Hypertension, most commonly referred to as "high blood pressure", HTN or HPN, is a medical condition in which the blood pressure is chronically elevated. It was previously referred to as arterial hypertension, but in current usage, the word "hypertension" without a qualifier normally refers to arterial hypertension.

Sodium and Potassium Imbalance Can Cause Hypertension


people develop high blood pressure or high blood pressure for several reasons. It may be in the genes, or due to a kidney disease and stress factors. The most common causes are, however, due to the source, by a too high salt in our body. Excessive salt intake leads to an imbalance between sodium and potassium that causes high blood pressure in our body.

excessive salt is fairly easy to understand, but, as sodium and potassium imbalance caused high blood pressure seems a little complicated.

As of sodium and potassium imbalance causes hypertension

Sodium and potassium are two important nutrients electrolyte that the body responsible for the proper use of nerve function, energy, cell renewal, and many other bodily functions.

salt, whose chemical composition is sodium chloride, is the main source of sodium. It is like sodium and chloride in the body of metabolic processes. Water, not distilled and salt so that water is also a source of sodium and chloride ions.

Our body cells are said fluids, which consist of several minerals, the sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium and chloride. As studies in science have already established, there must be a proper balance between the minerals sodium and potassium, in every cell, the body's cells to function.

Some of the important cellular functions attributed to sodium and potassium balance are:

• The production of acid and digestive enzymes to the food, the energy for the body;

• To respond to the nerve impulse in terms of reactions to external factors such as heat, cold or pain felt by the body;

• To change the heart or cardiovascular system to function properly;

Any lack of sodium or potassium not to be life threatening issues, but no serious disturbances or disproportionate to the amount of potassium to sodium, often creates complications for heart attack.

imbalance results from potassium or sodium deficiency, but mainly due to high sodium. Potassium deficiency on the other hand, result from unhealthy diets.

If it is too much sodium in the body fluids, the kidneys perform its natural role of excreting or undesirable substances such as sodium. However, if the amount of sodium by the kidneys is excreted via the kidneys of normal capacity, the problem will now arise.

In the vicinity of the kidney is a vascular system or liquid, the vessels, the excessive sodium and constrict or close the blood when the kidneys slow the absorption of sodium leads. The circulatory system is closed to the blood pressure near the kidneys, a push or force, the products of the kidney, the excess sodium.

This is a natural process, it is not a normal occurrence and can cause the blood pressure rises to a dangerous level, if they will not be addressed in due time. It can be remedied by increasing fluid intake, so that the kidneys may have enough water to excrete sodium. The sodium excretion has been resolved, but it is now the elevated blood pressure that needs to be treated.

The issue of elevated blood pressure control on the other side can be solved by using methods diuretic. The kidney has a lot of water to the excretion of sodium from the system. To view the kidneys in the production of more urine, a diuretic substance in the hand, the kidneys, more urine is recommended by the doctor.

However, diuretics may also cause the kidneys to excrete potassium, so the doctor a potassium supplement to the possible occurrence of sodium-potassium imbalance on.

This allows the body naturally control blood pressure by drinking more water and the substances in the food, the process of diuretics and worry about the renewal of lost potassium. This prevents then sodium and potassium imbalance that can lead to hypertension.


Alvin Hopkinson is a leading health researcher in the area of natural remedies and high blood pressure treatment. Discover how you can get rid of your high blood pressure for good using proven and effective home remedies, all without using harmful medications or drugs. Visit his site now at http://www.minusbloodpressure.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alvin_Hopkinson

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