Hypertension, most commonly referred to as "high blood pressure", HTN or HPN, is a medical condition in which the blood pressure is chronically elevated. It was previously referred to as arterial hypertension, but in current usage, the word "hypertension" without a qualifier normally refers to arterial hypertension.

What Causes High Blood Pressure? - Learn and Avoid High Blood Pressure Risks to Lead a Healthy Life


Do you know what are the causes of high blood pressure. Did you know that by learning about the causes and corrective measures can greatly reduce the risks associated with this condition?

In this article I will list the most common causes for this condition also often called the "silent killer, which allow you lead a healthy life.

One of the main causes for this condition is sodium in the body. Increased intake of sodium primarily in the form of salt is known to increase the pressure on. Due to the slow and systematic reduction of salt intake in the diet can be a big difference in the high blood pressure readings. Remember not to cut in order Salt, however, because it is essential for our bodies, they simply kept to an absolute minimum.

If you are older you may be a risk for the development hypertension.Aging is not in our hands, but regular check-ups, to the pressure level is completely in our hands. Remember, if this condition is diagnosed early, you can ensure it easier.


The weight is also known as a contribution to this state, and this can sometimes undue pressure on the kidneys which in some cases to kidney failure. Therefore, people who are under high pressure is often recommended to us by some of their weight by using some form of light exercise. Thinning will be very useful not only for this condition for the general well-being.

Some people are more prone to hypertension, as it runs in the family. For these people, it is highly recommended to the precautionary measures at the earliest opportunity and a great way is by using a regular monitoring of pressure levels in either a clinic or at home with a blood pressure monitor.

Also remember mental or emotional stress is known to have a significant influence on the pressure levels. So try to avoid any form of stress as far as possible.


The Most Important thing is to remember that ignoring your blood pressure and not taking corrective steps to control your high blood-pressure can put you at an increased risk of premature death, stroke or heart attack.

Now that you know high blood pressure causes, you need to start immediately and take steps to keep your high blood pressure under control ideally with natural methods which have proven to be far more effective with no side effects as is the case with drugs.

Act now and discover the proven natural 3 step Blood Pressure Truth Success System to reduce your high blood pressure by visiting http://natural-ways-to-lower-bloodpressure.blogspot.com/2009/04/loweryourbloodpressurenaturallybloodpre.html

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Shwetha_Nathan


Foods That Lower Blood Pressure Naturally


Certain foods have an inherent characteristic, which helps lower blood pressure (BP) in patients with hypertension. The best thing about these foods is that everything that is positive in them, as far as catering food for the body.

The food components that contribute to high blood pressure are those who are rich in saturated fatty acids, triglycerides and cholesterol. The following foods and may increase the BP, since it easily into the above-mentioned parts.


skimmed skimmed milk provides 2 major components to your body, boost your health. Milk contains calcium strengthens bones. It also contains vitamin D. These 2 ingredients together, contribute to your BP by around 3% to 10% in terms of statistics, it is not much, but the advantage is that it helps scale cardiovascular disease by up to 15% .

foods with magnesium and potassium

sunflower seeds, spinach, beans, and are abundant in magnesium. Magnesium is an important part in the fight against high BP, because it helps in compliance, and lower blood pressure. There are other foods rich in potassium, such as pecans, almonds, beans, and cashews.

These foods help the electrolyte balance in the body and helps indirectly in your BP. Other foods in substantial amounts of potassium are asparagus, grapes, melon and oranges.

Chicken Chicken

legs are rich in collagen and contains 4 different types of protein. Collagen as a leading ACE inhibitor. The consequence is that there is less production of angiotensin II, which is a stimulant BP.


This is something that everyone loves to eat. However, dark chocolate is good for you. It is recommended to eat a portion, of approximately 30 calories. It has been medically established that dark chocolate in these amounts, helps BP. Also, it does not increase your weight and no other known adverse effects on your body.


One note on the chicken, don't add salt to it. If you do, salt will counteract the lowering of BP. If you would like many more natural ways to lower your BP, visit http://www.bloodpressuresafety.com

You will learn all you need to learn about BP and you will also learn how you can lower blood pressure naturally.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Oscar_Orihuela


Symptoms and Causes of High Blood Pressure Can Be Reversed Through Proper Awareness


Knowing the symptoms of hypertension and its causes are the best tools we have to avoid this. We can determine its debilitating effects, if we know their causes before the symptoms instead.

The common symptoms of high blood pressure, which is about 90 percent of hypertension cases come from essential hypertension. Essential hypertension is obesity, heredity, lack of exercise and poor diet as examples.

Other symptoms may consist of secondary hypertension that is a byproduct of illnesses such as adrenal tumors, kidney disease or narrowing of the aorta, just to name a few. Secondary hypertension for about 10 percent of hypertension cases.

As the "silent killer" of a total of approximately 50 million Americans, 30 million have been diagnosed with high blood pressure due to lack of education. The remaining 20 million are only about the situation if they have a doctor for medical check-up, such as stroke, heart attack, insurance or health-related problems.

Normally, the rise in blood pressure takes place gradually until the body manifests the ongoing changes. However, if the diastolic blood pressure or the lower pressure of the heart of the pump chamber, 70 years in a given day, rising to 105 on the following day, one or more of the following symptoms are experienced:

1. Headaches that occur during the morning

2. Ceaseless muffled sound in the ears

3. Dizzy spells

4. Impulsive bleeding nose

5. Unfounded depression or stress

6. Blurred and blur the vision

7. Unexplained red face

8. Temporary loss of consciousness or "blacking out

With reference to the causes, it is usually the accumulation of many factors over the years, like:

1. Beer, on trends and use of alcohol

2. Disproportion or imbalance in the dietary fat

3. Excessive salt and low sodium-potassium balance

4. Excessive body weight or obesity

5. Genetic or hereditary factor deficiency

6. Too much insulin in the body

7. Poor nutrition

8. Sedentary way of life through lack of exercise

9. Too much pressure or stress

10.Having a type "A", or always on the tip

Regarding the high blood pressure, you should also reverse or change the diet and lifestyle. By consciously, chances are that they have a positive impact of around 85 percent. During the remaining 15 percent can be treated with the use of medicines.

As a rule, the reduction and eventual treatment of high blood pressure are on the measures undertaken. Even better would be to know the symptoms and causes to help in the prevention of IT.


Alvin Hopkinson is a leading health researcher in the area of natural remedies and high blood pressure treatment. Discover how you can get rid of your high blood pressure for good using proven and effective home remedies, all without using harmful medications or drugs. Visit his site now at http://www.minusbloodpressure.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alvin_Hopkinson


Sodium and Potassium Imbalance Can Cause Hypertension


people develop high blood pressure or high blood pressure for several reasons. It may be in the genes, or due to a kidney disease and stress factors. The most common causes are, however, due to the source, by a too high salt in our body. Excessive salt intake leads to an imbalance between sodium and potassium that causes high blood pressure in our body.

excessive salt is fairly easy to understand, but, as sodium and potassium imbalance caused high blood pressure seems a little complicated.

As of sodium and potassium imbalance causes hypertension

Sodium and potassium are two important nutrients electrolyte that the body responsible for the proper use of nerve function, energy, cell renewal, and many other bodily functions.

salt, whose chemical composition is sodium chloride, is the main source of sodium. It is like sodium and chloride in the body of metabolic processes. Water, not distilled and salt so that water is also a source of sodium and chloride ions.

Our body cells are said fluids, which consist of several minerals, the sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium and chloride. As studies in science have already established, there must be a proper balance between the minerals sodium and potassium, in every cell, the body's cells to function.

Some of the important cellular functions attributed to sodium and potassium balance are:

• The production of acid and digestive enzymes to the food, the energy for the body;

• To respond to the nerve impulse in terms of reactions to external factors such as heat, cold or pain felt by the body;

• To change the heart or cardiovascular system to function properly;

Any lack of sodium or potassium not to be life threatening issues, but no serious disturbances or disproportionate to the amount of potassium to sodium, often creates complications for heart attack.

imbalance results from potassium or sodium deficiency, but mainly due to high sodium. Potassium deficiency on the other hand, result from unhealthy diets.

If it is too much sodium in the body fluids, the kidneys perform its natural role of excreting or undesirable substances such as sodium. However, if the amount of sodium by the kidneys is excreted via the kidneys of normal capacity, the problem will now arise.

In the vicinity of the kidney is a vascular system or liquid, the vessels, the excessive sodium and constrict or close the blood when the kidneys slow the absorption of sodium leads. The circulatory system is closed to the blood pressure near the kidneys, a push or force, the products of the kidney, the excess sodium.

This is a natural process, it is not a normal occurrence and can cause the blood pressure rises to a dangerous level, if they will not be addressed in due time. It can be remedied by increasing fluid intake, so that the kidneys may have enough water to excrete sodium. The sodium excretion has been resolved, but it is now the elevated blood pressure that needs to be treated.

The issue of elevated blood pressure control on the other side can be solved by using methods diuretic. The kidney has a lot of water to the excretion of sodium from the system. To view the kidneys in the production of more urine, a diuretic substance in the hand, the kidneys, more urine is recommended by the doctor.

However, diuretics may also cause the kidneys to excrete potassium, so the doctor a potassium supplement to the possible occurrence of sodium-potassium imbalance on.

This allows the body naturally control blood pressure by drinking more water and the substances in the food, the process of diuretics and worry about the renewal of lost potassium. This prevents then sodium and potassium imbalance that can lead to hypertension.


Alvin Hopkinson is a leading health researcher in the area of natural remedies and high blood pressure treatment. Discover how you can get rid of your high blood pressure for good using proven and effective home remedies, all without using harmful medications or drugs. Visit his site now at http://www.minusbloodpressure.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alvin_Hopkinson


Cutting Down on Alcohol - Some Health Reasons Why It's Worth Considering


Like most things in life, alcohol is a double-edged sword. The health benefits have long been known. Even the Bible mentions the good effects of alcohol consumption. Moderate drinking may ward off many diseases such as hypertension, heart attack, stroke, and a number of other health problems. But note: It is moderate.

On the other hand, can enjoy a variety of health problems. Anyone who has ever drank too much and a hangover the next day will attest to this. The accompanying headache, nausea and vomiting are not at all fun. Sometimes, this trio is accompanied by a fourth symptom: physical pain. It's kind of like the three musketeers and D'Artagnan Buddy. Fortunately, hangovers are a temporary effect of excessive alcohol consumption. Time and sufficient sleep, these effects dissipate.

There is, however, longer-lasting effects. For one thing, too much alcohol consistently and you will gain in importance. Alcohol has many calories. And yes, it is true. Drink too much beer will give you a beer belly. Not very attractive. But this is not the real problem. Excessive weight gain can lead to health problems like high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes.

excessive consumption of alcohol over a longer period of time makes you a higher risk for developing cancer. Alcohol is not a carcinogen, but the International Agency for Research on Cancer has sufficient evidence that alcohol may be a carcinogenic effect. Two to four percent of all cancers are directly or indirectly in connection with excessive alcohol consumption. And it is definitely a co-carcinogen, ie it enhances the carcinogenic effect of other substances in the body. For example, if you smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol, the alcohol, the negative effects of nicotine in the body.

Liver disease is a common side effect of excessive consumption of alcoholic. It can lead to three types of liver conditions - fatty liver, hepatitis, and cirrhosis. You see, the liver can only be used with a certain amount of alcohol per day. Go over this amount and the liver is stressed, its normal function disabled.

Other possible disorders of excessive alcohol consumption can lead to stomach disorders, pancreatitis, damage to nerve tissue, depression, anxiety, impotence, damage to fetuses, and alcoholic addiction. In addition, if you drink too much alcohol to weaken the immune system, allowing you more susceptible to colds, flu, viruses or whatever around. Plus alcohol is closely associated with an increased risk of fatal accidents. Nothing is worse impact on health as a fatal accident.

"But what about all the health benefits you mentioned at the beginning of this article?" You can ask. Yes, of course, the real. I was not that up. But remember that the benefits of moderate consumption. What is moderate to translate? Well, in the U.S., that would be one drink per day for a woman or two drinks for a man. UK standards for two to three units of alcohol per day for women, and three to four units for men. If you consistently hold this level, you will do yourself a favor. The thing is, the tendency is most cultures is to encourage excessive alcohol consumption.

So a good insight into your habits of consumption. You do not give up alcohol, but to consider whether a cut is something that would be an advantage for you. Find out your current situation.


Perhaps you just need to decrease your drinking to safer levels. Then again, your situation may be such that you require more drastic measures. Whatever the case, there is help available. You only need to decide to take it. If you would like to free yourself from a dependence on alcohol, visit http://drinkingsensibly.blogspot.com/ .

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=E._Avila


The Victim Syndrome - Why Obesity, Hypertension, High Cholesterol Is Never Your Fault


friends asked me to a party of Rotisserie chicken from a fast food restaurant in the upscale class. I am not an avid gourmet chicken or a frequent shopper at fast food places, and when I went there I did not know I was hungry. Anyway, if I have to think so, I suddenly realized that I have not eaten all day, and the smell of fried chicken was simply overwhelming. Since I am a big order and everything is fresh, I had to wait a little while. I spent the time studying patrons. There were some transients like me, but when their language, most of them seemed to be regular visitors. Your orders are different, but what they seemed to have been together all the weight around the middle of the fuselage, and about one third of them looked 12 months pregnant. Needless to mention, including the largest servings ordered, and the first.

In contrast, there was a family with two children, all slim, smile and look good, sitting at a table and said grace before eating slowly, talk and laugh and have fun. They cleaned everything and nothing behind it.

The question seems almost superfluous: Who has the food from the food industry?

So I decided to include my observations on people through an airport terminal, and categorize it by weight. It proved to be unnecessary, because it was right at the statistics: 2 of 3 people displayed an obvious need to lose weight, and 1 of the 2 had to adapt their size to increase very significantly to the obesity category. It is not surprising that airport terminals are the home of great junk-food chains, the people stand in line as if they were the food away, and people stood in line are usually not the slim be.

recalls the legendary "obedience to authority" Stanley Milgram " Milgram Experiment " of 1961, which says that as long as you have a higher order, you are not for your action, even if they add pain and suffering - the scene seems to be the "victim syndrome": "Because there is no other food is available, I have to eat, therefore I am not responsible for my on weight and health effects. "The fact that the victim of a majority creates a very strong alliance of commiserates, this is where the natural regulatory mechanism in society, no more and the abnormal is the default. This neologism, then creates a new reality: the overweight to the mainstream and obesity to normal, I'm consistently pitied, because I am a perfect weight (depending on the text books), and everyone is pressing me to eat more than I can cope.

By the way, some people argued that the Milgram experiment was flawed, at this time, and obedience would be significantly lower today. For this reason, Santa Clara University Professor Jerry M. Burger replicated the study in 2006, with minor amendments, the Ethics Commission. The results were sobering: 70% (compared to 79% in the 1961-experiment) the subjects were ready to administer (simulated) painful electric shocks while they were asked to do so by authority figures. It was particularly revealing that, contrary to expectations, the participants "to inflict severe pain," even if they witnessed a rejection of the Confederate experimenter instructions. Men and women participants 20 to 81 years, including all ethnic backgrounds and educational levels, do not differ in terms of their obedience. The studies from the original Milgram experiment through its later variants still the "Burger experiment show clearly how the herd-human behavior, ready to do what we say, even if it hurts others, as long as we can justify our actions: "I 'm just following orders" covers. Milgram (1974) argues that the key to obedience had little to do with the Authority of the manner or the way that people would follow orders from an authority that they are legitimate. Our culture Socializer individuals to obey authority, such as police officers or government agencies like the FDA, FTC, EPA, USDA, SEC, and others, and we always put their mind-slaves and the victims of their authority.

Unfortunately, the victim's Syndrome far beyond the bulging waistline. Let's take a look at the not atypical case of a high level for a Fortune 500 company: How is it possible that a highly educated individual scaled up to the top Echelon in the hundreds of employees, but does not take responsibility for his own health? Worse, he lies down lightly on the orders of a person in a white coat, and is very obedient swallowing what medicine he or she is told, for the years after years of no improvement and no measurable results. In no case, and in any case, would he or she is a behavior as for the company, he or she speak, challenge questions, and the validity of a resolution in front of him. If a minor seller deliver promises, but no results, year after year - not that the person to be fired? Of course! In addition, the company would get a manager to accept every piece of sketchy information as fact without testing?

course, this is the case Manager is not unique, but symbolic, and there are millions of patients in the American health care systems, which behave in the same way. We see very strong, the people, who seem to magically remove its own system the minute they hospital. There are men who were in command for the best part of her life and they all listen to them, but if they were taken with an illness, she morphed into a turtle. At the time when doctors are tradesmen who with healing, the patient had to follow. The patient had no other choice than to the doctor when he was the knowledge and the patients do not have access to resources. Unfortunately, we seem to have missed that things are different now, when the Doctors "is the first prescription pad, and the medication does alter some functions in the body that will inevitably lead to side effects that may be worse than the symptom they thought getting rid of. Now there is no justification to continue with the role of the victim, as everyone has access to the same print and online resources, such as the doctor. It follows that if we have a drug, we should first find out how this drug functions in the body. It is conceivable that there was not a drug, that the inhibition of organ functions, the more important to us than those of the drug is supposed to solve.

Schauspiel victims are paying the high price of exploitation by the industry that the phenomenon and on the prey: 30% of sick Americans report that their doctor does not discuss or review all the medications they had in the past two years, according to reports from National Coalition for the health care (nchc.org), while the average for each visit to a doctor of the Department results in more than two drug prescriptions (after cdc.gov website), and - interestingly - the most commonly prescribed type of drug is Antidepressants! There is an additional reward for the step from the victim role: Your own research actually lead the cause of the problem, because only you know your history. The drug is only the symptom remedy, at best, but learning about the cause - delivers the powerful wisdom, responsibility for own health.


" Foodture We Trust ", Food for body and soul in times of stress, Heinz R. Gisel, Xulon Press, March 2009. ISBN 978-1-60791-265-1

beliefs and the "victim" syndrome; Gwen Nyhus Stewart, Gwen's Healing Garden www.gwenshealinggarden.cath Access on 30 December 2008.

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services and the National Institutes of Health statistics for the period 2001-2004 Status: 2 /3 of the U.S. population is overweight and 1 /3 is obese.

" The Milgram Experiment, a lesson in depravity The Power Of Authority" and "Peer Pressure", online and "obedience to authority, An Experimental View, Stanley Milgram, Perennial Classics, Nov. 2004.
Replicating Milgram
; Would the people still follow today? Jerry M. Burger, Santa Clara University. 19. December 2008. American Psychological Association journal, APA.

Related Read at: http://www.vitalityconcepts.com/


Heinz R Gisel is a Personal Nutritional Concepts and Medical Devices Innovator, based in San Diego and Tokyo. He is the Founder of Vitality Concepts Corporation and Doctors 4 Vitality Clinics, LLC. He developed a a clinical, non-invasive analysis system that can detect disease before any symptoms occur, without radiation. He believes that Nutrients belong into food and beverages and not capsules and pills and he holds global patents on nutritional deficiencies and formulation concepts.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Heinz_Gisel


Easily Available High Blood Pressure Remedies



High blood pressure (hypertension) is quite common in today's hectic life. American Heart Association says that about 35 percent of adults in the United States of America have hypertension. However, only about one third of the persons concerned that they have hypertension, since it is a silent disease. There are various high blood pressure remedies available in the market.

What are the high blood pressure remedies available to you

You can easily control high blood pressure by your lifestyle or something remedial. If hypertension is left untreated, it will be a life-threatening risks such as heart lay, brain hemorrhage, kidney disease, stroke, and vision loss. Therefore, you must correct the high blood pressure remedies.

Fish-liver oil

Several clinical studies show that fish-liver oil have certain implications for the control of high blood pressure. The component DHA (docohexaenoic acid) used in fish-liver oil believed to reduce the risk of high blood pressure.


Folic acid is a B-vitamin is important for cell growth, reproduction, and the formation of red blood cell corpuscle (RBC). In addition, it appears to reduce hypertension in some cases perhaps from abridging elevated homocysteine levels.

garlic (bulbs of Allium sativum)

Various hypertension research concluded that garlic supplements seem to control mild hypertension. However, you must charge only after consultation with certified physicians, such as garlic has the ability to reduce the clotting of blood. Alternatively, you can chew a clove of garlic when you first time in the morning and after a few minutes, wash the mouth with fresh water.

hawthorn (Crataegus sp.)

Hawthorn is a shrub belongs to the plant family Rosaceae. Herbal doctors this herb for the treatment of high blood pressure. You can consume 0.04 oz Hagedorn infusion per day. The herb is safe to use, there can be no side effects.

papaya (fruit of Carica papaya)

On a daily basis, eat 16-18-oz peeled and cut into slices of papaya fruit on an empty stomach and do not consume what is needed for the next 120 minutes. If you use this regularly, you can control hypertension effectively.

poppy (seeds of Papaver somniferum)

Take 3.5 oz of Poppy, powder of seeds, and save the powdered poppy seeds in a clean and dry container. Consume a teaspoon of poppy seeds powder with water in the morning and evening.


In addition to the above-mentioned high blood pressure remedies, there are a few tips that will help you get rid of hypertension. Reduce smoking and alcohol consumption, if possible, stop it. Keep your weight under control, has some weight loss exercises. In addition, you can use other physical exercises regularly. Try to make a controlled and balanced diet. Avoid using oily foods.


Peter Hill is a writer and public speaker. He runs an informational website with articles, video's and practical step-by-step Natural High Blood Pressure Remedies. For a free report that shows how anyone can easily lower their BP down to 120/80 with out using risky drugs be sure to visit the High Blood Pressure Remedies website.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Peter_Hill


Excessive Sugar Intakes Can Also Cause High Blood Pressure


According to the statistics, most adults consume about 130 pounds of sugar per year, which corresponds to 6 ounces glass full of sugar. Sugar than most of us are not aware, are not found only in rich or sugar-sweetened foods, but also hidden in processed foods.

Therefore, when most food we eat regularly, such as bread, meats and desserts containing sugar, drinking one 8-oz soft drinks is about another 7 teaspoons of sugar.

It has been medically established that excessive insulin production, the incidence of high blood pressure. The occurrence, then we must make our consumption of sugar-rich foods to prevent high blood pressure. Further, it simply shows that the quality of our intake has a lot to do, the occurrence of hypertension.

The carbohydrates that we often eat such as rice or noodles contain sugar in its simplest form as glucose, while fruits are sweetened with a simple sugar known as fructose. It is our excessive intake of glucose, which tends to increase our blood sugar, because it arranges the pancreas to produce more insulin, as a natural process.

Too much glucose is too much insulin, more than the kidney is in a position to state in its normal processes. This then triggers the start of another problem, which is high blood pressure.

As intake of sugar leads to high blood pressure

glucose the brain needs to function. Therefore, it is not recommended for the prevention of glucose, but to totally avoid, sources of glucose, which is not part of a complex food such as carbohydrates.

The intake of sweets, sugar-rich foods and sweets or sugar rich soft drinks reached intestine immediately. This then causes an immediate reaction of the pancreas to produce insulin.

As a normal metabolic reactions, sodium will be resumed by the blood to a high proportion compared to other minerals in our blood cells. Excessive sodium content is now high blood pressure.

To prevent insulin production in response to sugar Intakes

glucose should be derived as part of a complex food such as carbohydrates, to give time for the digestion, the food, so let glucose into the bloodstream gradually, without that a massive response to insulin production.

Another possibility for curbing the insulin production is to eat foods that are rich in fiber. Fiber has the ability to bind fat, cholesterol, simple sugars and also bile acids, while in the process of digestion. Therefore, the digestion will be able to breakdown these other components of the diet, whereas in fibers and in the blood only at a gradual pace.

Taking all these into account, high-fiber diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, grains, and cereals are the best diet plan to reduce cholesterol and blood sugar levels. This then prevents excessive intake of sugar to cause high blood pressure.

The above discussion has given us a plausible explanation of why proper nutrition can help us, if not prevent the treatment of hypertension and other diseases.


Alvin Hopkinson is a leading health researcher in the area of natural remedies and high blood pressure treatment. Discover how you can get rid of your high blood pressure for good using proven and effective home remedies, all without using harmful medications or drugs. Visit his site now at http://www.minusbloodpressure.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alvin_Hopkinson