Hypertension, most commonly referred to as "high blood pressure", HTN or HPN, is a medical condition in which the blood pressure is chronically elevated. It was previously referred to as arterial hypertension, but in current usage, the word "hypertension" without a qualifier normally refers to arterial hypertension.

Why High Cholesterol Is Deadly


Cholesterol is made in your liver and the ingestion of food you eat on a daily basis. It is a kind of fat is known as a lipid and your body uses the lipid for many things, including cell generation. Typically, your cholesterol levels to a point in life, until you reach an age of about fifty. When you reach the age when you are not healthy enough to eat, then you begin to notice the blockage of the arteries to your is the cause of high cholesterol. The process of clogging your arteries, if often slow, and this makes it difficult to notice them until age. If your doctor check-ups, you can notice the question much quicker. High cholesterol is caused from many things and many things can be done to prevent. It is also a major cause of stroke and heart attack deaths worldwide.

When clog your arteries start to make the blood usually has a clear path to travel begins to experience trouble with flowing around the body and causes blood is not enough to achieve the physical fabric. One of the main problems is that the arteries can not supply blood to the heart is the reason why many people die from high cholesterol and also the reason why the two leading causes of death are stroke and heart attack. If the blood can not reach the heart of the heart can no longer function, which causes shutdown.

The symptoms of high cholesterol are usually hard to find, because normally you do not feel any anomalies during your arteries are clogging. Normally do not notice until it becomes a serious problem of the treatment makes the problem much more difficult. You should visit a doctor and have often done checks from the age of forty years, so you have any problems quickly and treatment. The sooner you notice the most health problems, the better the chance for the cure of the problem and high cholesterol levels fall within this category.

There are three different forms of cholesterol and not all forms are good for you. You need a couple of cholesterol in you, but you have only the amounts. The three types of cholesterol are low-density lipoprotein, high density lipoprotein and triglycerides. The only good kind of cholesterol for the body is the high density lipoproteins, that is because it is much more protein then fat. The other two forms of cholesterol are not good for you and in large quantities is what causes heart attacks happen.

You to get high cholesterol from a number of different things, including poor nutrition, obesity, age and family. Not correct to eat is the main problem and leading reason why people have high cholesterol, but also a hereditary disease, if your family is known for its high cholesterol then you are vulnerable to even with the same problem. The exercise also helps to burn fats and keep your weight, this is one of the other popular ways to prevent high cholesterol levels as it typically appears in overweight people more than average Grae people.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Brenda_Williams

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