Hypertension, most commonly referred to as "high blood pressure", HTN or HPN, is a medical condition in which the blood pressure is chronically elevated. It was previously referred to as arterial hypertension, but in current usage, the word "hypertension" without a qualifier normally refers to arterial hypertension.

Nutritional Supplements As Part of Your Blood Pressure Treatment


If you find your question hypertension, the doctor who diagnoses you will often write a prescription for a type of medication to lower your blood pressure (BP) to help. But most of the time you can bring your blood pressure within normal range simply by eating healthier, exercising regularly and add some supplements to make sure that you had enough of the nutrients that can affect the pressure in the blood.

are garlic capsules that you take your blood pressure to start as part of treatment should be. Garlic is a compound called allicin, which is a vasodilator in the body. A vasodilator widens the blood vessels, lowers automatically (BP). Garlic has also been shown to reduce bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol so it is doubly good for heart health. Complementary

A good vitamin B complex can be very profitable. There are at least three B-vitamins to maintain a normal blood pressure and it has been shown that deficiencies in these vitamins may increase (BP) significantly. These three vitamins riboflavin, pyridoxine and niacin. Most people who are eating a relatively healthy, always plenty of B vitamins, but it is something to note, especially if you are on a strict diet.

Omega-3 fish oil capsules or capsules are definitely a good idea and there are no known side effects to overdo it with these fatty acids, so no worries about overdosing. Omega-3 fatty acids are primarily found in fish, so if your diet is fish is low, or perhaps it might not be found, it will complement a good idea for many reasons. Not only do they help to lower the pressure in the blood, helping them optimal brain function, too.


Consider supplements as part of your blood pressure treatment plan along with an overall healthy lifestyle. Visit http://www.bloodpressuresafety.com to find out even more that you can do to lower your blood pressure.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Oscar_Wilde

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