape but you will look and feel great as well. Check out the top secrets for fitness and learn some of the things to do with regard to exercise.

Autor: Emma Wanjiku Emma Wanjiku
Level: Basic PLUS
The author is dedicated to compiling top tips to influence your life positively. With hundreds of articles to her name she will help you see ... ...

Emma Wanjiku is an experienced writer who focuses on issues affecting you. Her research is based on all aspects and topics of life. For more tips and information go to http://www.emmalifetips.blogspot.com

Added: October 10, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Hypertension Clinical Features - Symptoms and Forms



hypertension is often asymptomatic or causes only nonspecific symptoms revenues. It is typically occurring in the morning than headaches that can be achieved by increasing the head end can be reduced. Other possible symptoms include dizziness, nausea, nosebleeds (epistaxis), fatigue and insomnia. When can high blood pressure, shortness of breath occur (dyspnea) with exertion, angina pectoris, and visual disturbances. Hypertension is a long asymptomatic) (without symptoms. Often make only by the damage, which is why it is sometimes called the "silent killer or silent killer" known.


be increased in an unstable and the load-hypertensive blood pressure levels only temporarily or under stress, while long-term stable hypertension in the case. Malignant or accelerated hypertension is a severe form with a diastolic pressure above 130 mmHg, which usually goes hand in hand with clearly defined symptoms. In the literature, there are indications, however, differs from the definition of malignant hypertension. In addition to nausea and vomiting symptoms such as headaches, visual disturbances and disturbances of consciousness, seizures and other neurological deficits in the foreground. Partial amendments were of higher degree, transcends the day-night rhythm of long-term blood pressure and the development of renal insufficiency in the definition.

The hypertensive crisis is a sudden disruption of blood pressure in the systemic circulation with a critical increase in blood pressure, usually about 230/130 mmHg. There is a risk of acute organ damage, such as a brain injury (high-encephalopathy), acute heart failure, pulmonary edema, a rare occurrence of a heart attack or Aorteneinrisses (aortic dissection). The occurrence of such damage is known as a hypertensive emergency that requires a rapid reduction of blood pressure medication is required. Complications



hypertension is recognized as a risk factor for the development of atherosclerosis. The risk factor hypertension or obesity (severe overweight) and an additional risk factor - how has diabetes mellitus (diabetes) or dyslipidemia (elevated cholesterol levels - or LDL levels) - Come, it is a significantly increased risk in later life for a heart - cardiac to suffer from cardiovascular disease.

caused According to the German Hypertension League, 45% of male deaths, 50% of female deaths from cardiovascular diseases associated with hypertension, such as coronary heart disease (CHD), myocardial infarction, are associated with heart failure, kidney failure, stroke and arterial disease.

The incidence of CHD-related deaths is approximately linearly from the blood, increased from 10/10.000 person-years (normal blood pressure) up to 60/10.000 person-years (systolic blood pressure> 180 mmHg). As light and medium blood pressure increases are much more common than extreme pressures of more than 180 mmHg as a whole suffer significantly more people with average blood pressure values of cardiovascular events. This also means that people must also be recognized and dealt with only slightly elevated blood pressure at the high number of cardiovascular deaths markedly lower.

Hypertension is the second most important after the smoking of cigarettes, while the most common risk factor for the occurrence of cardiovascular disease. Died today, every second (51%), a German and Austrians suffer from cardiovascular disease. Only 16,000 Austrians die each year from a heart attack.




Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Adithya_Adi


Learn How to Lower Cholesterol Through Your Diet


High cholesterol has spread across the country like a plague, due to unhealthy lifestyle and poor eating habits adapted by the masses. Unfortunately, the list of people suffering from this ailment is on an increasing trend, which is why one needs to exercise caution, in order to eliminate or reduce the chances of getting affected by high cholesterol.

One would be glad to know that apart from the conventional medication, there are many ways by which one can lower cholesterol. Following a good diet can work wonders when we talk about lowering cholesterol levels in the body. Let's have an in-depth look into this.

First and foremost, let's take a look at the food items one should avoid, in order to lower cholesterol.

Saturated Fat

This is perhaps the last thing you would want to consume, if you want to lower your cholesterol. Animal produce is rich in saturated fat, especially meat and dietary products which is why they should be avoided.

Also, replace polyunsaturated oil with olive oil or canola oil. Processed and junk food items are a complete no as well.

Let's now have a look at the food items that can lower cholesterol in an individual.


Oatmeal is rich in fiber, and also contains properties which reduce the absorption of cholesterol in the body, thus lowering the cholesterol level in an individual.


There has been a lot of research in the recent past, which has supported the fact that omega-3 is amongst the top list of food items that contribute to lower cholesterol in an individual.


Fiber helps eradicate bad cholesterol from the body. Include all food items rich in fiber in your diet. Fruits, vegetables, walnuts and whole grains are all a good source of fiber.

Proper diet also helps one manage their weight, which again contributes to the overall health of an individual. An overweight person is more prone to get affected by diabetes and other heart problems.

Diet plays a pivotal role in helping one reduce cholesterol. It's one of the assured ways to cure this ailment. Cholesterol invites several detrimental heart diseases, if they prevail for a long period of time, which is why it is imperative to follow a healthy lifestyle and eat right to combat this ailment. We can't change the factors leading to the cause of high cholesterol, but we can certainly change our diet to lower cholesterol levels effectively.

Autor: Mark W Stubbles Mark W Stubbles
Level: Platinum
Co-Author of several sites relating to health, fat loss and money making opportunities. Hobbies include mountain biking, cycling and weight training....

Are you interested in improving your health? For tips on how you can lose weight through eating a healthy diet and having a more active lifestyle visit fat loss uk.

Added: October 8, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


Hypertension Natural Cure - Garlic As the Best Herb to Manage Blood Pressure


Hypertension, while could not be fully treated, is something that could be managed. Living with hypertension could be much easier than you think. With the use of hypertension natural cure, you could live to enjoy each day with enough energy and zest. While there are a lot of herbs that had been included in a lot of hypertension natural cures, more experts believe that garlic remains to be the best herb that could help manage this health condition. Here are some basic herbs that you could consider in finding the best hypertension natural cure to manage your condition.

The Basics of Garlic as a Natural Hypertension Cure

Garlic helps to promote the proper dilation of the muscles in our blood vessels. The adenosine, a compound found in garlic, acts as Mother Nature's muscle relaxant and also aids in vaso dilation. Including garlic in your everyday is extremely beneficial not only in managing hypertension but also in reducing your cholesterol level and preventing the risk of colon cancer.

Raw or cooked? Which is more effective?

While there are a lot of supplements known to include garlic in their ingredients, it would be best for you to take fresh, natural garlic clove. When taken raw, many consider garlic as one of the best hypertension natural cures that Mother Nature has provided mankind. To become effective as a hypertension natural cure, you need to take three to four garlic cloves daily.

How to include garlic in your diet?

While it would quite to difficult to include garlic in your everyday diet, you need to understand that managing to take garlic daily could significantly lower the risk of your blood pressure going overboard. Tip: finely chop raw garlic. Mix the chopped garlic cloves in one cup of apple cider vinegar.

Autor: Dev Tanna

There could be so many hypertension natural cures that you could choose from to help you enjoy life longer. Visit Hypertension Natural Cure for more information on hypertension natural cure.

Added: October 7, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


At What Point is My High Blood Pressure Considered an Emergency?


called high blood pressure, including hypertension, is a lifelong disease. The damage it causes takes place over a period of many years. However, it is possible for the blood pressure rising fast and strong enough to a medical emergency when immediate hospitalization.

How high is too high? Extremely high? Pressure over 180/110 mmHg, considering everything. At this point it is called hypertensive crisis. Any individual experiencing such a spike should not wait to see if the pressure comes to rely on its own. Emergency Medical Services (EMS) should be immediately contacted at the phone number 911th

Also known as malignant hypertension, critically elevated blood pressure can experience many different signs and symptoms of the individual causing it. For example, can be extremely high pressure, severe headaches and anxiety, and shortness of breath. Additionally, a hypertensive crisis can result in loss of consciousness and memory, heart attack, eye, and blood vessel damage, kidney failure, chest pain (angina), a tear in your heart's main artery (known as aortic dissection) and fluid in the lungs.

Extreme is an inflammation of blood vessels, so this can lead to leaking of blood lead. This in turn makes difficult maintaining adequate blood flow, which can lead to organ damage and even failure.

A dip in blood pressure to a reading of 180/110 mmHg should be treated as a medical emergency and as such. Any person experiencing a hypertensive crisis should not try to wait and see "." Rather, EMS should be as soon as possible so that the patient be hospitalized and treated as soon as possible contacts.


Dan Irwin has been writing online about various health-related topics for several years.� He is currently at work on a site that reviews Omron blood pressure monitors and the Omron wrist blood pressure monitor.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dan_Irwin


High Blood Pressure and Smoking - New Study Shows Puffers Likely to Die 10 Years Before Non Smokers


A new comprehensive, nearly 40 year U.K. study on high blood pressure and life expectancy determined that middle aged smokers with high blood pressure are shaving a decade off their life. The study which began with over 19,000 subjects in 1967, followed their lives, and deaths and focused on three major risk factors, smoking, elevated blood pressure and high cholesterol count.

However, when the researchers broadened their search of risk factors to include obesity, diabetes and income earnings, they discovered that the subjects with the fewest risk factors, outlived those with the most risks by 15 years!
Fifteen years is an awful long time to give up just because of an unhealthy lifestyle. If health doesn't motivate you look at it this way. How much Social Security income do you forfeit by croaking 15 years early!

The study also demonstrated that it is never too late to take control of your health. Those that quit smoking or lost weight or made the changes in lifestyle necessary to control blood pressure had fewer incidents of heart disease and outlived those that did not change their habits. Even minor differences in pressure can have extreme impact on life expectancy.

So now there is a very stark illustration of the impact of high blood pressure on how long you can expect to be on this planet. Will it do anything to motivate the nearly 15 million people who know they have HBP but chose to let it go untreated? Maybe, but probably not.

Smoking is a really difficult habit to break. But even if you can't resist the weed you can still eat a healthy diet and set aside some time each day for exercise. If this study proved anything it is that small differences in pressure can have dramatic impact. If you can drop your blood pressure reading by 10 points, odds are you'll be around longer than if you do nothing.

Autor: Rachel Willson

I can't tell you how many hours I've spent combing the internet, watching videos and reading reports about high blood pressure treatment. But that's what I do and it's why I'm the top author in the Hypertension category.

I can tell you if you can avoid drugs, do so.

Of course I'm biased as I believe that nature can provide miraculous healing powers and that "let your food be your medicine and medicine be your food" sums up most natural approaches.

That said, I've purchased and read a number of Natural Cure reports and have used parts of them in my articles. If you want to take a short cut and get all the information you need about your high blood pressure treatment then I highly recommend Craig Anderson's High Blood Pressure Remedy Report. Craig by the way writes for Joe Barton the number 2 author in Hypertension category.

You can get a copy of the report at http://mynaturalcures.info

Added: October 5, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

The Dangers of Reducing Salt Intake


When you said that you have high blood pressure, it is likely you have also said to limit the intake of salt. Salt can certainly contribute to high blood pressure, but cut too much salt from your diet can be dangerous. Professor Ingo has

FusG, a specialist in geriatric medicine, found that up to ten percent of the elderly and low sodium (salt affected). This condition, known as hyponatremia, often goes undiagnosed because its symptoms are considered normal in the elderly. These include tiredness, poor concentration, confusion, incontinence and poor balance. When hyponatremia is severe, it causes hallucinations, coma and ultimately death.

FusG professor found that 80 percent of his older subjects reported that they salt due to the belief that avoiding salt causes high blood pressure. Of course, the excessive intake of salt is dangerous, but like most aspects of nutrition, the balance is important. We need to eat salt. Many foods contain natural salts and unrefined salt is full of a variety of minerals from the body are needed. Celtic better and unprocessed sea salt is the form of salt for seasoning food.

The late Dr. Robert Atkins, firmly convinced that excessive salt does not cause hypertension, but there is an imbalance between salt and potassium levels in the body that is the problem. This view is the fact that numerous studies show that increasing potassium intake is an excellent opportunity to be supported to lower blood pressure. Also a daily dose of a potassium-rich foods can halve the risk of a stroke.


To find out which foods contain potassium and about other foods that lower blood pressure, visit A Good Night Sleep. You are welcome to reproduce this article on your health or family related web site, as long as you reproduce the article in full, including this resource box and link to my website.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jenny_Jackson


Research Shows How Caffeine Affects Sleep and Blood Pressure


caffeine intake, hypertension and sleep all seem to be interconnected.

You may also already know that caffeine is a stimulant found in coffee, tea and many soda drinks. Too much caffeine can lead to turmoil and leave feeling jittery, which increases it difficult to sleep and your blood pressure.

Further compounding the problem is a lack of sleep are known to hypertension. Caffeine could be the common factor?

People who do not regularly consume caffeine can cause caffeine a temporary but sharp rise in blood pressure. The researchers do not know exactly why, but it seems that our body build a tolerance for caffeine, and that those who consume caffeine regularly over a kind of buffer. Some researchers say that caffeine narrows blood vessels by inhibiting a hormone that helps them wide. Caffeine may also stimulate the release of stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline.

Other research has shown that a regular caffeine drinker a higher average blood pressure than people who drink nothing. Confusing!

As a precaution, many doctors recommend limiting caffeine intake to 200 milligrams per day - about the amount in two standard cups of coffee. Be aware that the quantity of caffeine in coffee and soft drinks across different brands.

To determine whether caffeine applies to you, recommend doctors check your blood pressure within 30 minutes drinking coffee or other caffeinated beverages. If your blood pressure increases by five to ten points, this means you are sensitive to the effects of caffeine. If you think you want to lower your intake of caffeine, do it gradually over a period of several days to a week to avoid the withdrawal effects such as headaches.


Jenny Jackson is the webmaster of A Good Night Sleep You are welcome to reproduce this article on your health or family related web site, as long as you reproduce the article in full, including this resource box and link to her website. Find out more about foods that lower blood pressure and foods that can help you sleep.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jenny_Jackson

Complications of Hypertension High Blood Pressure And How to Fix It


High blood pressure (hypertension) is a multi-systemic, multi-organ disease that points to a deeper problem in your overall health. In fact, hypertension shows that the body is in a hyper alarm state--like a warning sign that somethings are wrong in the body that needs fixing. However, people don't listen to their body. And to make matters worst, hypertension does not give symptoms in half the victims. That's why high blood pressure is called the silent killer. Hypertension is a form of chronic low-grade inflammation in the body's internal organs and systems not just a cardio-vascular embarrassment. Call hypertension a multi-organ disease if you may.

The organs involved in regulating hypertension include the brain, the liver, the kidneys, the adrenals, the thyroid gland, heart, arteries, the enzymes and endocrine system. Imbalance in any of these synergistic organs and systems can raise blood pressure and complicate overall health.

Here are the main complications of high blood pressure:

  • Hypertension increases the risk of coronary heart disease by three-fold. Atherosclerotic heart disease is the number one killer disease in Western Countries. High blood pressure is the number one cause of sudden collapse and sudden death.
  • Hypertension causes a six-fold increase in the risk of developing congestive cardiac failure.
  • Hypertension increases the risk of stroke (brain attack) by seven-fold. Stroke could be thrombotic, embolic or haemorrhagic stroke.
  • Hypertension is the second leading cause of end-state renal failure. It is only second to diabetes in this regard.
  • Hypertension at least doubles the risk of developing tumors, aneurysms and cancers of various kinds.
  • Hypertensive medications (synthetic pharmaceutical drug complications) aggravate the risk of type II diabetes by eleven-fold.
  • Hypertension (hypertensive retinopathy) is also a major cause of visual loss like retinal detachment, macular degeneration and cattaract.

To eliminate the complications, the underlying cause of high blood pressure must be treated. These include lifestyle changes like smoking cessation, avoiding coffee, alcohol, weight loss and stress management. Exercise is encouraged, salt restriction, avoiding packaged foods and eating organic fresh farm foods. Supplements are necessary to supply more nutrients to the body which processed food lack. Nutrients are the real natural healers.

Autor: Uzo Onukwugha Uzo Onukwugha
Level: Platinum
Uzo Onukwugha is the Chief Spiritual Officer of Weblinkbusiness.com that comprises weblinkcopywriting, webmarketingvideobasics.com and wordmeditation.com among others. Uzo is a noted Bible Teacher, Motivational Speaker, ... ...

Uzo Onukwugha comes back to discuss hypertension. He seeks natural solution to health problems.

Added: October 4, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


Discover the Alternative Treatment For Hypertension


It is not easy to suffer from hypertension. If you have this you might be dreading the time it might progress to something more serious such as a heart disease. It is time to stop the dreading part and seek a treatment for hypertension.

Hypertension is also commonly called as high blood pressure of HBP. This happens when the rush of the blood pushes against the walls of the blood vessels or the arteries. In the long run, it might cause the arteries to weaken and can lead to heart failure and atherosclerosis.

Normal blood pressure is said to be lower than 120/80. You are already on the pre-HBP stage when it ranges from 120-139/80-89. 140-159/90-99 is at the stage 1 of this condition. 160 above/ 100 above is already progressing at the stage 2 of this problem.

Although the real cause of HBP is not yet clear, some factors may contribute to its development. Smoking, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, alcohol consumption, salty and fatty food consumption, stress, age, and genetics can all be culprits in this condition.

It is not easy to find out on your own if you have this since it doesn't really show outward symptom. It is advisable to regularly check your blood pressure level to know if there are any significant changes.

If you have this condition, there are still some things that you can do to help your body out. This is still within your control. Treatment for hypertension can be achieved through natural means.

Ditching fatty and salty foods for greener and healthier food choices is a good step. It might take you a while before you get used to this, but you can do it gradually.

Be more active. You can enroll in yoga or gym classes to help you burn those excess fats and achieve a less stressed frame of mind.

You might already know that cigarette smoking is bad for the lungs. But this is bad for the blood pressure level too so try to cut back on your cigarette use. There are many methods out there to help get rid of cigarette addiction.

These methods may seem difficult. The truth is, it is difficult if the person is already against changing their bad habits. If they really want to get better, anything is possible.

In addition to these, there are also some herbal remedies that have been proven to be effective in treating this problem.

This has numerous benefits. It works by thinning out the blood so that the heart can easily pump it and distribute it to the other organs.

This herb can protect the walls of the arteries so that damage can be reduces. It can also significantly lower blood pressure after long time use.

Indian Snakeroot
This is commonly administered in small dosage. A little of this goes a long way and it can lower blood pressure in small dosages.

Autor: Zach Smith Zach Smith
Level: Platinum
Zach is a former washing machine repair man. He holds greats interest in the research of washing machine and loves to help consumer like you....

Zach has been writing articles online for nearly 4 years now. Not only does this author specialize in health, fitness and weight loss, you can also check out his latest website on home furniture which provide restonic mattress reviews and consumer opinions on mattresses such as stearns and foster mattress.

Added: October 3, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


Searching For Natural Cures For High Blood Pressure


The American Heart Association reported that more than 50% of adult Americans have some form of high blood pressure. Surprisingly few know that they have the condition because the symptoms can occur or not at all easy.

Excessive pressure damages the heart, kidneys and the eyes of every other organ in the body. Hypertension is also a major cause of stroke, cardiac arrest and heart attacks for the first time. Like a water hose under pressure, finally left and did not tear so it is with our heart and circulatory system. Surprisingly, it passed out of the millions of Americans, the increased pressure of less than 30% of the treatment for the condition.

Why can not people treat me?

Most patients do not receive treatment because they do not know they have the condition. Many people are afraid to go to the doctor until it is a problem that they simply can not be overlooked. Even in today's economy are often expensive screening postponed.

Very expensive with side effects.

Even for those who seek treatment and to enable their prescribed medication to control hypertension, many are deterred by the cost of drugs. Even if you can afford the drugs, most patients are not ready for the debilitating side effects. This can include swelling of the angle, nausea, headaches and a lack of energy. More than half of patients stop taking their drugs to know because of the bad side effects, the consequences of doing so.

Natural treatments for rescue.

Personally, I got help for my high blood pressure, after I went to my doctor with a bout of what turned out to be atrial fibrillation. Later I learned that high blood pressure is a major cause of atrial fibrillation. I already have a lot of drugs, which were prescribed to lower my pressure, but the side effects I felt myself dreadfully. That led me on my search for a natural remedy for my blood pressure problem. I found that several worked like:

1st Cut out salt. Try a salt substitute like Mrs. Dash or a portion of the reduced-sodium mixtures.

2nd Lose weight. If you are overweight, because most of us, only to lose so much as five to 10 pounds a difference in the pressure and your health can make.

3rd Try juicing. Get a cheap juicer and use. Here you will find losing weight, you are advised to print, and you'll feel better. Try some of the best juices are fresh beet juice, and celery. Try replacing one meal a day with juice.

4th Exercise. Simply out and move, walk, jog, only to move. It will not kill you, but your high blood pressure could.

5th Supplements. Several low-priced supplements have been shown to have a positive effect in reducing hypertension. Some of these include potassium, calcium, and CO Q10, to name a few.

6th Controlled breathing. If you have problems, discipline yourself to all the above. Here is a technique that I found by accident that actually works. Controlled breathing, how deep and really relaxed from the diaphragmatic breathing reduces your cardiovascular pressure. The ultimate natural remedy. It's free, anyone can do it and it works. No drugs, no additional cost and without side effects.

Exercise and Youth Cover A Lot Of Sins.

When we are young and will be much movement, many bad habits that can contribute to problems printing overlooked earlier. Everyone is getting older and bad habits die hard. You can expect to have to deal with high blood pressure finally. If you do not have it now, be vigilant, check with your doctor and look out for "blood pressure" creep "as you age.

If all this sounds serious, it is. Hypertension is one of the least known or harmful conditions, which we are confronted with our health, but not discouraged. All of the above techniques also proved to keep your blood pressure in healthy limits. Implement as many of them as you can.

Do not be a statistic, you will get your pressure under control now!


By Steve, A "former" high blood pressure sufferer.
Don't wait until you blow a gasket! - Get help Naturally


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Steve_Ingram


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Natural Cures For High Blood Pressure


High blood pressure affects more than 50 percent of adults over the age of 60. In a recent high blood pressure remedy report, results indicated that a low fat near vegetarian diet could reduce readings noticeably in a matter of eight weeks. This particular diet created specifically to lower blood pressure naturally included 8 to 10 servings of fruits and vegetables every day.

There are several effective natural cures for high blood pressure. Using diet to lower blood pressure naturally is the first step in the battle against hypertension.

Eating foods that are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids is beneficial for a healthy heart. Salmon is probably one of the most well known sources for omega 3 fatty acids Eating cold water fish like salmon even twice a week can have a dramatic effect on your readings.

A less familiar source of omega three fatty acids is Chia seed. The native Americans referred to Chia as the running seed. By chewing on Chia seed while hunting, the hunter was literally able to run and hunt all day without any other source of nutrition. Chia actually contains more Omega three than salmon and is easy to combine with cereals, yogurts, and salad dressings in your daily meals. Chia is one of the little known natural cures for high blood pressure.

Reducing your salt intake is another easy way to lower blood pressure naturally. Stay away from junk food and processed foods which can contain high levels of hidden salt.

In the latest high blood pressure remedy report, patients eating just three or four stalks of celery a day lowered readings substantially in just a few weeks. Chinese herbalist have always recommended both celery seed and stalks as two important hypertension home remedies.

If you replace lemon juice used in both cooking and tea with lemon peel, you have discovered perhaps one of the easiest natural cures for high blood pressure. Lemon peel contains flavonoids that are a time proven blood pressure remedy.

One of my favorite hypertension home remedies is what I call my herbal remedy soup. Combine onions, garlic, purslane, Maitake mushrooms, and Kaffir potatoes in a large pot. Add water and simmer for 10 minutes. Season to taste and keep in the refrigerator for your daily dose.

When considering natural cures for high blood pressure, do not overlook the potential in your spice rack. Tumeric is an Indian spice that gives the curry blends their yellow color. In a recent study of herbal hypertension remedies, patients who took a daily dose of Tumeric extract saw their cholesterol drop by 29%.

Combining the power of herbal hypertension remedies with a balanced diet and regular exercise can significantly lower blood pressure naturally and ultimately lead you to a healthier lifestyle.

Autor: Julian A Wilson

Fitness trainer who combines exercise, herbal remedies, and diet for healthy living. http://www.seosourceinfo.com

Added: October 1, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/