Hypertension, most commonly referred to as "high blood pressure", HTN or HPN, is a medical condition in which the blood pressure is chronically elevated. It was previously referred to as arterial hypertension, but in current usage, the word "hypertension" without a qualifier normally refers to arterial hypertension.

How To Prevent and Identify Hypertension


Don't ignore hypertension too long or your life is at stake. Once you begin to notice symptoms associated with high blood pressure, you should do something soon. Hypertension is known that work still in the background, destroy your cardiovascular health.

Are You at Risk of Hypertension?

There are many factors that cause people to develop and acquire high blood pressure, but perhaps the most common cause is an unhealthy diet. A diet that is full of fatty substances, oily and salty food is very responsible for the occurrence of high blood pressure at individuals.

If You want to stay on high blood pressure, watch your weight can contribute to better health. People who are not interested in exercising and keeping fit are also candidates for the acquisition of high blood pressure pressure.

For In short, people who are very offensive, what they eat and those who do not exert effort to stay fit and healthy are those who are vulnerable to high blood pressure. Once a person is hypertension, he or she can be a little difficult to reduce and stabilize the blood pressure once again.

prevention of high blood pressure

As a famous line is that prevention is better than cure. As already mentioned, once a person is diagnosed have high and unstable blood pressure, it is a bit difficult to reduce and stabilize the blood pressure once again.

There are things in our lives that are so easy to understand, but for some reason, we do not , to better plan. That is very true when it comes with a healthy diet. Growing up, I always heard that "vegetables are good for you." How many of us actually eat enough vegetables on a regelmaigen basis? Meat makes us a higher risk than eating vegetables. Although the elimination of meat from our diet may be hard, or at least reduce your intake. Anyone can do this if the firm decision to do so. Fatty and a high-cholesterol foods should be eaten in moderation, because they are the ones who are mainly trigger the start of the hypertension.

Excercising can help, transport, reduce body fat and reduce your chances of hypertension. Do you smoke or drink? Cutting the bad habits will contribute to the risk than well.

Is there a treatment for high blood pressure?

Do You already have high blood pressure? There are things you can do to promote a healthy heart. While the doctors of the rule chemicals to reduce your blood pressure, you can use either natural complement to find precautionary measure to preserve the healthy blood pressure ranges, or after a naturheilkundlichen doctor can give you advice on dealing with hypertension.

Nowadays, most people opt to choose The natural and alternative method for the treatment of high blood pressure, because they do not really want to undergo drug addiction or side effects. Medical studies have shown that natural herbs can be used to promote cardiovascular health.

In financial statements in accordance with plain old common advice will help you. Eating right, excercising, and managing your mental health can be a long way.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michael_Bollinger


Hypertension Natural Treatment - High Blood Pressure Herbal Treatments


Here is the best advice you hear today, "Throw away your high blood pressure medication and begin a natural high blood pressure treatment, which is proven as effective diuretics." In fact, you can avoid actually all side effects and lower your high blood pressure points from 20% in less than 2 weeks.

And if you are a skeptic, you should know that your idea of medicine was molded parts of western medicine. But the truth about the most treatments is that you do not need to synthetic drugs cured of a disease. If so, humanity would have never made it to 21 century.

Why Consider a High Blood Pressure holistic treatment

Though eastern medicine is often a taboo, you might be surprised that modern research is now proving the validity of many natural treatments. If fact that some measures have been used for thousands of years are as effective as some medications, which pharmacists.

But one thing natural treatments not offer bills are expensive, that cost a quarter of your paycheck and side - effects. In fact, if you have a natural treatment of high blood pressure, you will not have to do with each HBP medication side effects, for example: drainage of the body of nutrients, leading to low cholesterol, accelerate your heart rate, headache, nausea and weight gain!

And talking about weight gain, many of our customers have lost up to 30-50 pounds because of our natural hypertension treatment.

5 High Blood Pressure herbal and holistic treatment tips

1 Folic acid- folic acid, found in green leafy vegetables and many enriched food, reduces homocysteine in the blood. Homocysteine is a risk factor for heart disease and higher levels leave a higher risk of heart problems. By consuming 400 micrograms per day, you can reduce your chance of high blood pressure of 40% .

2 Vitamin C- A 500-milligram supplement of vitamin C was found to reduce blood pressure by about nine percent. This is much higher than the recommended daily amount of 60 milligrams per day, but it is safe to take vitamin C in high doses.

3 Vitamin E- This vitamin will help break up blood clots, improve blood circulation, strengthen the heart-sensitive high blood pressure. The RDA is 10 milligrams per day, but it is certainly more to take. Nuts, corn, apples and dark greens are good sources of vitamin E. A good supplement pill should d-alpha-tocopherol.

4 Fish- It is obvious the Chinese were to something with a diet high in fish. Studies show that fish, also known as omega-3 fatty acid, is very helpful to protect the heart-sensitive high blood pressure. In most cases, diet rich in fish oil are usually promote a healthy blood pressure. Find a quality fish oil supplement to a health food market.

5 Vinegar- vinegar has been in place since the earth Jesus, and there is a reason why it is so popular. Apple cider vinegar contains vitamins C, A, E, B1, B2 and B6, in addition to potassium, magnesium, copper and many other useful nutrients. Most of these vitamins and minerals has been shown to reduce hypertension.

We recommend mixing two tablespoons of the apple vinegar with 8 ounces of water and a little honey to make for the taste!

Start Your Natural Remedy treatment Today!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joe_Barton


Create This Simple Blood Pressure Log


Monitoring your high or low blood pressure on a daily basis and the maintenance of blood pressure, a simple protocol is an excellent opportunity to protect themselves from the results of an abnormal blood pressure. The numbers can be used to a chart showing how it stretches over a longer period of time. You can create your own blood pressure at home with a home monitoring unit in most pharmacies. Keep a chart of your readings and take it to your doctor for your next office should visit.

You a chart with the following columns.

Date : - Of course, this is the date on which you Blood has Pressure.

Time : - It is important that your blood pressure at least two times a day. Make sure bin or pm.

Systolischer : - this is the beginning of reading and is usually graer than the bottom reading. You want this number to less than 120.

Diastolic - that is the lower reading and is usually smaller than the top reading. They should be below that number 80.

Pulse : - Record the number of strokes over 60 seconds if your monitor does not provide you with this information. Make sure the doctor know the time for this measurement.

remarks : - you should indicate how you feel (when you are not feeling good), how long it was since you ate, etc .

This chart should be given a period of at least one week. You should wait at least 30 minutes after meals before taking your readings. You should also wait more than 2 hours if you had caffeine to your meal. Caffeine has a tendency to cause your pressure, increased slightly for a short time. You should also wait at least 30 minutes after a stressful situation, before a reading.

If you or your doctor suspects you may have high blood pressure, you should understand the simple task of creating a log file. From this log your doctor can determine what steps you have to take to lower your blood pressure.

Lowering your blood pressure control and in a safe level is not always to do with the use of drugs. You can change your level within the normal range of course. You can find out how to do it, obviously, http://www.bp-normal.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michelle_Travis


Amazing Minerals That Fight High Blood Pressure


If you suffer from high blood pressure right now, you might not know that there are certain minerals, which can help lower your blood pressure in a short time. They are:

Essential fatty acids (EFAs)

There are 2 types of EFAs, as Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. Our food contains enough omega-6 fatty acids in nuts, grains, oils and vegetables. But we will probably deficiencies in the omega-3 fatty acids, which are primarily in cold-water fish such as salmon and mackerel, as well as in flaxseed. It is the omega-3s that most offer protection against hypertension.

How can omega-3 fatty acids prevention and treatment of high blood pressure? First, it makes cholesterol and triglycerides. Secondly, it can promote the production of a hazardous substance, an abnormal blood clotting, which increase the risk of attacks and heat strokes.

Because your body can not manufacture these essential nutrients, it must come from external sources. It is recommended to eat three to four ounces of cold-water fish such as salmon, herring, mackerel or two or three times a week or consume one or two tablespoons or fresh, unprocessed, unheated linseed oil daily. (It is a great salad dressing.) However, the easiest way to ensure that you have enough omega-3 fatty acids, the supplementation with fish oil capsules, less than 1000 mg twice day.

Coenzyme Q10

Every cell in your body contains coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10). It is involved in the production of energy in each active site. From the research is that people who have high blood pressure are 39% lower CoQ10 compared with CoQ10 in the normal people. Most doctors still do not know why this low level of coenzyme Q10 is associated with cardiovascular disease. CoQ10 has tremendous clinical benefit in the treatment of high blood pressure and congestive hearth failure. If you have high blood pressure, it is recommended that CoQ10 in a dose of 180 milligrams per day to200. Be patient, it can handle four to twelve weeks, before the effects of CoQ10 are noticed.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joe_Steven


Symptoms Of High Blood Pressure - This Could Save Your Life


Symptoms high blood pressure, headache, dizziness, blurred vision, pounding in the ears, a slow or rapid heart beat, nervousness and lack of sexual desire. This is by far not a complete list, but is the most common symptoms doctors see today. These are generally ignored by the people, but it is always advisable to control your blood pressure on a daily basis have been experiencing, if each of them on a regelmaige basis.

Heart attack, stroke, eye damage and visual disturbances are just some of the damage they can cause. It is important that if you have experienced any symptoms, your doctor immediately. To develop heart, because the heart is "overloaded" and can not have oxygen, what he is capable of. This is known as the "ischemia" - or a lack of oxygen to the heart or brain.

You may also experience shortness of breath. Shortness of breath in people with high blood pressure is usually a result of being obese. On the other hand, if your blood pressure is rising out of control, or has curiously without any change in medication, respiratory distress, then the symptom of early heart failure. Shortness of breath - a feeling out of breath during physical activity routinemaigen - is usually the first symptom people notice. When walking up a flight of stairs takes your breath away, it could mean that you have emphysema (but it is also a symptom of heart disease and some types of cancer) .

hypertension, or high blood pressure, is considered a modern day disease, this cause heart disease and stroke. Once symptoms are evident, the correct treatment should be sought immediately. Hypertension, if untreated, it can cause the heart to vergraern because of the increased power required to pump blood against the greater resistance in the vessels. It is often called the "silent killer". It affects nearly 50 million Americans.

If you believe that you have any of these symptoms of high blood pressure, you should immediately check. Your doctor will usually have come in a few times to check whether your pressure and run some simple tests. You may also be asked to bring it on a daily basis for a few weeks before reporting back to him.

Medications are generally not required until the doctor finds these symptoms are due to the high blood pressure. If you do not want the medication for the rest of your life, then you can use other options to reduce your blood pressure. These natural options can be only so effective. No matter what you decide, you have high blood pressure seriously.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michelle_Travis

Foods That Lower Blood Pressure - They Are Delicious!


Foods that lower blood pressure too low in sodium content. Some seafood, the high levels of salt should be avoided. Herbalists consider arginine significantly to the control of high blood pressure, the medical community still believes that most people produce what they need, and not support the addition. If someone has a fatty liver and slow healing wounds or hair loss, then they need to show more of this amino acid in their system. Salicin with herbs (such as aspirin compound) as willow, spirea, birch are also good sources. The infusion of these herbs with salicin offer a combination of compounds, which contribute substantially to the reduction of high blood pressure or hypertension.

Eating food, lower blood pressure does not have to be a kind of torture. In fact, if you have this kind of foods that are prepared right, they are really delicious. Eat too much chocolate and not to compensate by cutting other calories from your diet can cause you to gain weight. The extra weight can be detrimental to your heart health.

Natural allergy remedies are mostly herbal in nature, there are many herbs with antihistamine, decongestant and expectorant properties. Some of them are Nettle, butterbur, alfalfa, licorice, eucalyptus and red clover. Natural treatments are the best and safest option for high blood pressure. Above all, nutrition is the most important addition to thing.

In eat foods, low blood pressure, you should always monitor your pressure on a weekly basis. This will assure you always have the right amount of these natural foods and they work to make your heart in a safe condition. Always remember that you need to high blood pressure seriously.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michelle_Travis


Blood Pressure Is Raised by Belly (Visceral) Fat


One the possible consequences, a high level of abdominal fat, elevated blood pressure. Since two thirds of people over the age of 45 are either prehypertensive or high blood pressure, there are many people at a pressure increase is unhealthy. After many belly fat causes an inflammatory reaction. A part of the body is inflamed is that the lining of Blutgefaen, which in turn increased blood pressure.

Most people know that with a big belly, in combination with thin arms and legs is poor. Studies have shown that with a big belly is worse than excess weight, but the fat gleichmaig distributed.

So more what they have abdominal fat, is so bad? Belly, even visceral, fat is the kind of fat-round, we have our abdominal organs. We all have some visceral fat tissue. The other kind, which for us means subcutaneous. These two types of fat are not the same and have different characteristics. For example, they express different genes. Moreover, if there is a large amount of abdominal fat, many of macrophages found mixed in with the Big cells.

Macrophages are cells of the immune system, they play an important role in scavenging dead cells and mounting an immune response against bacteria and other pathogens. If they are active, macrophages, which a lot of substances that cause the immune system also inflammation.

When there is an increased amount of abdominal fat, the high number of active macrophages, which results in a high degree of inflammatory substances in of the entire body, including the blood. As a result, the whole body is at a low level of ongoing inflammation, including the layer of endothelial cells. This inflammation over time causes of endothelial dysfunction cells.

The unsachgemae endothelial cell function has several negative consequences, including the contraction of Blutgefae, making the inside of the vessels to narrow. If Blutgefae constrict blood pressure rises. Just think, if you only squeeze at the end of the hose to end the causes of the water to come, with more power at higher pressure. If you could squeeze the whole hose, the pressure will be higher in the entire length of hose.

In Summary: High fat stomach causing chronic inflammation. The constantly inflamed endothelial cells, which line Blutgefae fail to work properly. As a result of this dysfunction is narrowing the Blutgefae, an important contribution to higher blood pressure.

A big belly, if you already have high blood pressure may further increase blood pressure and more resistant to treatment. If you are prehypertensive or borderline hypertension, you may get pushed over the edge. Reduce waist size is another way to reduce blood pressure.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Judith_Airey


Foods That Lower Blood Pressure


The various causes, which may lead to blood pressure and the type of food that you intake. It is therefore very important that the foods low blood pressure in your diet. All you need to do is simply to eat. You do not need to go for a few special natural foods to lower high blood pressure. Few rules of the diet could very well help you with your blood pressure under control.

Remember that the food that is rich in minerals, low in saturated fats and fiber can help you significantly lower blood pressure. Try to avoid salt as much as possible. Although sodium is an important part of the daily diet, the increase in consumption could further aggravate the blood pressure values. Try to avoid fast food, red meat and other foods that are high in fat content.

The food, which you must try to avoid, cheese, canned food, snacks and salted meat processed. They must also fruits and vegetables, such as bananas, potatoes, avocados, tomato juice, grapefruit juice and acorn squash with a high potassium. They are useful in the fight against the state of high blood pressure. You can also use salt substitutes and eat calcium-rich foods such as green beans, sardines with bones, spinach, broccoli, tofu and low fat milk.

Sunflower navy beans and seeds are rich sources of magnesium, and highly recommended for the treatment of the condition of high blood pressure. It could also be an DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet for the control of blood pressure. A DASH diet plan would help you know what to eat at different times. You want to know about the food, you have to avoid, and it would help regulate your blood pressure through diet. Also be careful when eating. Go for low fat delicacies, and not succumb temptations.

You could also try some low-fat recipes at home and enjoy your food at its best while little offensive content. It is advisable to opt for boiled, steamed or fried food, instead of fried. Such foods has all the essential elements intact, while beneficial for health.

Fish is another great possibility that non vegetarians can for the patient. But do not go for the fried version. They could be slim and healthy fish species such as salmon. It is high in omega-3 fatty acids and is good to check your state of high blood pressure. But take it no more than twice a week, as it is a high mercury content. Also, the celery is a popular vegetable, often in salads and soups. It is not very good in taste, but it is certainly a boon for high blood pressure sufferers.

So, now do you know about the food, lower blood pressure, and you can easily make your pick. They must not forget that a little control over your diet you places in fighting back your high blood pressure levels.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Louis_T_Zhang


Vitamins That Fight High Blood Pressure


If you suffer from high blood pressure right now, the good news is you can get some vitamins to help your blood pressure in a short time. What kind of vitamins are fighting high blood pressure for you? These are:-

Vitamin C

Vitamin C protects your arteries and reduce the risk for heart disease and high blood pressure in different ways. First, it prevents the generation of free radicals, which damage artery walls. Secondly, it helps repair damage to the arteries and prevent the deposition of plaque on the site of injury. It also helps increase levels of HDL-cholesterol (good cholesterol) .

Several studies have found that blood levels of vitamin C are significantly lower than in patients with high blood pressure. Therefore, it is a good idea for people who have high blood pressure, vitamin C. It is recommended that a minimum of 2500 milligrams of vitamin C per day, if you hypertension.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is the active antioxidant fatty acids in the cells of the body . It reduces the risk of heart disease and high blood pressure by protecting your arteries from the effects of oxidized LDL cholesterol. From the research, it was found that men who have a daily intake of more than 30 international units of vitamin E had 37-percent reduction in heart and Gefakrankheiten. If you have high blood pressure or want to prevent that the high blood pressure, it is recommended that the 800 international units of natural vitamin E daily.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamins, such as vitamin E, works primarily in the lipid, fat or, tissues of the body. Vitamin A prevents LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) development of fever in your arteries. Vitamin A can be toxic in extremely high doses. If you have high blood pressure, it is recommended that the 5000 international units daily to protect against cardiovascular disease

People have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, low levels of vitamin A, vitamin E low, the risk for heart attack were up to 87 percent.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joe_Steven


Angiotensin Vaccine For High Blood Pressure?


A recent small study has shown that the injection of an angiotensin-II vaccine can be a very effective treatment for high blood pressure. This vaccine would be for a period of months and appears to control daily fluctuations in blood pressure better than pills.

Several effective drugs for the control of blood pressure on the renin-angiotensin system. This new vaccine is part of this system, the angiotensin-II protein. In blood, this protein caused Blutgefae to contract completion, and also increases the volume of the blood, both of blood, which increase pressure.

Uncontrolled High blood pressure is very common. Many do not know they have a problem. But for those who know that their increased pressure, it is often poorly controlled. Here are the two most common reasons for the poor control.

1. Many people do not take their drugs regularly. It is easy to forget the pills after prolonged ingestion of them for a while. This is particularly true for diseases such as high blood pressure, no symptoms, it is not the memory of the symptoms, the pills.

2. Even for those who take their medicines regularly, blood pressure may not be properly monitored throughout the day. It is customary for high blood pressure first thing in the morning.

The new vaccine would overcome both problems.

However, there are some potential problems with the vaccine. As with any vaccine against a protein that is naturally in the body, could be the potential for the development of auto-immunity, so that your body attacks itself. The renin-angiotensin system is necessary for the volume and salt balance in the body, so it may be difficult to control the dose of a vaccine, and ensure that the volume control is at least partly functional.

It will be interesting to see whether Graeren studies of the angiotensin-II vaccine works in the long term. If it is so, it will be a powerful and much-needed new approach to lowering blood pressure.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Judith_Airey


Control your BP


Hypertension is the most common chronic disease today, especially in the middle and old age groups. It is a major factor for the development of cardiovascular disease, stroke and kidney failure. The higher the systolic and diastolic pressure, the more graer the risk of coronary heart disease. A pressure from above shows 140/90mmHg and hypertension. Although the cause of essential hypertension is not known, factors such as heredity, obesity, stress and lifestyle. Reducing fat intake in the diet shows a significant reduction in the pressure. Regelmaige Also, a large intake of alcohol can lead to problems BP. Weight reduction and reducing sodium intake, together with the regelmaige walks for the 30-40mins per day, are most effective to lower the BP. Besides this, stopping smoking and alcohol consumption also have a significant effect.

Weight: each additional kilo meat means that much extra, by the blood to be pumped, and this raises the additional BP. Reducing your weight will definitely reduce BP. If your weight is normal, then make sure that you receive it. A low-calorie and low-fat diet with plenty of fresh fruit and salad is the key.

Brisk Walking: Going on a regular brisk walks or aerobic exercises are a must, as they improve blood circulation, reduce the weight and relieve depression. A 30-45mins walk is ideal.

If you are pressed for time, or you can have your normal walking time until at least 25mins later in the day or half-anhour after dinner. It increases HDL levels, the protection of the heart.

Salt: The main limitation of nutrition is a salt consumption. Restrict salt intake to prevent additional salt foods on the table, reduce the amount of salt in the kitchen and avoid the following foods on a regelmaigen basis - pappads, pickle, chutney, mixing, namkeen, chips, chaat, bakery because they contain, baking powder and soda. Cold storage of foods also have a lot of salt added preservatives.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Prasanth_Kumar


Blood Pressure Symptoms - Are Shallow Breathing and Chest Pressure Symptoms Of High Blood Pressure?


When I told my friend Brad about his anxiety and high blood pressure symptoms, I told him to visit his doctor. Although I am suffering from high blood pressure for several years and know that I am not the person to ask for advice. So Brad went to the doctor, and here is what he said.

Brad is not too old, only 31, but he is obese. He weighs 290 kg and is only 5'09. He has various symptoms, which makes him nervous. He fears that too high blood pressure and clogged arteries. He recently went on diets to lose weight, but the symptoms even worse.

Twice he got a day, the shallow breathing, a few hours and is noisy. He feels some pressure on his chest, followed by tingling in his face and arms. It is probably while they slept, the problems are only during day.

He is already some Remeron for depression since year, and wondered whether that has something to do with his symptoms. The doctor said that he was a man and that he is obese these two risk factors alone should be monitored. However, a heart or a problem would cause him too deep breath and a fast, and not shallow.

At his age, it is not too likely that clogged arteries who already dangerous. He told Brad to a echocardiogram, if he is really worried about. It costs about a thousand dollars. The doctor said that the symptoms could be from overbreathing Brad simple. Exhaling carbon dioxide too quickly makes the blood alkaline and the nerves tingle.

Since Brad taking medication for depression, anxiety is the doctor said he thought his Brad to observe and count their breaths per minute, to see if he is only overbreathing.

Of Of course, obesity is always bad for the blood pressure. The doctor told Brad to lose weight, if possible, to stop smoking, exercise and some regularly.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Venus_Morriady


Finding a Cures For High Blood Pressure


The disorder commonly known as high blood pressure occurs when a layer of increased tensions, as a result of the blood flow within those arteries. It is often also called hypertension. Lingering times of hypertension will seriously increase the likelihood for the development of cardiovascular diseases and the creation of outstanding potential for heart attacks or strokes. With this consideration in mind, it is extremely important that an appropriate measures for the treatment of these diseases and discover the cures for high blood pressure pressure.

The primary opinion extended by most doctors refer to your increasing your exercise level while maintaining an active lifestyle, Substantially reduce your high blood pressure at a manageable level. Short exercises such as short walks in on a daily basis can afford an effective means for the control of high blood pressure. Because of our static lifestyle of the threat to high blood pressure values is continuing to grow. We must develop the awareness, in our inactivity and sedentary activities, which greatly increased risks for heart related issues.

As most doctors will immediately relate our weight plays a role, especially in our potential hypertension. An obese individual will compel their hearts to work harder then needed to pump according to their blood for various parts of her body. This tends to raise the blood pressure levels significantly. The mere act of maintaining an appropriate weight level against high blood pressure in most people, even though the process of trimming those extra pounds may not be as easy as expected. In theory the process of escalating Their activities should effectively reduce your weight. You can differ as to keep fit tend to benefit in several ways one.

As then every pursuit of the agenda of your diet is working intensively with him to reduce your overall weight. Many elements that are currently in our daily diet contributes significantly to expand our blood pressure values. Development of appropriate control of our diets, not only sustains a reasonable blood pressure, but it also contributes to a lower cholesterol reading. They should struggle to avoid too much sodium as a high level of sodium tends to increase blood pressure levels. Therefore, it is centrally located, that a drastically cut back on the salt content in their food. A client note to note is that food in cans and frozen precooked packages are often high in saturated sodium content.

Supplementary article you can avoid ebermaigen are alcohol, caffeine and stimulants, and especially if you smoke - quit when Not smoking not start! One side note of interest on the drinking of alcohol is that the alcoholic beverage will initially lower blood pressure, however, when its effects wear off the blood pressure often leaps upward to an increase in blood pressure. Avoid all these substances are not a magic cure for the situation in relation to high blood pressure, however, you should ignore the notices tend to sabotage efforts by reducing your hypertension.

In short, the best way to combat high blood pressure, your passion is your family to visit a doctor. Hypertension can usually be created by a number of different motivations, and your family doctor can easily recognize many of these reasons, and you with instructions to lower your blood pressure to a safe and sound level. If you tried to follow our guidelines, which still here, and you have a high blood pressure problem, please see a doctor as soon as you can.

Copyright @ 2008 Joseph Paris

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joseph_Parish


Noise Exposure Increases Blood Pressure


Several studies have shown that the noise exposure increases the blood pressure. Both night noise and living conditions close to a busy street can cause particular increases.

The modern world is a very loud. For most of us, it is a constant exposure to sounds such as traffic and TV. In recent years there have been a number of studies to understand when this flood of noise has no effect on our health.

For people on busy roads, traffic noise is constant and very loud. A number of studies, which show that traffic noise exposure tended to have higher blood pressure than those with little exposure to noise. Moreover, those exposed to higher levels, by a street, especially busy, a house near the road, a house with very low noise protection, or even a bedroom, in the street next to the house often have graere increases in blood pressure .

Recent studies have dealt with people whose homes are located in the vicinity of airports. The finding was that the night-time exposure to aircraft noise tends to increase blood pressure. Also a comparison of the people who lived near an airport and those who are not found that those who lived near airports were more likely to take medication for hypertension.

There is an increase in blood pressure, also for the noise that is not cause Apparent awakening. The body senses the noise and it is a temporary rise in blood pressure. Studies have shown that sleep blood pressure greater indicator of cardiovascular risks than daytime blood pressure.

Other noise, especially at night, can lead to high blood pressure. A noise that many people are exposed to the snoring. The constant background sound of snoring itself can increase pressure, as well as sleep disturbance. Other frequent night noise can be described by a television in the bedroom. Disturbances of sleep, which has been shown to raise blood pressure during the day, can also by other sources such as barking dogs.

To try to keep low blood pressure, if possible nighttime noise, in particular, should be minimized. Possible solutions could earplugs, which replacing the windows with double - or triple-glazed windows and hang curtains and others with other sound deadening materials.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Judith_Airey


Controlling Hypertension with Vitamin Supplements


A few years ago, I was diagnosed with high blood pressure to 148/98. My doctor prescribed a high blood pressure medicine, but after a month, it was too low. I was out of medication, and my blood pressure rose again. I knew that it is an alternative method for maintaining a healthy pressure. I started a moderate training and healthy eating help, they have to a certain degree, but it was not consistent.

When remain in our rural home six years ago, we had a water softener installed because of the terribly difficult water supply. Was it possible that the salt from the softener was contributing to hypertension? A neighbor recommended that the installation of a reverse osmosis filter system to our drinking water, there is a big difference in his water. The problem with this cut was that it is the good stuff along with the bad stuff.

I learned that our body has the right amount of electrolytes in order to maintain a healthy blood pressure. Electrolytes are minerals sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium. I call it the iums. We need a certain amount of sodium, but we also need the right amount of other minerals, the sodium level is not used to high.

It taught that too much salt would eat or hypertension. According to Dr. McCarron, (contribution to healing with vitamins) "too much salt is not and has never been what jacks your blood pressure. The only problem is, how likely too little potassium, calcium and magnesium." Of course there are different views on the matter. A health professional should always be consulted before using a supplement, as some vitamins can have a negative effect on certain medications and health conditions. Too much of a supplement can also against another.

Under headed by my primary care physician, I have small doses of over-the-counter potassium and magnesium supplements to my daily regime. I was already 1200 mg. Liquid calcium , as prescribed to combat osteoporosis. more physically active has helped how incredibly good. now I am a healthy blood pressure and a healthy way of life. This does not mean that everyone should do. drug did not work for me, but I am very glad that I have this option to lower my blood pressure.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Anna_Hodges

Lower Blood Pressure Foods Can Help You Control Your Blood Pressure Naturally


If your blood pressure is too high, and you want it, you might want to see what you eat. Avoid foods that tend to increase BP, as those with saturated fats and trans fats. Instead, consider eating more of the foods that tend to lower your blood pressure.

There are several low blood pressure foods that you might want to consider:

* First: let's cut out a Some foods make Room!

Because their chemical composition and calories, fat plays an important role in weight gain and loss, and heart health. High cholesterol levels, especially LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol) can be directly affected by dietary fats, especially trans (hydrogenated) fat.

So avoid eating baked goods, fast-food products such as hamburgers and fries and pizza. Do not use a cooking oil with more than 14% saturated fat (2 grams per 14-gram spoon). They avoid baked goods and fast-food products, because the high saturated-fat oils are cheaper, delicate flavor and are preferred by commercial users.

Avoid animal fats, something with pork and fat that are not liquid at room temperature, such as lard or margarine It .

. That should create a vacuum in your diet. Now you can use the vacuum with lower blood pressure foods.

* Second , here are some low blood pressure foods that you could eat it instead:

potatoes contain chemicals that lower blood pressure. The Institute of Food Research says that the chemicals, called kukoamines, occur naturally in most popular potato. Researchers say boiling potatoes is a better way to the health benefits as roast them.

soy foods can help lower diastolic blood pressure in men, according to a Japanese study. The researchers examined blood pressure and the intake of soy and other foods in 600 healthy men and women. An average of two ounces of soy foods a day had a mild blood pressure-lowering effect in men, compared to other foods. The same effect was not mild antihypertensive women.

Similar was both soy protein and soy isoflavone consumption, as this would lower blood pressure foods.

Consuming skimmed milk and other low-fat dairy companies can help lower blood pressure, according to a study, in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Researchers found that between 5900 adults, followed by more than two years, with the highest consumption of low-fat dairy products were half as likely to develop, high blood pressure, such as those who consumed the least amount.

Women get the large quantities of the vitamin folate from food and /or supplements have a very low risk of developing high blood pressure (in a study of 150000 women). Folic acid is found in such foods as oranges, dark green leafy vegetables and beans and legumes.

There are many more, but this is a good start. You can usually control your blood pressure naturally from what you eat. If you know which foods are low blood pressure and which foods increase your diet, you can make your blood pressure to secure levels.

For more information on how to naturally lower blood pressure and prevent heart attacks, follow the links under


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jorge_G._Chavez