Hypertension, most commonly referred to as "high blood pressure", HTN or HPN, is a medical condition in which the blood pressure is chronically elevated. It was previously referred to as arterial hypertension, but in current usage, the word "hypertension" without a qualifier normally refers to arterial hypertension.

Understanding Hypertension - What Causes High Blood Pressure


high blood pressure or hypertension is the condition in which the walls of the arteries is again given too much pressure as the blood and is pumped from the heart. It is a common health condition in adults. However, there are cases of young people and children who have this condition. So, what causes high blood pressure? Read on to find out.

There are two major classification of hypertension according to the cause. The first type is the primary high blood pressure and the second type is referred to as a secondary means. Primary hypertension is also known as essential hypertension. It is the general term for high blood pressure, in which cases the cause is not clear and not with other diseases such as kidney and sleep disorders. The secondary, on the other hand, the classification of hypertension, resulting from a given situation as experienced adverse reactions to drugs or other complications of the diseases caused by the patient.

While the direct cause of primary hypertension are not yet determined, experts agree that enable multiple factors contributing to this condition. Below are some of the risk factors leading to high blood pressure:

Age . The risk increases as people grow older increasingly less elastic in the arteries and less effective in controlling the blood tend to rise.

Family History . Persons who are nationals with hypertension are more likely to develop the same health condition.

exercise . Exercise strengthens the heart and aid in the proper circulation of blood. A sedentary person is more susceptible to any disease such as hypertension.

stress . Miss Stress management is to have negative consequences. In a study by a group of researchers from the University of Texas conducted suggested that the methods will be air traffic controllers to deal with stress, have a great impact by the risk of them with hypertension in the future.

Smoking . Smoking results in a lack of oxygen in the blood so the heart pumps faster thereby increasing blood pressure.

Alcohol Intake . In one study, researchers found that regular drinkers have higher systolic blood pressure than people who do not drink.

frequent intake of salty food . There are studies that show that the companies accustomed to a less salty diet high blood pressure have only a few cases.

after a high fat diet . Saturated fats often found in animal foods are usually sources of "bad" cholesterol, that the chances that this disease may increase.

are experienced for secondary hypertension, other diseases from one patient as the most likely causes. A frequent cause is the contraction of the arteries that supply blood to the kidneys. It is a so-called renal artery stenosis, which occurs when a tissue deposits on the arterial wall. Another cause is hyperaldosteronism, a condition where it takes an excessive production of the hormone aldosterone to the retention of sodium and release of potassium from the body. Taking drugs is another cause, since some drugs, the effect of an increase in blood pressure. Other causes are caffeine intake, thyroid disease and the constriction or narrowing of the aorta.


If you suffer from this condition you can visit http://www.treating-hypertension.com to learn more about of the causes of hypertension.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mary_Ponce

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