Hypertension, most commonly referred to as "high blood pressure", HTN or HPN, is a medical condition in which the blood pressure is chronically elevated. It was previously referred to as arterial hypertension, but in current usage, the word "hypertension" without a qualifier normally refers to arterial hypertension.

Home Treatment For High Blood Pressure


If you feel a nagging pain at the back of your head, difficulty breathing, and a sudden yet recurring dizzy spell, you could be a very high blood pressure. A diet is high in saturated and trans fatty acids and sodium is linked to increased cases of high blood pressure. Smoking and stress also contribute to too much above the normal blood pressure, and a lifestyle that lacks any kind of physical activity.

One effective and scientifically proven home remedy for high blood pressure is garlic. Eating garlic has been found to important blood pressure and cholesterol-lowering compounds that are helpful in maintaining better health. This spice can go beyond more flavor and kick to your food, it offers a whole range of health benefits as well. Sulfides, stemming from the garlic responsibility for the maintenance of blood pressure at a decent level. Sulfides come from the compound allicin, which are usually released, as the garlic is crushed or chewed. The selenium compounds on the other hand, the normalization of the effects on blood.

Vitamin C rich fruits such as oranges are also very effective in reducing blood pressure levels in the course of several days, especially two to three days. Another fruit that is rich in vitamin C is the papaya. These fiber-rich fruits wonder, the physical system to release toxins faster, so that the lighter feeling. Drink plenty of water also helps in the treatment of high blood pressure as they flush the toxins, including excess salt from the body. It is known as a high-salt diet promotes higher pressure, and with much fluid intake toxins are eliminated effective. Do not forget that exercise and stop smoking as much as possible. High blood pressure can be monitored and treated naturally without the unnecessary expenditure.

Some other good remedies for high blood pressure, you can easily on their own at home:

1 A well-known remedy for high blood pressure is to eat, 2 garlic cloves a day to keep your blood pressure normal and to prevent them from rising.

2 Mix honey, milk and garlic and drink.

3 Green tea is known as an effective means to reduce the lead and blood pressure.

4 Daily exercise is very important for the well being of the body and can also help with hypertension.

5th Eat a spoonful of honey every day.

6th Fresh papayas are also very effective. Do you eat daily.

7th Oatmeal is also a good treatment of hypertension.

8th Water is good for the body and can treat many illnesses. Drink 8-10 cups of water everyday.

Talk to your doctor and decide what is the best therapy for you, but with the treatment that the doctor you, you should also talk to him about how to live life better and healthier. Living healthier life meaning: Eating right, do some sports activities, not to smoke, not drink, and only listen to your body and needs.

When you do, and with the right treatment, you should really feel the difference.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_Klein


Doctor Charles Triay: What is high blood pressure? Can you die from stress?


VideoJug: High Blood Pressure


High Blood Pressure - Natural Solutions To Improve Your Life Expectancy


High blood pressure is a widespread problem, as we age, but this does not mean we should accept it as normal.

Often known as "the silent killer," hypertension (high blood pressure) is the reason why many people do not live as long as they should expect.

High blood pressure is due to the narrowing of the arteries, making it difficult for the heart to pump blood around the body.

When the blood can not flow freely in all parts of the body tissues suffer from some lack of oxygen results aging.

In increases in addition to accelerated aging process, there may be matters of heart and kidney disease. The shock can result in early death.

With high blood pressure a vicious circle developed - the heart must work harder to pump blood into the body, and the resulting increased pressure caused further hardening of the arteries. This further hardship brings more burden on the heart, as it tries to regelmaige blood supply to all parts of the body. And so on ....

Avoid the risk that food can lead to high blood pressure (eg salt, caffeine, sugar and refined grains) and you improve your chances of life longer.

Other important steps you can protect yourself against high blood pressure include the reduction of Stress in your life and enough regelmaige sleep.

Essential fats (polyunsaturated) and fish oils for the conservation of better health. Garlic also reduces blood pressure naturally.

Exercise (in moderation) is a great way to lower blood pressure. There are many other benefits - such as improved muscle tone, reduced body fat, increased energy prices and generally positive outlook on life (which reduces stress) .

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Steven_Henderson


Help For Blood Pressure



Diuretics Can Lower Blood Pressure


Diuretics are a kind of drugs are used, so that both women and men, reducing their blood pressure. Diuretics serve different functions, as well, and are in fact isolated by the body in some diseases such as diabetes. Certain foods have diuretic effect, namely coffee, tea and alcohol and the body loses more than what is actually taken, if a product contains these foods - hence the name diuretics.

Diuresis is the process when the kidneys create overcapacity urine of results in a person urinating more to lose and additional liquid. Some diuretics inhibit the kidneys from reabsorbing sodium and more is lost through the urine. Other diuretics lead to more sodium chloride and distributed, while some block the substitution of sodium-potassium (so-called potassium-sparing diuretics). These types of diuretics are of patients with heart disease and potassium is an important electrolyte in the heart of the electrical conduction.

Diuretics lowers blood pressure by removing any additional liquid, is in the blood and supports the heart of his less to pump blood through the body . It is a very delicate balance to reduce the extra liquid and not lead to dehydration in the same time.

A many patients suffering from congestive heart failure additional difficulties in retaining fluid and diuretics lower blood pressure in these patients by the correction of an existing problem in their systems - Doctors and patients have to strike a balance between too little and too much and patients with diuretic drugs should be fluid balance by weighing every morning. Fluid weight and so when patients retain more fluid increases their weight and even if they are dehydrated to reduce their weight, without a change in their diet. This situation signals a serious complication that a doctor should be the counter immediately.

Over diuretics are not common because of the potential for abuse and subsequent threats, although it is a diuretic, frequently cited by women for fluid retention during menstruation. Some people mistakenly believe that water weight loss is the same as the actual body weight loss and diuretics to achieve weight loss is extremely dangerous (it often causes the body to hold excess liquid, while the drugs can damage the kidneys.

Diuretics to high blood pressure problems are usually much more than that obtained over the counter and is monitored by a physician, will examine how much liquid is in a patient and how much is lost through the use of diuretics decrease any negative impact on the Fluid retention and kidneys.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bob_Cotto


Treating High Blood Pressure Without Drugs


A Many people talk about high blood pressure to ask whether there is a way to treat high blood pressure, without drugs. In most cases, a doctor if they ask, the answer is no. I would like to say that there is a way that you treat high blood pressure, without drugs. You can create a drug free life. You can keep your energy and blood pressure down to the same reason time.

The you do not listen to another option to treat high blood pressure is because the doctors want the money for all the drugs you buy. Do not let them deceive you no longer. Natural treatments have always returned to work to get blood pressure under control and to keep them under control.

Things that you may not know is that things like eat more chocolate can help lower your blood pressure. Or eat more nuts in your diet can help your blood pressure. If you know what to do, your blood pressure under control and to keep them under control, without the use of drugs.

Some People who have high blood pressure automatically think it is because they are overweight. While obesity can be a factor for your high BP, you can still make your blood pressure to normal levels, while you are in the process of weight loss. Do not let everyone tell you that you do not have normal blood pressure, just because you are overweight.

There are tons of side effects associated with high blood pressure medication. I want you to know that the treatment of high blood pressure, without drugs is possible and you can get rid of all of the side effects that you currently being used by drugs such as alpha-and beta-blockers. Get your life and energy back once again. Have the opportunity to go outside and things normally again without feeling tired all time.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lidia_Johnson

Alternative Treatment For High Blood Pressure - A Healing Solution


High blood pressure has the ability unconscious, life uncomfortable, if not monitored or controlled. In most cases, for most people the disease only by medication. There are many factors that may lead to high blood pressure, medical experts focused on the identification and promotion of alternative treatment of high blood pressure to control not only the problem, but they heal all together.

Alternative treatment is designed to Treatments or practices that are an alternative to conventional treatments or drugs. The unconventional approach to treatment of any disease is usually based on unscientific beliefs or philosophies.

Specifically, the treatments or medicines are developed new approaches to the strategic maneuvers to conventional attack conditions or diseases. Furthermore, the new approach to the controls, or perhaps curing high blood pressure covers a wide range of healing philosophies and therapies. The overarching goal for the control of hypertension with alternative treatments to manipulate the very source of disease.

Experts use of high blood pressure alternative treatments to identify and combat what is considered the source of generalized high blood pressure, stress. Because stress causes high blood pressure, it was the tradition to recommend a variety of techniques to alleviate the stress in your daily routine. These techniques are often self-induced resources to help an individual relax as soft music, breathing exercises, hiking, nature of the treatments etc.

This parallels this logic, by focusing on providing relief to patients through meditation. Medical experts advise that alternative treatment is a safe and efficient use of meditation, more so than natural or drug-related treatments.

It also teaches victims of high blood pressure effective methods of meditation. More information on the treatment allows compounding and comprehensive hours of meditation thus reinforced relief from high blood pressure. The patient begins to feel more peaceful, ultimately releasing any kind of stress or condition.

The stimulant treatment is primarily to assist the patient to achieve a state of equilibrium. Alternative for the treatment of high blood pressure has a proven record of success. Not only has the process successfully improved the lives of high blood pressure victims, but also a miracle cure anxious patients, increasing their lifespan.

Thus, a great advantage of alternative treatment, without a doubt is the fact that there is no distinctive diagnose hypertension necessary nor It is resistant to the intensive stages of the disease effectively.


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alvin_Hopkinson


Why High Cholesterol Is Deadly


Cholesterol is made in your liver and the ingestion of food you eat on a daily basis. It is a kind of fat is known as a lipid and your body uses the lipid for many things, including cell generation. Typically, your cholesterol levels to a point in life, until you reach an age of about fifty. When you reach the age when you are not healthy enough to eat, then you begin to notice the blockage of the arteries to your is the cause of high cholesterol. The process of clogging your arteries, if often slow, and this makes it difficult to notice them until age. If your doctor check-ups, you can notice the question much quicker. High cholesterol is caused from many things and many things can be done to prevent. It is also a major cause of stroke and heart attack deaths worldwide.

When clog your arteries start to make the blood usually has a clear path to travel begins to experience trouble with flowing around the body and causes blood is not enough to achieve the physical fabric. One of the main problems is that the arteries can not supply blood to the heart is the reason why many people die from high cholesterol and also the reason why the two leading causes of death are stroke and heart attack. If the blood can not reach the heart of the heart can no longer function, which causes shutdown.

The symptoms of high cholesterol are usually hard to find, because normally you do not feel any anomalies during your arteries are clogging. Normally do not notice until it becomes a serious problem of the treatment makes the problem much more difficult. You should visit a doctor and have often done checks from the age of forty years, so you have any problems quickly and treatment. The sooner you notice the most health problems, the better the chance for the cure of the problem and high cholesterol levels fall within this category.

There are three different forms of cholesterol and not all forms are good for you. You need a couple of cholesterol in you, but you have only the amounts. The three types of cholesterol are low-density lipoprotein, high density lipoprotein and triglycerides. The only good kind of cholesterol for the body is the high density lipoproteins, that is because it is much more protein then fat. The other two forms of cholesterol are not good for you and in large quantities is what causes heart attacks happen.

You to get high cholesterol from a number of different things, including poor nutrition, obesity, age and family. Not correct to eat is the main problem and leading reason why people have high cholesterol, but also a hereditary disease, if your family is known for its high cholesterol then you are vulnerable to even with the same problem. The exercise also helps to burn fats and keep your weight, this is one of the other popular ways to prevent high cholesterol levels as it typically appears in overweight people more than average Grae people.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Brenda_Williams


High Blood Pressure Home Remedies


Hypertension could be treated in a number of possibilities. One of them is through the use of high blood pressure home remedies, the remedies that you can do to the comfort of your home.

There are several ways to treat high blood pressure. Normally, if you are diagnosed with the condition, your doctor before you were some medications together with some Do's and Don'ts. However, there are some high blood pressure at home remedies that you could do with your medication.

Lifestyle could change your first step in the treatment of high blood pressure in your home. This does not really require you to move from one person to another, all it takes is for you to reduce your stress. By just happy and learning to control your emotions, especially your anger, you can lower it.

Another in the list of best dietary measures at home. By simply selecting the correct food to eat and not knowing what to eat could already make major changes at the level of your blood pressure.

Other leisure activities could also lower your hypertension. In addition to participation in fun, but not strenuous sport, with a PET and spend time with your pet is a great activity for rest and calm down. After an active lifestyle is a must. This might help your heart and weight gain. You can also have other benefits of exercise, such as the ability to detoxify your body's waste products.

There are much more other high blood pressure home remedies, you can use without a lot of money. All this can be found in special reports and eBooks About hypertension that are easy to download from the Internet!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Charlene_Nuble


Nintendo Wii Fit May Help Reduce Hypertension in Families


The Nintendo Wii Fit. Have each of us as a promotion for a house fitness program for high blood pressure patients? The game is a hit, and it's already sold out retailers throughout the country, to demonstrate that the people enjoy this kind of interactive fun with family or friends, despite the negative critics reviews.

I can `t understand their harsh criticism? Are not we all taking this too serious, if all it really is a bit of fun and games, but with the added incentive, a little more active. In our world of violence, sex and hatred, a tame game as the Nintendo Wii Fit is a welcome video game that brings a bit of cyber fresh air. Save the biting criticism for the violent and demonic video games.

Games as the Wii Fit encourages time with the family is healthier than no time at all, and may even kickstart a closer relationship, fuelling the flames of desire to engage in other Outdoor family recreation.

Young people into the ranks of hypertension. For example, a study of U.S. teenagers with an average age of 13.5 years showed that after the initial screening 19% had high blood pressure. But the numbers are similar across the line. I speak of children from infancy to their teens.

As we live in this era of video, games like these may be one of the most effective ways to train them to the back to physical fitness in recreation.

A large number of the adult population as well is in some way cut off and isolated at home from the outside world. The lack of physical activity as a result of this banal lifestyle, tends to be a number one cause of health problems such as high blood pressure and heart disease. Nintendo Wii Fit can play, it `s contribution some, if not all, to break without the sedentary way of life as it's suitable for all age groups, and big things often begin small, they have not?

Top fitness trainer tried it out and sporting a light hearted look at the game, even recommended, as it is a very good personal trainer. It has very useful functions such as the control Your Body Mass Index, measuring body fat based on your Korpergrae and weight, and your age to fit, all based on the standards adopted by the World Health Organization and the National Institutes of Health. That is all very useful things if you want to contribute to high blood pressure with resistance and aerobic exercises.

True, not all exercises are to burn the calories or do much muscle build-up, but remember, it must promote fun stick - ability. So all in all its other thumbs-up, and the legs, as I search for new ways to keep people interested in to keep fit, reduce high blood pressure pressure.

Copyright 2008

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jamesina_Goulbourne


Reducing High Blood Pressure With Vitamins - Four Nutrients That Will Save Your Life


In addition to the prescribed medication, it is extremely useful to help your home blood pressure. Hypertension is clearly dangerous and potentially fatal. Consequently, anyone from this disease would be encouraged to research information on reducing high blood pressure with vitamins. Medical research and studies undertaken by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) indicates that certain vitamins are guaranteed to lower your blood pressure.

Eating law simply by choosing a good diet is essential for people with high blood pressure . The dietary guidelines recommended by the U.S. departments of Agriculture and Health and Human Services combat factors, in connection with high blood pressure. The aim is to minimise the unhealthy living habits, harmful to your health and may shorten your life. Here is a list of productive USDA approved vitamin supplements that are effective against high blood pressure pressure.

potassium : This is a vitamin, which is to prevent and control high blood pressure. Be sure to eat foods that are much potassium. Food, are a good source of potassium are fruit, vegetables, dairy foods and fish. Special foods are apricots, bananas, beets, oranges, plums, milk or skim fat, baked potato (Flesh & skin), cooked spinach, fish and winter squash.

calcium : These vitamins /minerals added a powerful antihypertensive element. It is an important nutrient for the general good health. It is recommended that one gram of calcium daily. Food, are a good source of calcium are dairy products such as milk, yoghurt and cheese. To maintain a healthy body weight, but be sure to consume skim or lowfat varieties. Foods with a high calcium include raw broccoli, salmon, cooked beets and greens tofu.

magnesium : magnesium deficiency could be potentially dangerous for the suffering of hypertension. As a factual, the vitamin level is extremely low in the hypertension patients. Therefore, it is recommended that you eat plenty of food, this nutrient. It is possible, the daily supplement of 400mg daily. Recommended food source for magnesium is beans, okra, broccoli, spinach, croaker and nuts/seeds.

vitamin C : This dietary supplement is important for controlling high blood pressure. If the serum levels of vitamin C is low, blood pressure rises. It is not yet determined, however, if this is a result of eating habits or a direct effect Hypertension.

The the key to reducing high blood pressure with vitamins to eat a variety of foods that actually the nutrients, fiber and vitamins, is Indeed, to reduce elevated pressure. Basically, you should be an essential vitamin or mineral formula to your diet and supplement it with food supplements daily.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alvin_Hopkinson


High Blood Pressure Help - Why You Should Throw Away Your Hypertension Medication


The best advice I can to help high blood pressure, you should throw away your high blood pressure medication! But let me first tell me before you throw away your expensive high blood pressure pills. As a natural health expert, I tell my clients these three things about hypertension medication.

First off because your taking medication to lower your high blood pressure, you probably know that they are expensive. Above all, because everything else is on the rise with the current gasoline prices. It is of course cheaper to treat this disease than to buy drugs. Secondly, high blood pressure is one of the easiest, but deadly, diseases to heal naturally! And thirdly, if you were the drugs for more than 6 months, it could be a wise idea to wean off the drug before you throw them.

The Truth About High Blood Pressure Medication

This years alone more than 60 million people in the United States were diagnosed with high blood pressure. Unfortunately, sometimes fatal, most of these patients were recommended hypertension harmful drugs for the treatment of the "silent killer". And even more unfortunately, these patients will be the rest of their meds life.

However, currently a committee of government, officials of the lower measuring standards for "normal" blood pressure. What does this mean for us? The result will be that millions of patients, the "normal" pressure will now fall into "pre-hypertension" stage.

And they can do this, because high blood pressure is the "silent killer" which means that there is simply no side -- Effects. The first signs of hypertension is a heart attack. Therefore, many people who take medication and are content with "normal" blood pressure. They are still at risk of high blood pressure and possibly a heart attack.

Secondly, high blood pressure medication is addictive. The body is heavily dependent on it over a longer period. With this said, you can wean itself off the medication in a few months and pressure.

Thirdly naturally treat high blood pressure, high blood pressure medication is also ladened with side effects. Regardless of medications you are taking (regardless of whether your body has adapted to the side-effects or not), you might think back and consider the small side effects that plague your body. And unfortunately, we have to accept the side effects, because we 'think' We need the medication to live!

We not for 3 reasons!

Harvard research shows Truth About High Blood Pressure Cure

A recent Harvard research project showed that it is possible to completely cure hypertension naturally with 3 high blood pressure tips. You can help high blood pressure by changes such as weight loss, increase your activity and proper nutrition diet plan (an addition to vitamins and supplements) .

With the current research, scientists have found that our bodies are equipped with an internal intelligence allows the body to heal naturally (if the right tools) .

For example, according to research published in 1995 in the Archives of Internal Medicine, lowered diastolic blood pressure of only 2 mm Hg would lead to a 6% reduction in the risk of Herzkranzgefae disease and a 15% reduction in the risk of stroke and transient ischaemic attacks.

And You can do this single-hand with your diet! Imagine what you can do if you have some breathing exercises and the correct vitamins.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joe_Barton


Can You Recognize High Blood Pressure By Its Symptoms?


High blood pressure is one of the most common health problems in the developed world. It is also one of the most mysterious. In fact, it is often called the silent killer for his ability to strike killed (in the most extreme cases) without any prior symptoms at all. But more often than not, people suffering from high blood pressure have a subtle symptoms, but they often ignore it as something not serious. Therefore, they can not see a doctor who had diagnosed the condition slightly, with the most basic checkup.

It is therefore a good idea to pay attention to any signs of high blood pressure and take them seriously. But how can one determine that they actually suffer from elevated blood pressure? What are the symptoms to look out for?

1 Headache

Headaches may indicate high blood pressure, but because they also be due to many other things such as stress or fear many people do not take seriously, even if sometimes headache extremely painful.

Most the early warning signs of high blood pressure, as Headache, can be easily associated with the condition: Think of the old headache television commercials show a header between a vice ... that high blood pressure!

2 Fatigue, dizziness or confusion

How hypertension could cause these symptoms? Again, think of the physiology. If you and your quick rise to narrow Blutgefae (a common feature of high blood pressure), you can not sufficient blood to your brain, so that the dizziness. Confusion relating causes.

3 Blurred vision

A related symptom, which often enter an earlier tip-off as blurred vision, sensitivity or tenderness to touch the eye. This is because high blood pressure increases the pressure in the eyes. This may be sensitive to touch and at a later date, slight distortion of the eyeball due to pressure can actually affect your vision.

4 Noise or sums in the ears

This by internal pressure in the ears in a similar manner as that which causes vision disturbances.

5 Chest pain and /or nose bleeds

These final symptoms are obvious and alarming. You should consider them advanced warning signs that your blood pressure can seriously increased. Do you see a doctor promptly.

All these symptoms can be many different causes, not just high blood pressure, and many of them are harmless, but it is always better to be safe than sorry. This is especially true when you begin to notice more than just one or two. The more symptoms you have, the stronger the image, which begins at emerge.

Even if you have only a vague symptom or an internal suspicion that you have high blood pressure is useful at least to a pharmacy to have your blood pressure checked. And do not forget that it is true that most cases of high blood pressure show no symptoms at all. This is another reason for regelmaige checkups. If left untreated hypertension can lead to other serious health problems and even sudden death in extreme cases.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jan_Oliver