Hypertension, most commonly referred to as "high blood pressure", HTN or HPN, is a medical condition in which the blood pressure is chronically elevated. It was previously referred to as arterial hypertension, but in current usage, the word "hypertension" without a qualifier normally refers to arterial hypertension.

What Causes High Blood Pressure? - Learn and Avoid High Blood Pressure Risks to Lead a Healthy Life


Do you know what are the causes of high blood pressure. Did you know that by learning about the causes and corrective measures can greatly reduce the risks associated with this condition?

In this article I will list the most common causes for this condition also often called the "silent killer, which allow you lead a healthy life.

One of the main causes for this condition is sodium in the body. Increased intake of sodium primarily in the form of salt is known to increase the pressure on. Due to the slow and systematic reduction of salt intake in the diet can be a big difference in the high blood pressure readings. Remember not to cut in order Salt, however, because it is essential for our bodies, they simply kept to an absolute minimum.

If you are older you may be a risk for the development hypertension.Aging is not in our hands, but regular check-ups, to the pressure level is completely in our hands. Remember, if this condition is diagnosed early, you can ensure it easier.


The weight is also known as a contribution to this state, and this can sometimes undue pressure on the kidneys which in some cases to kidney failure. Therefore, people who are under high pressure is often recommended to us by some of their weight by using some form of light exercise. Thinning will be very useful not only for this condition for the general well-being.

Some people are more prone to hypertension, as it runs in the family. For these people, it is highly recommended to the precautionary measures at the earliest opportunity and a great way is by using a regular monitoring of pressure levels in either a clinic or at home with a blood pressure monitor.

Also remember mental or emotional stress is known to have a significant influence on the pressure levels. So try to avoid any form of stress as far as possible.


The Most Important thing is to remember that ignoring your blood pressure and not taking corrective steps to control your high blood-pressure can put you at an increased risk of premature death, stroke or heart attack.

Now that you know high blood pressure causes, you need to start immediately and take steps to keep your high blood pressure under control ideally with natural methods which have proven to be far more effective with no side effects as is the case with drugs.

Act now and discover the proven natural 3 step Blood Pressure Truth Success System to reduce your high blood pressure by visiting http://natural-ways-to-lower-bloodpressure.blogspot.com/2009/04/loweryourbloodpressurenaturallybloodpre.html

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Shwetha_Nathan

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