Hypertension, most commonly referred to as "high blood pressure", HTN or HPN, is a medical condition in which the blood pressure is chronically elevated. It was previously referred to as arterial hypertension, but in current usage, the word "hypertension" without a qualifier normally refers to arterial hypertension.

Healthy Blood Pressure


High blood pressure is an epidemic that is sweeping the world, and it is one that is not easily taken care of. The biggest problem is the fact that scientists usually cannot pinpoint high blood pressure causes, though in many cases the cause is arteriosclerosis, which is the hardening of the arteries, or even the thickening of the artery wall. Essentially, it is the result of how hard the blood pushes against the walls of your arteries. It might not sound like a severe issue, but in essence it makes the heart work much harder, adding to the probability that the heart will eventually just give out in time.

Secondary hypertension is another underlying issue, and this can be caused by kidney abnormalities as well as a defect of the aorta. Luckily, fixing these issues will cause the problem to correct itself. But how do you know when you are a victim of secondary hypertension? Well, there are a few telltale signs, and paying attention to them will definitely help you to contribute to your healthy blood pressure.

Fatigue: It's pretty easy to tell when you are fatigued because you will feel out of sorts, or as if you are about to pass out. You might feel light headed and will have trouble thinking. In addition to that you might find that you are extremely tired.

Nausea: This can be defined as a sick feeling, and you might dismiss it as cold or flu symptoms. Always keep an open mind and be ready to accept alternate explanations.

Tinnitus: This one is pretty easy to pick out. It is simply a buzzing or ringing in the ears which occurs almost 24/7. This is a symptom that can really affect your quality of life, so make sure that you seek out medical attention if it occurs.

Visual Disturbances: This could include snow in the vision, or even blots. If you notice that you are having any sort of problem with your vision, make sure that you get help.

These are a few of the symptoms that you will need to watch out for. In addition to that however, you will need to seek out a definitive cure for your high blood pressure, which involves not only finding out the high blood pressure causes, but also finding the remedy. Fortunately there are several different natural remedies out there that you can take advantage of.

First of all, we will talk about some things that you can do to ensure your blood pressure stays in acceptable ranges. The first thing that you can do is lower your caffeine intake. This includes coffee, tea, and soda, which can be a real challenge for some people.

Watch your weight very closely. What you will want to do is ensure that you are staying at the optimal weight for your height and body weight. To contribute to your weight loss you can try exercising for about thirty minutes per day. This is one of the greatest natural remedies.

Now let's talk about diet. Did you know that this is a huge part of maintaining a healthy blood pressure? You will want to try eating eight to ten servings of fruit and vegetables every day, in addition to eating no-fat dairy foods. Fish is also a great choice for a meal-especially cold water fish such as sardines.

To top it off, make sure that you take vitamin C supplements, as this has been proven to lower blood pressure. There are many other actions you can take to lower your blood pressure, which will help you in the long run. The last thing you want to do is suffer a heart attack!

For more information, make sure that you seek out the advice of a dietician who will be more than happy to help you find the best way to healthy blood pressure. Always make sure you consult a physician before you make any extreme changes to your diet. Follow the steps outlined above, and soon you will be well on your way to a happier, healthier existence.

Autor: Ken Hansen

My name is Ken H. I am an internet marketer and I love to spend time with my wife Susan and our two children, Jason and Emily. We love to go to the ocean and mountains to relax, and enjoy each others company.



Added: December 31, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


Understanding Renovascular Hypertension


The abnormal changes in the usual blood flow to kidneys cause renovascular hypertension. It is a type of the secondary hypertension. It is quickly discovered in patients with kidney ailments, for normal people it is normally diagnosed through a period of examination and tests. It can also can get worse if the proper treatment is not followed.

The renal arteries provide the kidneys with a stable blood flow that has to be cleaned and sent back to the normal flow of the body. As the filtering work of the kidney are mostly powered by the pressure. The kidneys are pretty good at feeling the change in the blood pressure. If the kidney feels that the pressure is going low to power the filtration, they react by discharging hormones to raise the level of the pressure. The troubles take place when the decreased blood flow is not due to low pressure. The kidneys raise the pressure to a very high level so that they are able to push more blood in the narrowed arteries.

The patients with high blood vessel or kidney ailments, a sudden development of high blood pressure is a big signal that this form of hypertension is the problem. Generally, the diagnosis needs a meticulous investigation and tests. Some causes that indicate this hypertension are:

1. High blood pressure in people less than the age of 30

2. A sudden increase in the pressure in people above the age of 55

3. Blood pressure that does not react to medicines

4. Pressure that stops responding to the former medicines

Blood tests are carried out when the condition is suspected, but a definite method of diagnosing is to in fact look at the narrowing of the arteries. This can be done through a CT scan or an MRI, though at times a further investigation can be called for. In such cases, a small catheter is inserted in the groin into the renal artery, small quantities of dye is released through the catheter. Images are taken to see the course of the dye that would display the narrow spots in artery.

The treatment of renovascular hypertension is different from the treatment of the common hypertension. The treatment is planned according to the cause of the narrowing of the renal artery. Though the goals of the treatment are same, to widen the artery and restore the normal blood flows. The first step to the treatment is to try drugs that dissolve the deposits. If it is found to be ineffective then physically expanding the artery might be required and that involves surgery known as stenting. The treatment of this disease is a little tough than other diseases, but the success rates are high. If it is planned correctly then one should have no problems in getting well soon.

Autor: Mary Ponce

If you want to understand more about this condition you can visit http://www.treating-hypertension.com and to learn more about the relationship between garlic and hypertension.

Added: December 30, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


High Blood Pressure Meds - Is There a Way to Eliminate the Side Effects?


If you have been diagnosed with hypertension and prescribed blood pressure medication then you probably have experienced some side effects. As you probably already know, one blood pressure med does not fit all. You may have gone through a period of time where your doctor adjusted the dosage or perhaps added a second or third drug to your daily dose.

If you are on a diuretic you may only have the annoying side effect of needing to urinate frequently. However, that diuretic is flushing out more than just salt. Potassium, calcium and manganese are also lost in this process. Deficiencies in these minerals can lead to gout, irregular heartbeat and hypoglycemia.

And if you don't do something about the way you live your life, you will probably graduate to one of the stronger blood pressure meds and those things can come with some really serious side effects.

Beta blockers reduce the heartbeat in an attempt to lower pressure. If however, the heart is reduced to the point that it can not fully pump all the blood in the chamber, you risk congestive heart failure, heart attack or stroke.

Alpha blockers, Calcium Channel Blockers and ACE Inhibitors all run similar risks with calcium channel blockers being cited by a Wake University study as causing 40,000 unnecessary heart attacks each year.

And you're on this stuff for life. Is that what you had planned? I haven't mentioned the most common side effects which include fatigue, dizziness and a loss of libido. This really is a quality of life question isn't it? You can't ignore high blood pressure because it's a killer but the medication is no cake walk either.

Did you know that here's a way to avoid all this? Did you know that the American Heart Association says that "drugs can be useful when diet and exercise have failed"? That's right. Your BP problem can go away if you dig in and commit to changes in your diet, exercise habits and stress management.

You can single handedly eliminate these side effects if you really want.

Thousands of Americans have turned to the "cure" that a natural approach provides. Eating healthy fresh food, abstaining from fatty fast foods and convenience foods, getting a half hour of walking in each day, and working on their stress has allowed thousands to say goodbye to the silent killer.

The choice is up to you. You can continue to live and pay for the medicine or you can make a concerted effort to cure yourself. There are plenty of resources to find out how you can attack this problem and succeed. If you want to lift the threat of heart attack, stroke and all the rest that high blood pressure brings, and you want to end the side effects, then you owe it to yourself to investigate a natural approach. Your heart will thank you.

Autor: Rachel Willson

Did you know that you can avoid blood pressure side effects all together and reduce you BP by 20 points without drugs? Did you know that you can do it in less than 3 weeks? I have to admit I didn't and I was surprised at just how easy it is to do. You can get the answer to these questions by visiting http://MyNaturalCures.info right now!

Added: December 29, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


High Blood Pressure Or Hypertension


Common Characteristics

High blood pressure, or hypertension, is often referred to as "the silent disease" because it has no symptoms until it reaches an advanced state. Very often, it is detected during a routine doctor's visit or high blood pressure screening program. Even then, several measurements may be needed to make a definite diagnosis of hypertension, which is defined as blood pressure that is persistently elevated over what is considered normal.

Blood pressure is the force that is exerted by the blood against the vessel walls. It is measured by using a simple instrument called a sphygmomanometer, which consists of an inflatable cuff that goes around the upper arm and a column of mercury or a pressure dial. When the cuff is inflated, it tightens around the arm and momentarily blocks the flow of blood through the main artery of the arm. As the cuff is slowly released, the person taking the blood pressure uses a stethoscope to listen to the returning blood flow. One sound signals the maximum force that occurs with the heartbeat. This is the systolic pressure, the higher of the two numbers in a blood pressure reading. The second or lower number, referred to as the diastolic pressure, reflects the lowest amount of pressure, which occurs between heartbeats.

Everyone's blood pressure varies during the course of a day. As would be expected, it is usually lower when resting or engaged in quiet activities, and it may spurt up during a sudden burst of activity, such as running to catch a bus or exercising. Age also affects blood pressure; it is geerally lower in children and gradually rises as we grow older. Although there is some disagreement over how high is to high, the average normal blood pressure for healthy children is about 90/60, while the normal adult average ranges from 100/85 to 135/90. A diastolic pressure over 95 in an otherwise healthy adult is regarded as suspiciously high and a reading of 140/100 usually would be diagnosed as hypertension that should be treated. Many experts feel that any diastolic pressure that is consistently over 95 should be treated.

Causes of Hypertension

It is estimated that more than 35 million Americans have hypertension. In the large majority of cases, the cause of the high pressure is unknown. Doctors refer to this most common form of the disease as primary or essential hypertension. There are some unusual instances, however, in which the high blood pressure may be caused by kidney disease, tumor or some other identifiable cause. This is known as secondary hypertension, and treating the underlying cause usually will cure the high blood pressure.

While the cause of primary hypertension is unknown, a number of factors appear to increase the risk of developing it. These include a family history of high blood pressure or strokes at an early age, cigarette smoking, obesity and excessive salt intake. Altering or avoiding these risk factors will not necessarily prevent hypertension, but all are thought to play some role. Cutting salt intake, stopping smoking or losing weight may be sufficient to prevent borderline high blood pressure from developing into frank hypertension. This is particularly true for adolescents or young adults whose blood pressures may be in the higher end of the normal range.

Treatment of Hypertension

Over the last few years, dozens of highly effective antihypertensive drugs have been developed that have truly revolutionized the treatment of this disease. At one time, the only treatments available for high blood pressure were surgery, which was not very effective, or an extreme restriction of salt intake, which in some cases meant living on a diet of mostly fruit and rice. Now most cases of hypertension can be brought under control with drugs, which may be prescribed singly or in combination.

There are three major categories of antihypertensive drugs:

  • Diuretics, "water pills," which rid the body of excessive salt and reduce the volume of blood that must be pumped through narrow blood vessels, relieving some of the pressure on them.
  • Beta blockers and other agents, which act on the nervous system to stem the outflow of impulses from the brain that cause blood vessels to constrict or work elsewhere to block their effect.
  • Vasodilators, which act directly on the muscles in the blood vessel walls, allowing them to relax and expand, or "dilate."
In addition, anew class of drugs, known as reninaxis blockers, has recently become available that interferes with the formation of a powerful vessel-constricting substance in the body and also with the action of the hormone aldosterone, which causes the body to retain salt and water.

Since there are many antihypertensive drugs and combinations, an effective treatment that lowers blood pressure with a minimum of unpleasant side effects almost always can be found. There, if you experience a side effect such as unusual tiredness, dizziness or faintness upon standing, depression or any other untoward symptom that you think may be related to your antihypertensive drugs, report it to your doctor. It may be only temporary, or it may be something that can be remedied by altering the regimen. In any case, remember that the treatment is usually for life. The drugs will keep the high blood pressure under control, but they do not cure the disease. If you stop taking the drugs, the blood pressure will return to its previous level or go even higher. Therefore, it is particularly important that you follow your doctor's instructions and that you return for periodic checks.

Summing Up

High blood pressure is the most common serious disease in the United States. Once diagnosed, however, most cases can be brought under control through the use of antihypertensive drugs, and where appropriate, through life-style changes such as stopping smoking or losing excess weight. Treatment is usually for life, but if high blood pressure is brought down to normal and kept there, the patient can expect to live a normal life with no major interference with day-to-day activities.

Autor: Amaury Hdz Aguila

I am the owner and author of Hoodia Gordonii Side Effects. You can find the original article here: Hypertension. If you'd like to read more of my articles, please visit my site!

Added: December 27, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


How to Lower Your Blood Pressure - Live Hypertension Free


Home remedies and other alternative treatment methods are gaining popularity day by day. There are many people those who are not aware of this alternative method of treatment. Home remedies are safe and effective method for lowering high blood pressure because this type of treatment is free from side effects. Another advantage of this treatment is that while it may be used to alleviate one symptom, it often has other health benefits.

If you are also suffering from high blood pressure or hypertension then, try to follow some home tips given below because these tips will not only lower your blood pressure but also provide you better health.

Try to eat potassium and magnesium rich foods such as molasses, soy, banana, watermelon and grapes. Try to add garlic in to your daily diet menu because garlic has many beneficial properties that improve overall health, including lowering blood pressure, lowering triglyceride levels and also it helps prevent blood clot formation process.

Lemon is also well used for treating hypertension. Lemon is a rich source of vitamin P which is beneficial for preventing capillary fragility. If you want you can also use grapefruit but using both lemon and grape fruit will be more fruitful for you

Another home cure for high blood pressure is watermelon seeds from which a specific substance is extracted which is said to have a definite action in dilating the blood vessels. Watermelon seeds can also be taken in roasted and dried form. Rice is also used for lowering hypertension because rice has a low in salt content, cholesterol and fat content. Therefore, it will be beneficial if you are advised to eat a low or no salt diet.

Autor: Suven S

Know about anti aging secret and get more beautiful and young!
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Added: December 26, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


What Do the Categories of Hypertension Mean?


Plain and simple, blood pressure is the force of the blood against your artery walls. It will normally go up and come back down throughout the day; however, when it stays up (elevated) then it is called high blood pressure (hypertension is the medical term).

No matter what you call it, hypertension is very dangerous for a number of reasons:
1. Often there are no signs or symptoms that you have problem. To find out, you have to have your pressure taken.
2. High blood pressure makes your heart work very hard contributing to hardening of the arteries. The medical term for hardening of the arteries is "atherosclerosis".
3. Hypertension increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. These health problems are the first and third leading causes of death among Americans.
4. Other conditions associated with hypertension are: kidney disease, congestive heart failure, and blindness.

Blood pressure is divided into categories (mmHg stands for millimeters of mercury):
Normal blood pressure: less than 120/80 mmHg
Prehypertension blood pressure: between 120/80 mmHg and 139/89 mmHg
Hypertension: 140/90 mmHg and above

If you have prehypertension, that means you don't have high blood pressure yet. This also means that if you do nothing to control your pressure, in the future, you probably will develop high blood pressure. When you are at the prehypertension level, you still have a chance to prevent it by changing your lifestyle. At this point, eating healthy, moderate exercise, losing weight and stress management techniques can help keep your pressure from slipping into dangerous hypertension.

Once you are diagnosed with hypertension (140/90 and above), you can change your lifestyle and, in most cases, control it without medication.

If you are 50 or older, the top number (systolic pressure) is the one that will more accurately diagnose hypertension for you.

But what is systolic blood pressure?
Systolic blood pressure is the pressure against the artery wall as the heart beats. If it is 140 or above, then it is considered high.

Diastolic pressure (the down number) doesn't need to be high for you to have hypertension. When this happens, it is called "isolated systolic hypertension," or ISH.

Is ISH common, I never heard of it?
Actually, it is more common for older Americans. For most older individuals, it is the systolic pressure that increases with age. Diastolic pressure increases until about 55 years of age, then it begins to decline.

To find out if you have ISH (isolated systolic hypertension), you need to have it checked. Remember, hypertension often times has no signs or symptoms so don't fall into the mindset that you can tell if you have it or not - go have it checked!

Once you have ISH, you have it for life. It cannot be cured, but it can be controlled. The alternative to not controlling your blood pressure is: stroke, heart attack, congestive heart failure, kidney damage, blindness and decrease in the quality of life. How does that sound for a great retirement plan?

The treatment for ISH is a healthy lifestyle and, if necessary, adding medication to control it.

What about diastolic blood pressure - what is that?
Diastolic pressure is the force of blood in the arteries as the heart relaxes between beats. It is the bottom number. A good way to remember Diastolic (Down number). For younger individuals it is the diastolic number that is important. If the number is higher, the person is in greater risk of heart attacks, kidney failure and strokes.

There are some illnesses that are out-of-our-control, but others, like hypertension, can be controlled or prevented. Life is always a matter of choices, so whatever decision you make with regards to your own health, will be something you and you alone will be dealing with later.

Autor: T Kintrick

Therese has been writing articles online for the past several years. Not only does this author specialize in health and wellness information, you can also check out her latest website at Tankless Water Heater Cost which provides information on tankless water heater prices for homeowners.

Added: December 24, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


Alcohol and High Blood Pressure - Things You Need to Understand


High blood pressure is a leading cause of deaths in the whole world. Apart from millions with diagnosed hypertension, still many others are borderline hypertensive. High blood pressure increases the risk of a person to develop cardiovascular diseases, kidney problems, heart attack and even stroke.

Among the causes of hypertension, alcohol is being considered as one of the leading ones. Other lifestyle factors that cause high blood pressure are smoking and an unhealthy diet consisting of fatty and salty foods. Stress is also a factor. However, do alcohol and high blood pressure really have a connection? Ironically, alcohol in moderate amounts is said to aid in preventing cardiovascular ailments like heart attack and stroke. However, the amount of moderation could be controversial. Some studies that link alcohol with hypertension state that even conservative alcohol consumption can lead to increase in blood pressure, thus leading to hypertension.

Is there are recommended amount of alcohol that every person is allowed to take for one to be called a moderate drinker and in turn not in any risk of developing high blood pressure because of alcohol drinking? According to reports, experts recommend one drink a day for women, whereas two drinks for men. Because different drinks have different alcohol levels, that count may mean different things. Generally, 12 ounces of beer or 5 ounces of wine is considered as one drink. The recommended amount of alcohol intake for it to be considered moderate also differs according to the age of an individual. To be sure, it would be best to ask a health practitioner or your health provider for advice.

One possible effect of alcohol consumption is its effect on the liver, alcohol affects and disrupts the way the liver metabolizes enzymes, for example rennin and angiotensin, which controls the blood pressure inside our body. Moreover, the more the alcohol damages the liver, the lesser is the ability of the organ to remove harmful toxins in our body. The toxins thus remain in the blood, which can lead to damage in blood vessels. Also, the liver is essential in metabolizing fats; if it is being used to metabolize alcohol instead, the fats that are not metabolized then contribute to increased cholesterol levels. Congestion of the liver due to too much alcohol will lead to blocking of blood delivery to other blood vessels that supply blood and oxygen to other parts of the body.

As with most things alcohol can be harmful, however, if taken in excessive amounts. There has been a considerable amount of studies indicating that alcohol can increase blood pressure. The effect appear to be proportional, the more you drink the higher your risk of developing hypertension.

Autor: Mary Ponce

Go to http://www.treating-hypertension.com to learn more about the relationship of alcohol and hypertension.

Added: December 22, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


3 Natural Tips to Dissolve Artery Blockages and Increase Blood Flow Instantly


In your body, you have many arteries and veins which transport blood and other nutrients to the body. They vary in size from less than one tenth of an inch to 2-3 inches or larger. Like pipes in your kitchen, they can easily be blocked. And if blocked, it can cause major damage to the body and even death. A quarter of an inch blockage can even cause a stroke in your brain which you can go into a coma or even die. Hence, it's very important that your arteries flows smoothly and without blockage to avoid serious damage to your body.

Anyone, no matter what age they are in can have a blocked artery. Hence, cleaning and removing blocked arteries should be done regularly.

There are many ways to clean or dissolve blocked arteries. Natural solutions are usually best, as it has less side effects compared to medication and surgery. For instance, warfarin can dissolve arteries, but has a serious side effect such as excessive bleeding and even death.

Here are the 3 best natural tips to dissolve arteries!


Exercising for at least 30 minutes every day can dissolve blockages in arteries. This will help your arteries run smoothly, like good water pressure pushing out any blockages.


Eating large amount of garlic or buying garlic oils are known to dissolve plaques and blockages in the arteries. Garlic has many anti-oxidants and will help clean the pipes in your body.

Fish Oil

Fish oil reduces cholesterol which creates the build up of plaques and blockages in the blood stream and also helps to dissolve it. Taking fish oil in large amounts also helps in preventing arthritis and other rheumatoid dieases.

Autor: Tito King

Tito King is an Author living in Sydney, Australia. He is interested in reading and creating websites. His latest website is about tennis elbow and finding the best tennis elbow exercises on the web today.

Added: December 21, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


Lower Blood Pressure - Garlic - It's Not Just For Vampires Anymore


Now that Halloween is over and your odds of running across a vampire have lessened, you can take that garlic out of your pocket and put it to good use in lowering your high blood pressure and protecting you from other cardiovascular diseases. That's what the University of Alabama and the Albert Einstein College of Medicine are claiming.

It seems that this magic little vegetable named garlic that has been used medicinally for a thousand years, has recently been found to be responsible for causing red blood cells to release Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) into the blood stream. Hydrogen Sulfide leads to the relaxation of blood vessels which in turn lowers blood pressure.

The equivalent of two garlic cloves relaxed the blood vessels of a study group on garlic, by 72%. If you have hardened arteries or other blood vessels can you see where this might be beneficial?

But there's more. H2S also protects the heart from cell and tissue damage commonly seen after a heart attack; and there is proof that the polysulfides in garlic encourages the body to produce H2S.

One more important benefit to people with high blood pressure is garlic's role in preventing the aggregation pf platelet's in the blood stream. In other words it fights the plaque and blockages that can cause a stroke or heart attack.

The garlic's role in controlling blood pressure is just another example of how natural foods can help heal our body. Hypertension and high blood pressure are serious conditions that affect 1 in 5 Americans and kills 50,000 directly each year. Treating it is essential if you expect to live out a normal life.

So the question becomes how do we treat it. For millions that means taking blood pressure medication every day to control their condition. Those drugs come with their own set of nasty side effects not to mention the expense.

Others are not just controlling their pressure but curing it as well using a natural approach of diet and exercise that is endorsed by the American Heart Association.

If you are currently taking medication, you owe it to yourself to discover what alternatives there are. You'll be happier, have more energy and live a longer healthier life.

Autor: Rachel Willson

I can't tell you how many hours I've spent combing the internet, watching videos and reading reports about hypertension treatment.

If you want to get all the information you need on high blood pressure treatment then I highly recommend High Blood Pressure Remedy Report. You can get a at http://mynaturalcures.info

Added: December 20, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


Prevention of Hypertension - The Solutions


The risk for high blood pressure increases with the age of the person. There is actually almost a 90% lifetime risk than an individual will develop this condition. Millions of people from all over the world suffer from high blood pressure and its complications, while others are already having a borderline hypertensive disorder. Prevention of hypertension is important to reduce the risks for several cardiovascular vents such as stroke or heart attack.

High blood pressure is a serious health condition that can be dangerous if left unchecked and untreated. In many instances, there are no discernible symptoms that can readily be observed because the damage is localized in the internal organs of the body. Some of the most affected organs are the kidneys, the heart, the brain, as well as the blood vessels. Increase in the blood pressure causes blockage of arterial walls, causing the deficiency of oxygen supply to the heart or to the brain. This often leads to stroke. Hypertension also causes aneurysm or the rupture of blood vessels due to the increased pressure in the lining of the vessel walls. Because of the risks involved, the prevention is a very essential step in enriching our life.

One of the most obvious and simplest ways in prevention of high blood pressure is to change the lifestyle accordingly. This involves following a healthy diet plan that is focused on more fruits, vegetables, and fibers and low in sodium and fats. Elimination of other unhealthy habits such as too much alcohol drinking and smoking is also essential. Salt and sodium in the diet increase the blood pressure and thus lowers the effectiveness of anti hypertension medicines. Alcohol, on the other hand, contains calories and damages the liver; excessive alcohol pushes the liver to overwork, thus debilitating its ability to metabolize fats and also causing clogging of arteries and blood vessels that may lead to stroke. Smoking injures the walls of the blood vessels, increasing the risk for bleeding and rupture and also speeds up the process of hardening of the arteries.

Another highly recommended way for prevention of hypertension is exercise and, in the process, maintaining a healthy weight. Blood pressure increases as the boy weight increases so it is important that a person keeps track of his or her body mass index. Especially for those who are overweight or predisposed to having hypertension or heart disease, regular exercise supplemented with a healthy diet can do a lot in preventing several diseases, including high blood pressure. Besides all these steps, other supplementary products such as medications, botanicals, and other herbal medicines are available to aid in the prevention of hypertension. Consult with a health provider before taking any medication, however. Anti hypertensive drugs are not recommended for everyone and only a medical practitioner can identify the right drug to target your specific problem. For more effective prevention, it is best to start advocating anti hypertension steps early in life and at the same time educate the children on healthy eating habits and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Autor: Mary Ponce

Go to http://www.treating-hypertension.com to learn more about what is needed for the hypertension prevention.

Added: December 18, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


The Blood Pressure Monitor


In order to monitor an individual's blood pressure, a person needs to utilize a device that can identify the systolic and diastolic blood pressure. There are a variety of different methods that are used by doctors and clinics across the country. Some are simple cuffs all the way to sophisticated machines that automatically give digital readings and indicate if the pressure is too high or too low. Blood pressure is an excellent indicator of a multitude issues that if caught early enough can save lives.

Two Main Components

It's important to understand that choosing the right device for you or your family, means understanding that you do have choices. There are two major components that you'll find with each. There is a cuff that will go around your wrist or upper arm, or a finger clamp. This will include some type of read out or dial to indicate pressure levels. As well there should be a stethoscope or other measuring device. When combined an accurate idea of an individuals blood pressure will be determined.

Some find it necessary to purchase a home monitor, these will accomplish the same task as the devices that you'll find in hospitals and clinics. Although for all blood pressure monitors the outcome is the same, to find out the systolic and diastolic pressure of a persons blood. Understand that with a less expensive monitor, bought for the home, you may find the readings to be slightly less accurate.

What's Right For You?

The differences between the fitting devices, such as the arm band, wrist band or finger clamp, could be determined by the need. If an individual is slightly overweight, then an ill-fitting arm band may not be feasible. A wrist band would more logical due to the simple fact that the wrist is not as affected by your body weight as the upper arm. A major health concern of overweight people is the risk of blood pressure and heart problems that can lead to extreme illness or even death. An alternate method, such as a wrist band is viable and useful for those people. For those with a home monitor, you should ask your doctor for a recommendation of what the most accurate and cost effective model would be. In some cases a doctor may ask that you wear a full time ambulatory blood pressure monitor to more closely monitor your pressure throughout the day.

Autor: Debra Trotter

Debra has been writing articles online for nearly 2 years. Not only does this author specialize writing in certain fields, you can also checkout her latest website on Universal Garage Door Remote which reviews and lists information about a Genie Garage Door Remote

Added: December 17, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


Blood Pressure Supplements - Top Ingredients For Natural Relief


As our bodies change with age, our rate of metabolism can be affected. This in turn can lead to higher blood pressure (B.P) which is a dangerous and undesirable medical condition. Many patients are prescribed drugs to lower their B.P., but it is much safer and healthier to lower blood pressure naturally using natural supplements. Here are 5 ingredients which support healthy blood pressure the safe and natural way.


Potassium is known to stimulate the kidneys which process our body's waste products. This is essential in order to avoid sodium retention which directly results in high blood pressure. Good natural sources of potassium are potatoes, bananas, tofu and beans.


Known for giving us healthy bones and teeth, calcium also keeps our balance of sodium, potassium and magnesium correct in each cell for proper blood absorption. Milk, cheese, broccoli and oranges are good food sources.


This substance is found naturally in our bodies, but is produced less as we get older. A CoQ10 supplement can help maintain a regular heart beat. It ensures healthy heart function as it also helps control our blood circulation.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is good for building natural immunity against colds and flu, but a recent study by Oregon State University together with Boston University show that Vitamin C also improves biological activity of nitric oxide, resulting in lower B.P.

Omega-3 Fatty Acid

It is a well known fact that Omega-3 fatty acids help maintain good HDL cholesterol levels whilst lowering the bad LDL cholesterol. If your diet is not rich in mackerel, salmon and tuna, consider taking fish oil as one of your supplements.

With a little help from nature these natural ingredients can help you manage your blood pressure, naturally and effectively. For more information on blood pressure supplements, visit HealthyChoiceNaturals.com.

Autor: Frank Darling

Frank Darling is a writer for the HealthyChoiceNaturals Health Newsletter. For more information on herbal supplements for a healthy lifestyle, visit Healthy Choice Naturals.

Added: December 15, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


Blood Pressure Medication - Are Side Effects Just a Fact of Life?


Are you on a blood pressure medication? Do you have to take more than one because one just can't control your pressure? Do you understand that you'll have to take this medication, or some form of it, for the rest of your life? Is that something you want to do?

Then there are the side effects. In most cases, side effects are relatively mild and will include fatigue, dizziness, rashes, diarrhea, nausea, headaches or frequent urination. In some cases they can be downright lethal and cause heart failure or kidney failure. It is extremely important that you report any side effect that persists to your doctor.

High blood pressure affects over 60 million Americans and millions of them are controlling their condition with blood pressure medication. Almost every one of those will have to go through modification in dosage or drug combinations to find what works (for the present) without side effects. As you age and your body changes and your tolerance for the medications lessen, you'll have to change dosage or drugs again. It's just a fact of life.

Or is it?

Take a moment and think how your blood pressure drugs really affect your life and the life of your family. The first question you should ask yourself is a very simple one. When you wake up in the morning do you feel good about yourself and your life? Is your mental outlook positive? Do you look forward to all the possibilities of the future or are you concerned that your life may not have much of a future.

How does your HBP affect your family? Are you as active with them as you always were? Are there activities or places that you don't go to or take part in since your diagnosis? Is your sex life the same?

What would life be like if you could simply cure your condition rather than control it? How great would it be not to even have to think about your blood pressure again. How great would it be not to be dependant on the drugs?

There is an alternative you know.

Thousands of Americans have cured their high blood pressure and have significantly reduced and reversed the damage done to their blood vessels and all without taking drugs.

How can that be?

Well, some of the very things that probably contributed to you developing HBP are also the same things that can cure it. Specifically, diet, exercise and stress management.

Isn't it interesting that the American Heart Association says this about blood pressure medication:

"Blood pressure-lowering drugs can help control blood pressure when diet and physical activity alone have not succeeded."

In other words, drugs are the back up position not the first recourse. Did your doctor talk to you seriously about this?

There's no question but that a natural approach to your condition requires a commitment and it is not as convenient as simply popping a pill every day. On the other hand, the only side effects from a natural high blood pressure program are positive, not negative.

You'll feel better, look better, have more energy, more self confidence and your outlook on life will be far more positive. If this sounds attractive to you, you owe it to yourself to investigate how a natural approach can fit into your life. Your heart will thank you.

Autor: Rachel Willson

I can't tell you how many hours I've spent combing the internet, watching videos and reading reports about high blood pressure treatment. But that's what I do and it's why I'm the top author in the Hypertension category. I can tell you if you can avoid drugs, do so. Of course I'm biased as I believe that nature can provide miraculous healing powers and that "let your food be your medicine and medicine be your food" sums up most natural approaches.

That said, I've purchased and read a number of Natural Cure reports and have used parts of them in my articles. If you want to take a short cut and get all the information you need about your hypertension treatment then I highly recommend Craig Anderson's High Blood Pressure Remedy Report. Craig by the way writes for Joe Barton the number 2 author in Hypertension category. You can get a copy of the report at http://mynaturalcures.info

Added: December 14, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


Blood Pressure - An Essential Guide to Understanding Blood Pressure


What is blood pressure?

Think of your heart as a pump, continually working to pump blood around the body delivering oxygen and food to the millions of tiny cells that all fit together to make us into living, breathing human beings. Day in day out this remarkable pump keeps on going, the average heart beats about 100,000 times a day, and pumps an amazing 5 litres of blood per minute when we are resting, and up to 30 litres of blood per minute during exercise - that's a great deal of work for just one organ, and for most of the time, we are not even aware of all the work that it is doing. The heart beats by contracting and expanding, when it contracts or squeezes, the blood is forced around the body -.between each beat there is a rest when the heart is expanding or relaxing. This process is a heartbeat. Without the force of this pump, all your blood would end up sinking to you feet! - Not a very pleasant thought!

The blood flows along a network of large arteries and smaller blood vessels, the motorways (highways) and A roads (freeways) of the body, delivering oxygen and collecting waste, a bit like a well organised team of delivery vans. After your cells have used the oxygen for their vital work, your heart pumps the blood that is low in oxygen and high in waste products such as carbon dioxide back to the lungs. We breathe in oxygen from the air around us and the lungs pass this oxygen back into the blood, at the same time as breathing out the waste carbon dioxide. The heart then pumps the oxygen rich blood back to the body, and the process starts all over again.

You can easily check your own rate without the need for special equipment - but it is helpful to have a clock or watch with a second hand.

1. Turn your hand so that the palm is facing up.

2. Place your index and middle fingers of your opposite hand on your wrist, just below the base of your hand, you should now be able to feel a gently throb - this is your pulse

3. Count the number of beats for 10 seconds (this is when it is helpful to have a clock with a second hand), then multiply this number by 6.

This will give you your heat rate for a minute. Check your pulse rate before and after exercise, and compare the different results. You can keep a record of your pulse rate measurements in the log on page ? Doctors aren't quite sure of the link between pulse rate and blood pressure, but your resting heart rate is often a good indicator of how physically fit you are, and doctors know that exercising is one of the ways to lower raised blood pressure.

But what exactly is blood pressure?

Put simply it is the amount of pressure against the walls of arteries as the blood flows through them. Your blood pressure or you may hear if referred to as your BP varies quite a lot throughout the day and night, depending on your level of activity and is even affected by what you have eaten or drunk. To get an accurate idea of your blood pressure, your measurement may be taken more than once to get an average reading.

Getting tested

So how will you know what your blood pressure is and what the readings mean? Blood pressure testing is a routine part of most health checks, and can be carried out by your doctor, practice nurse, local hospital and by some specially trained staff at your local pharmacy. Your doctor may want to check your blood pressure as part of a routine check up - or health MOT, or he may want to check it as part of his diagnosis for some other condition. Either way having your blood pressure checked is something that everyone will experience once in a while (and don't worry it is totally painless, and there are no needles involved!).

You will be asked to sit down to have your blood pressure taken, as standing up can affect the reading. You may have been told to avoid caffeinated drinks, such as cola or coffee before the test, as these can also influence the results. If you know you are going to have a blood pressure test, wear something that is either sleeveless or has sleeves that are easily rolled up, your practitioner will want to place the monitor against your skin to get an accurate reading, so clothes with tight sleeves are best avoided.

Many doctors surgeries use a piece of equipment called a sphygmomanometer. This is a device with an inflatable cuff which goes around your upper arm, it is then inflated by the doctor using a rubber bulb to pump in air - this restricts the blood flow into the arm, the air pressure is then slowly released, so the blood is no longer restricted and a reading is taken by listening to your pulse with a stethoscope and taking a measurement from a mercury scale. Although this test is painless some people find it a little uncomfortable when the cuff is tightened, and they can feel the pressure of their blood flow, if this test makes you feel faint or nervous tell your doctor and they will do their best to make it as comfortable as possible for you.

Know your numbers

When you doctor is taking your blood pressure they will give you the result using two numbers. The first is the systolic pressure and is read from the mercury scale when the doctor first hears the blood pumping (this is why he uses a stethoscope); it measures the pressure of the blood as it is being forced around the body by the heart. The second measurement is called the diastolic pressure and is taken when the blood pumping can no longer be heard, which is when the heart is at rest between each beat.

You may hear your doctor or practitioner talk about one number over another number such as 120 over 80. This means you have a systolic pressure of 120 and a diastolic pressure of 80. 120/80 is the average blood pressure, but you may have quite a different set of numbers, and you may be told you have high or low blood pressure.

High blood pressure or hypertension

High blood pressure is generally considered to be having a sustained or constantly high reading of 140/90 or more. The word sustained is quite important here, as a one off high reading does not necessarily mean you have high blood pressure, your readings would need to be taken several times to get an accurate average result.

White coat syndrome Just the thought of going into a doctor's surgery, or knowing that you are going to have a medical procedure is enough to raise some people's blood pressure - you get nervous at the thought of seeing the doctor and the body releases a chemical called adrenaline which in turn raises your blood pressure, this is called White Coat Syndrome and it can make it quite difficult for your health practitioner to get an accurate reading. If your doctor suspects your blood pressure measurement may have been affected by nerves, they may suggest you sit quietly in the waiting room and try and relax for 10 minutes or so before re-testing, or they may suggest monitoring at home. If you have sustained readings of 140/90 or above you doctor may want to monitor you regularly, suggest diet and lifestyle changes, or may wish to prescribe medication to help lower your blood pressure. The decision of whether to treat or monitor will depend on many factors such

  • Age
  • Weight
  • Underlying medical conditions
  • Lifestyle factors such as smoking
  • Ethnicity
Having high blood pressure can impact negatively on your health. High blood pressure is linked to and increased risk of heart disease, including angina (chest pains) and heart attacks. It also increases the risk to stroke, kidney problems and even damage to the eyes. The good news is that there are plenty of things you can do to help lower your blood pressure, such as reducing salt, increasing your intake of fresh fruit and vegetables and reducing alcohol. Always follow your dietician or nutritionist's advice, they will be able to show you lots of different menu ideas and recipe plans to help control your blood pressure.

Monitoring at home

You may have noticed that in recent years it has become easier to monitor you blood pressure at home? Small, easy to use, accurate digital blood pressure monitors have been introduced which make it easy to obtain an average reading without any of the stresses of a visit to the doctor. These monitors come in different forms, and vary widely in price. Some have the traditional cuff that goes around your upper arm, whilst others have a wrist cuff; it is important to get the correct sized cuff for your arm, otherwise you may not get an accurate reading. A good blood pressure monitor should include information about cuff size.

There has also been some concern about the accuracy of home monitors' so make sure whichever one you buy carries a validation mark from an accredited source. Blood pressure monitors range from about 15GBP ($30) for a basic device to well over 100GBP ($200) for a more complex machine which may come with software to help your monitor and manage your health


There is a wide variety of medication your doctor may prescribe, but you can also help yourself by following their advice regarding diet and exercise. There are many vitamin and herbal supplements which are sold to help high blood pressure but these can interact with prescribed medication, so it is important to take appropriate professional advice before purchasing.

Autor: Rebecca Weller

Check out the American Heart website for more information regarding diet and lifestyle.

Rebecca Weller Dip Raw MBant
http://www.thenutritionconsultants.com/ and

Rebecca is a practising Nutritional Therapist in the south of England, and is a member of The British Association of Nutritional Therapists

Added: December 12, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


Characteristics of High Blood Pressure


It is difficult to identify the symptoms of high blood pressure or hypertension because the signs are generally vague and not very specific. If someone has no reason to believe they have high blood pressure they could continue on while the condition worsens, even to the point of death. High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a condition that means your heart rate is elevated compared to that of an average person. There are many different things that would contribute to this silent killer, but with the right knowledge and can be curbed and looked after.

Things To Watch For

Events that are as subtle as a simple headache or dizzy spells, could be indicators of hypertension. Along with dizziness, nausea may occur, although it is not a sign of high blood pressure. These signs and symptoms are generally predominant when the individual's heart rate begins to accelerate. Symptoms as vague as these can go without attention for a very long time. Less transparent things such as blurred vision, could cause panic a reason to get a check up sooner.

A more certain sign would be blurred vision. This tends to raise "red flags" faster, due to the panic and unusual nature. A person with these more severe symptoms should see a doctor immediately. In addition to the location being all in the head region, it is worth while to believe that a headache, dizziness or blurred vision, could lead to a stroke caused by high blood pressure.

Coping With High Blood Pressure

A person can manage high blood pressure with a number of methods or a combination of diets, exercise, or medication. Unfortunately high blood pressure, or hypertension, is not curable, but modifying your lifestyle a little bit will help reduce the risk of major health concerns or even death. First, a regular check up will help your doctor identify any potential issues that need attention. Foods that are high in cholesterol, or saturated fats contribute to increased risks, therefore a diet is critically important. Avoiding these simple indicators and continuing on with a poor diet and lifestyle, will set you on a course that may be invisible for years, but finally ending up with major health issues or fatalities. Ultimately this disease develops over time, sometimes un-noticed, and can progress to a point that is no longer safe and cause severe problems without the person ever knowing.

Autor: Debra Trotter

Debra Trotter has been creating articles online for nearly 2 years. Not only does this author specialize writing in certain fields, you can also checkout her latest website on Air Conditioner Wall Sleeve which reviews and lists information about a Wall Unit Air Conditioner

Added: December 11, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


Different Types of Secondary Hypertension


Secondary hypertension is one type of hypertension that can have underlying causes. It is not nearly as common as other forms of hypertension and only makes up about 5% of all hypertension suffers. Some of the most common causes include kidney disease, endocrine disease, tumors, and side effects from medication.

Some of the symptoms of this type of hypertension include headache, shortness of breath, fatigue, convulsions, dizziness, vision changes, vomiting, nausea, anxiety, increased sweating, ringing in the ears, nose bleeds, increased urination, heart palpitations, double vision, blurred vision, flushed face, red skin, pale skin, and chest pains.

In order to treat this type of hypertension it is important to treat the underlying cause. For kidney problems much of this type of hypertension is due to chronic inflammation and can cause diabetic damage. This causes a problem with salt excretion which causes your blood pressure to increase.

The renovascular form of secondary hypertension is also known as Fibromuscular dysplasia. This is a connective tissue disease as the kidneys do not get enough blood. This again leads to a decrease of salt excretion which increases the volume of blood which causes high blood pressure.

If your hormone levels start to fluctuate then this can also cause this type of hypertension and this can be due to many different syndromes such as Conn's syndrome, Cushing's syndrome and other issues with overactive glands. These syndromes tend to cause an increase in adrenaline which activates the central nervous system and increases blood pressure.

A malformation of the aorta right above the heart can cause this type of hypertension as this causes decrease of the flow of blood to the kidneys and creates a bottleneck. Sleep apnea is also a condition that increases blood pressure at night. You can stop this type of hypertension by treating the sleep apnea. The only way to get a true diagnosis of your secondary hypertension is by a visit to the doctor.

Autor: Bud Adrian

Meanwhile, you can try a purely natural treatment to stop your hypertension, that is 3 simple steps of exercises developed by Christian Goodman, which can effectively cured hypertension permanently in a very short time. For more information, visit : http://www.normalizehypertension.com

Added: December 9, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


High Blood Pressure Diet - Keep it Under Control by Watching What You Eat


In as much as high blood pressure or hypertension can be attributed to genetics; lifestyle and illness it is also the direct result of one's diet. If you do not monitor your diet closely, you should not be surprised one day when you are diagnosed of hypertension. Closely monitoring the food you eat will save you from the possible disasters of a stroke or kidney failure, so it is important to take not of what you are going to read here about the high blood pressure diet you should subscribe to.

A diet low in salt is strongly recommended. Salt intake should not be too often and if that is the case you must drink a lot of water. Taking salt excessively is a direct cause of hypertension and it can lead to further complications with the heart and kidney. Try not to apply more salt to your dished out food if you applied it during cooking. If possible, also refrain from pre-cooked meals that usually have too much salt. Overweight people are also said to be more susceptible to heart disease if they take too much salt.

A handy method that can assist in controlling salt intake is buying fresh vegetables and meat instead of canned and processed foods with high sodium levels. Even better, you should try using herbs and spices that aren't high in salt content. But that's just half the story.

Eating vegetables, fruits and meat that are high in potassium is also another way of reducing blood pressure. Potassium has the convenient effect of removing or dissolving excess sodium (salt) in your body. Foods high in potassium include bananas; spinach; milk; coco powder; wheat; dried fruits and fish.

In addition, alcohol intake has to be kept at moderate levels. When alcohol is consumed in excess it increases your blood pressure quite significantly. Cut down alcohol intake to at least 3-4 pints a day and try not drinking alcohol on some days during the week. Alcohol related diseases like liver cirrhosis could worsen your health if you already have hypertension.

Avoid eating too much fat containing foods, as these will definitely worsen your health if you are already overweight. However, this does not mean you should cut them out completely, there are essential fats that your body still needs. Attempt at eating low fat margarine and milk as well.

Autor: Bud Adrian

If you have hypertension already, try some natural way to lower it. There is 3 simple steps of exercises developed by Christian Goodman which is proved to be effective in lowering high blood pressure permanently and in a very short time. For more information, visit : http://www.normalizehypertension.com

Added: December 8, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


Hypertension Therapy - A Journey of Recovery


Hypertension or high blood pressure is a very potentially destructive condition that must be treated because other illnesses like strokes can stem from it. For this reason it is important to invest in health and fitness strategies to control or lower your blood pressure. These range from physical fitness and psychotherapy, to gradual dietary changes. Below you will find useful hypertension therapy tools that will send you straight on the journey to recovery.

The most essential part of controlling hypertension is monitoring ones diet or food intake. Like it or not but you will have to cut down on salt intake. It is common knowledge that the sodium in salt more than likely to worsen any case of high blood pressure. Abstain from adding salt to already cooked food; cut down on fast foods that are normally high in sodium and rinse all canned foods. Whilst you are at it would be wise to incorporate potassium containing foods like milk; fish; wheat and bananas into your diet. Potassium has the overall effect of reducing the effect of sodium on the body.

Besides cutting down on salt intake and increasing potassium uptake, another thing is to totally scratch out fast foods from the diet. Fatty fast foods will ultimately lead to obesity and a worsening of high blood pressure. To those whose high blood pressure is a result of being overweight a vegetable diet is of utmost necessity. Incorporating more vegetables into your diet will cut down your weight and better your condition. A lot of fiber is the way to go; this includes whole grain; bread and rice in your diet.

Exercise and yoga other means of combating the adverse effects of hypertension. Sticking to an early morning jogging routine or walking to work on some days will improve your health. Apart from easing your nerves and setting off any anxiety it gets rid of any mental strain and stress, both enemies of high blood pressure. Yoga also achieves the same results except that it more relaxing than your ordinary exercises.

Meditation has been also suggested for hypertension patients. Meditation is relaxing and on top of that it offers the patient the benefits of visualization drills, a process of forming positive images of health and well-being. If you do this properly you will notice how less anxious you'll become. And it doesn't stop there.

Eating garlic on a daily basis is a sure way of cutting down your blood pressure. Garlic will also work as a good alternative to addictive pharmaceutical drugs. In addition to this reduce your intake of alcohol, cigarettes and any harmful drugs. Harmful substances like these will increase the possibility of heart attacks and liver failure. So hypertension is not so much of a serious disorder, all it takes is close monitoring of one's diet and shifting your focus to more physical activity.

Autor: Bud Adrian

Thankfully, there are alternative approaches available now to treat your hypertension. One of them is a 3 simple steps of exercises developed by Christian Goodman proved to be effective in treating hypertension permanently and in a very short time. For more information on 3 simple exercises cured hypertension quickly and permanently, visit: http://www.normalizehypertension.com

Added: December 6, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


Chronic Hypertension Can Be Problem For Women That Are Pregnant


Chronic hypertension can be a problem for women that are pregnant. This is more common then you may think and does happen quite frequently during pregnancies. If this not treated immediately then it can be very dangerous for the baby and the mother. If you already suffer from chronic hypertension and want to have a baby then you should check with your doctor first.

There are several different types of chronic hypertension that include secondary hypertension, essential hypertension and pregnancy-induced hypertension. Scientists have determined that most chronic hypertension is due to genetics, though many women suffer from pregnancy-induced hypertension. Secondary hypertension is the one type that is to do other health issues.

For those individuals with secondary hypertension you will need to focus on treating the cause of the hypertension and you should not become pregnant until this is resolved. Most pregnancy-induced hypertension occurs during the third trimester though it can increase your risk of having a stroke.

A large concern with pregnant women and chronic hypertension is superimposed preeclampsia. This can result in damaged organs for the mother which can cause kidney failure, liver issues and bleeding. There is no known cure for preeclampsia and once this occurs the baby must be delivered even if it is premature. This can also cause natural premature birth as placental abruption can occur.

Medications for chronic hypertension can cause problems with pregnancies and you should stop taking them if you become pregnant. The hypertension medications that should be avoided include angiotensin II receptor blockers, aldosterone receptor blocker and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors.

Many times pregnancy-induced hypertension only lasts for a few months of the pregnancy and will go away after birth. To make sure you are healthy you should have your blood pressure checked regularly. This can stop any further complications from occurring and you and your baby can be healthy.

Autor: Bud Adrian

If you are pregnancy-induced hypertension sufferer, you can try also 3-simple steps of exercises developed by Christian Goodman that can lower your blood pressure naturally and safely within a short time.
For more information, visit: http://www.normalizehypertension.com

Added: December 4, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


High Blood Pressure Remedies - It is Possible If You Live a Healthy Lifestyle


Living a healthy life is not difficult, but it is not easy either. You will need to know that if you want to live a good and healthy life that you will need to put in the work. You will need to do this so that you do not have to spend your time searching about hypertension or high blood pressure remedies later in your life.

There are many things that can go wrong in the human body; hypertension seems to be only one of those things. This may be why you want to take care of yourself, and make sure that the people you care about take care of themselves too.

We all know that it is not fun getting ill, and it is even less fun dying. Taking care of your body will help you not die for something that can be cured. Yes, hypertension really is one of those things that can affect just about anyone.

However, you will find that hypertension is most prevalent in people who are not healthy. This is why you need to be healthy.

If you are a parent, make sure that you promote healthy eating in your home, and also make sure that you do not let your kids sit in front of the TV all day long, they have to be active, because if they are not, if you do not make sure that they are, you are making them unhealthy, and soon you will find that they will be overweight.

We bring up overweight because, if you did a little research, you will find that obese people are more prone to hypertension too, and as we all know, high blood pressure is deadly, which is why you want to stay away from it, or at least catch it before it kills.

Autor: Bud Adrian

In case you have hypertension, besides you have to live a healthy lifestyle you can try one natural approach, which is developed by Christian Goodman and proved to be safe, effective and within a very short time lower your blood pressure permanently.
For more information on 3-simple steps of exercises can lower your blood pressure, visit: http://www.normalizehypertension.com

Added: December 3, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


DASH Diet Plan - The Key to Lower Blood Pressure


Which would you prefer to control your high blood pressure, taking expensive medication that has nasty side effects every day for the rest of your life, or switching to a proven diet that can help bring your blood pressure back to normal in about 2 weeks?

It sounds like a silly question yet millions of people continue to take blood pressure medication when they could turn their condition around by adapting the DASH diet as part of their cure.

The Dietary Approach to Stopping Hypertension (DASH) is a diet specifically designed to lower blood pressure. Unlike fad weight loss diets, it is not difficult to stick to and it has tremendous benefits not only in controlling blood pressure but reducing the risks of other diseases such as diabetes and cancer as well.

Diet plays a major role in both developing high blood pressure and also in lowering it. Food is our body's fuel. If you take a minute and think about it, consuming a poor diet is very similar to pumping leaded gas into a car that runs on unleaded. The engine will still start but it will run rough and over time will simply stop running because of carbon build up. Loading our bodies up with salt, sugar and saturated fat has the same impact.

The DASH diet plan works for two reasons. Firstly it is made up of foods rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants that lower pressure and reverse damage to the blood vessels. Secondly, and just as important, it replaces the junk that caused the problem in the first place.

Here's a quick run down on the types of foods you can expect on the DASH diet:

  • Whole grains like oatmeal, cereals and whole grain bread that provide complex carbohydrates and fiber.
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables like tomatoes, spinach, beans, bananas and berries that provide potassium, magnesium, fiber and antioxidants.
  • No fat and low fat dairy products such as low fat milk, yogurt and cheese providing calcium, protein and magnesium.
  • Lean white meats, poultry and fish to provide protein and magnesium.
  • Nuts seeds and beans like kidney beans, almonds and pistachios for protein, fiber and vitamin B.
  • Good fats and oils like olives, canola oil; and avocados for our essential fats.

It does take commitment to the diet to make it work and that will take some planning on your part particularly for meals you eat out. However, compare that bit of work to the drudgery and discomfort of blood pressure medication and I think you will agree the it is worth the effort.

Following the DASH diet plan, coupled with a bit of daily exercise and relaxation techniques, can drop your blood pressure reading by 20 points in less than two weeks. Give it a try. Your heart will thank you.

Autor: Rachel Willson

I can't tell you how many hours I've spent combing the internet, watching videos and reading reports about high blood pressure treatment. But that's what I do and it's why I'm the top author in the Hypertension category.

That said, I've purchased and read a number of Natural Cure reports and have used parts of them in my articles. If you want to take a short cut and get all the information you need about your high blood pressure treatment then I highly High Blood Pressure Remedy Report.

You can get a copy of the report at http://mynaturalcures.info

Added: December 1, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


Ayurvedic Remedies For High Blood Pressure


Hypertension or high blood pressure means high pressure in the arteries. High blood pressure does not mean excessive emotional tension, although emotional tension and stress can temporarily increase blood pressure.
Hypertension can be classified as either essential (primary) or secondary. Essential hypertension means that no medical cause can be found to explain the raised blood pressure. It is common. Secondary hypertension indicates that the high blood pressure is a result of another condition, such as kidney disease or tumors.

Symptoms of Hypertension:

The first symptoms of hypertension may appear as a pain at the back of the head and neck on waking in the morning, which soon disappear. Some of the other common symptoms are dizziness, palpitations, pain in the region of the heart, frequent urination, nervous tension, fatigue, and difficulty in breathing.

Causes of Hypertension:

The chief causes of hypertension are stress and a faulty style of living. Smoking and an excessive intake of intoxicants, tea, coffee, and refined foods destroy the natural pace of life and prevent the expulsion of waste and poisonous matter from the body. Hardening of the arteries, obesity, and diabetes lead to hypertension. Other cause of hypertension are an excessive intake of common table salt, and eating a high fat and low fiber diet.

High Blood Pressure and ayurveda:

Along with herbal treatment, ayurveda stresses on a healthy balanced diet, healthy lifestyle, yoga and meditation for the treatment of high blood pressure.

Diet :

Diet should be in such a way that it reduces body weight and excess fat, thereby reducing the blood pressure. Therefore the following diet is recommended

  1. A vegeterian diet including the following is ideal for hypertension - Garlic, lemon, parsley, bitter gourd, drumstick etc.
  2. Fresh fruits like Indian gooseberry, grapes, banana, guava, and watermelon are consider beneficial.
  3. The quantity of salt used should be decreased.
  4. Red meat and eggs should be completely avoided.
  5. Coffee should be avoided.
  6. Quantity of oil used should be reduced and completely avoid the use of hydrogenated oils.
  7. reduce the intake of cereals and pulses.
  8. Regular exercise, practicing yoga and meditation are very effective.
  9. Sound sleep and proper rest is very essential.
  10. Avoid anger, tension, anxiety and loud speaking, and smoking.
  11. Laughter therapy is consider a good natural treatment of high blood pressure.

Home remedies for High Blood Pressure:

Garlic: It slows down the pulse rate and modifies the heart rhythm, besides relieving the symptoms of dizziness, numbness, shortness of breath, and the formation of gas within the digestive tract. It may be taken in the form of raw cloves or two to three capsules a day.

Indian gooseberry: A tablespoon each of fresh amla juice and honey mix together should be taken every morning as an effective Ayurvedic treatment for hypertension.

Lemon: The vitamin P found in lemon is essential for preventing capillary fragility

Grapefruit: The vitamin P content in the fruit is helpful in toning up the arteries.

Watermelon: The seeds of watermelon, dried and roasted, should be taken in liberal quantities.
Rice: It makes a perfect diet for hypertension who have been advice salt-restricted diets. Calcium in brown rice, in particular, soothes and relaxes the nervous system and helps relieve the symptoms of high blood pressure.
Potato: Potatoes, specially in boiled form, are a valuable food for lowering blood pressure.

Parsley: It keeps the arterial system in a healthy condition. It may be taken as a beverage by simmering 20gm of fresh parsley leaves gently in 250ml of water for a few minutes. This may be drunk several times daily.

Rauwolfia: Among the herbs, rauwolfia is the best Ayurvedic remedy for high blood pressure. The root of the drug in a powdered form is used. Half a teaspoon of this drug should be taken thrice a day.

Vegetable juice: Raw vegetable juices, especially carrot and spinach, taken separately or in combination, are also beneficial in the treatment of high blood pressure.

Dietary calcium and potassium: These two essential nutrients help the body secret excess sodium and are involve in important function which control the working of the vascular system. Potassium is found in abundance in fruits and vegetables, and calcium in diary products.

Useful Ayurvedic herbs for high Blood Pressure:

Broom (Cytisus scoparius), Black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemose), Blue cohosh (Caulophyllum thalicroides), Boneset (Eupatorium perfoliaturn), Dong quai (Angelica sinesis), Gotu kola (Centella asiatica), Hawthorn (crataegus oxyacantha), Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis), Javal devil pepper (Rauwolfia serpentina), Myrrh, Sanicle (Sanicula europaea), Skullcap root (Scutellaria baicalensis), Valerian (Valeriana officinalis), and Wild cherry bark (Prunus serotina).

Preventive Measures for Hypertension

Hypertension prevention include maintaining a healthy weight, being physically active, following a healthy eating plan, that emphasizes fruits, vegetables, and low fat dairy foods, choosing and preparing foods with less salt and sodium and drinking in moderation.

Autor: Vikram Chauhan

This article is submitted by Dr. Vikram Chauhan- MD -Ayurveda, Consultant Ayurveda Physician for http://www.planetayurveda.com Dr. Chauhan provides free online consultations to his patients worldwide.

Added: November 30, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


Hypertension - Known As the Silent Killer


Hypertension has a few different names, and you know what they say about things with many names - they are very deadly. Hypertension is just another name for high blood pressure, high blood pressure is just another name for vascular pressure, and vascular pressure is another name for The Silent Killer.

Yes, that is right, hypertension is known as the silent killer, which is why most people are trying to find out as much as they can about it. The only problem is that we still do not know a lot about this thing.

It is something that affects almost all people, and it is something that does not have many symptoms, if any symptoms at all. This is why you need to be very careful when it comes to your health. It is recommended that you get to your doctor for an overall checkup and to check your blood pressure on a very regular basis.

You doctor is the only one who will be able to tell if you have high blood pressure, because the only way to find out is by getting tested. You will find that, if you do have high blood pressure, there are many ways for you to rid yourself from it. Your doctor for sure will give you prescription, since there are so many types of medications available for hypertension. Unfortunately, most of those medications have negative side effects. Many people now understand that besides medications, there are also plenty of natural treatments for hypertension available. More and more people now prefer to choose natural method to treat their hypertension.

However, as they say, prevention is better than cure. So, if you do not have hypertension, make sure that you live a healthy lifestyle, so that you do not get it in the future. Living a healthy lifestyle now is a much for everyone, doesn't matter you have hypertension or not. There are plenty of information available on the internet on how to live a healthy lifestyle.

Autor: Bud Adrian

There is a natural approach developed by Christian Goodman, which is proven to be effective, to lower your hypertension without side effect and will not cost you an arm and a leg anyway.
For more information on 3-simple steps of exercises lower your hypertension permanently and within a short time, visit : http://www.normalizehypertension.com

Added: November 28, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


Hypertension - What the Ancient Greeks Knew About Diet


The link between hypertension and our diet is something that we only generally become aware of after we have been diagnosed with the condition. At that stage, quite naturally, our emphasis is on changing our diet to lower our high blood pressure to normal levels as quickly as possible. We have forgotten the wisdom in the ancient Greek proverb that says let food be your medicine and let medicine be your food. The ancient Greeks understood that what we eat determines our health.

There is a strong connection between hypertension, our diet and the health of our heart. We become what we eat; and, what we eat predicts our heart's health and gives us a clear picture of our blood pressure status. The rate of our blood flow determines how healthy we are. What we eat can affect our circulatory system for good or for ill.

This means that there are some foods that affect our blood pressure; some foods will increase it while others are known to help lower it. Salt can cause a sharp rise in our blood pressure, so we should reduce our intake of sodium. However, over a longer period it is the highly processed foods that make up a significant part of our modern diet that is often the underlying cause of our condition. This is because these foods not only have high sodium content, but they also have a high fat content. It is therefore very important that wherever possible we avoid these foods, or at least limit our consumption of them, as they accumulate fats deposits in our arteries, causing hypertension and may eventually lead us to have a heart attack or stroke.

As hypertension sufferers, we should adopt a low fat, low sodium diet to help reduce our hypertension. Our diet should be rich in a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables and include at least one portion of oily fish a week. We should cut down on the amount of fatty meat (usually red meat) that we eat and choose the leaner white meats. We should also aim to drink two litres of water each day.

For most of us, the cause of our high blood pressure cannot easily be identified, but there are factors that are known to increase the risk of developing our condition. Having a poor diet and being overweight are two such factors that are closely linked. Let food be our medicine. Adopting a healthy diet, such as described above, will result in us losing weight as well as reducing our hypertension.

Autor: Robert Reddin

Do you really want to be taking drugs for the rest of your life? Click Here! If you want to reduce your high blood pressure naturally. http://how-to-lower-your-blood-pressure.com

Added: November 27, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


Lower Blood Pressure Fast - There Are Natural Ways to Achieve This Without Medication!


The moment you are diagnosed with hypertension, you pretty much have two options - medication or alternative treatment. However, if you only knew the harm that can be brought upon you by taking medication, it would be easier to make a choice between the two. With alternative treatment, you may be surprised to learn that it is possible to lower blood pressure fast.

There are different factors that lead to elevated blood pressure or hypertension. If you want to avoid this condition, it makes sense to manage the controllable factors that supposedly make up the bulk of the long list of the causal factors.

And you can certainly minimise this risk by means other than prescribed medication. Since these are natural means, you are not likely to experience side effects. This include changes in the habits and practices for you to live a healthy lifestyle. For one, you can lose weight and maintain a much healthier body.

When it comes to other natural means by which you can lower blood pressure fast, you can try eating celery instead of relying on medication for diuretics. You should also change your eating habits, especially if you are fond of junk foods and fast food. Water, as always, proves to be a source of life and health. You may be surprised to learn that a water-only fast for a week can actually bring down your blood pressure quite a fair bit!

Because there are numerous means to avoid or control hypertension, it may not be necessary for you to resort to medication and worsen your case with the side effects. There are medical researches done by doctors which you can read. If you do not want to add heart failure, diabetes, and other diseases to your blood pressure problems, it will be wise to minimise your long-term reliance on medication.

Autor: Blake Presby

To know more about how you can lower blood pressure fast and naturally, please visit http://htn-hypertension.blogspot.com/.

Added: November 26, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


How to Quickly Lower Blood Pressure - Check Out These Simple and Effective Tips!


Medication may not be enough to quickly lower blood pressure when you need it to. You have to resort to other means because when you suffer for a longer period of time, your condition may worsen. Here are some natural means to help you achieve the desired results faster.

1. Dark Chocolate

Eating a little piece of dark chocolate will dilate blood veseels to facilitate blood flow and thus, lower blood pressure. The flavonoids in dark chocolate are antioxidant-rich compounds that can have this effect on your blood vessels. In fact, dark chocolate has one of the highest content of flavonoids in foods.

2. Potassium

Potassium can be incorporated into your daily diet because it can be found in bananas, apple juice, avocados, legumes, oranges, watermelon, and other fruits. It can facilitate the way your heart contracts because it helps to maintain the electrolyte balance in the body.

3. Water

One way to quickly lower blood pressure is by drinking plenty of water. When your body does not discharge water to keep the cells from total dehydration, blood pressure would rise. To avoid dehydration, consider putting Himalayan Crystal salt into the water that you drink. This type of salt can help you maintain the right balance of water and other liquids in the body.

4. Deep Breathing

Making a habit of deep breathing will help you develop a healthy breathing pattern. You have to inhale and exhale slowly to let air in and out of your lungs completely. You can do this for ten minutes daily.

5. Walking

Walking can effectively lower your blood pressure. Just doing so three days a week for thirty minutes each time would bring wonders to your body.

Needless to say, consistency is key for these means to be effective.

Autor: Blake Presby

To learn more about how you can naturally and quickly lower blood pressure, please go to http://htn-hypertension.blogspot.com/.

Added: November 25, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


Treatments For High Blood Pressure - Good and Bad Sides of Hypertension Treatments


There are so many medications of the market being used as treatments for hypertension. Lotrel is one of these medications and it is believed that this provides the most efficient technologically advanced treatments for high blood pressure.

Lotrel contains a combination of hydrochlorothiazide and amlodipine, which effectively puts it into 2 categories; ACE inhibitors and calcium channel blockers. Lotrel will usually be prescribed in extreme hypertension cases , especially when other drugs and treatments haven't worked.

As with the majority of treatments for high blood pressure, they effectively treat the symptoms to provide some relief, although they are not able to cure the condition completely. Meaning that if you stop treatment, the hypertension will return.

Lotrel is only available to be purchased after it has been prescribed by your doctor. There are also different doses that will be recommended after examining the extent of your condition. Your doctor may alternate the strength of your medicinal treatments for high blood pressure, to find an appropriate dosage for you.

A generic dose of Lotrel has the ability to prevent heart failure, arrhythmias, strokes, and can also increase life expectancy by up to 30% for those patients who had suffered from these types of health problems previously.

It can be difficult to understand the causes behind problems with blood pressure and can even be difficult to find an appropriate explanation. There are a few combinations of factors that can contribute to the symptoms of hypertension; two of the most important are genetics and lifestyle factors.

You won't be able to use Lotrel treatments for high blood pressure, until a doctor scrutinizes your medical record, and other current medications that you are taking can be identified. This is to ensure that there will be no adverse reactions if you decide to take Lotrel. Any interference between drugs can lead to a chain reaction of side effects, as well as create other unnecessary health conditions.

Common side effects of taking Lotrel to lower blood pressure could include:

Limb swelling



Difficulty breathing

Irregular pulse

Chest pain

Digestive problems


If you experience any of the last 5 symptoms during your treatment, it is important to visit your doctor as soon as possible and it would also be a good idea to stop the treatment in this circumstance. Keep in mind; stopping a drug like this suddenly may also be harmful to your health, as the preferred method would be to cut down the dose gradually over a period of time.

Treatments for high blood pressure can provide you with the relief you are looking for, you just have to find the right one.

Autor: Raymond Loden

Want to Know More?

Click Here For Free Information and Reviews Natural Blood Pressure Treatment


Added: November 23, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


Check Your Blood Pressure Regularly As You Grieve


I try to take care of myself and most of the time I do a good job of it. Getting an annual physical exam is part of my self-care plan. My exam started yesterday and the test results were excellent: very low cholesterol and a normal heart rate of 72 beats per minute. Though I had gained 10 pounds, my weight was still in the normal range.

But my blood pressure was dangerously high. A nurse took a reading just before I saw my doctor. "Your blood pressure is 200," she said, "and that's not good."

My doctor took another reading after my exam and the number was even higher. "We have to get you on medication right away," she said. "Fill these prescriptions on the way home." She asked if I could identify the causes of high blood pressure.

"Two years of non-stop stress have caught up with me," I replied. I cited some of the causes of stress: losing four loved ones (including my daughter), within nine months, dozens of secondary losses, not selling my daughter's house, raising my twin grandchildren, compiling guardianship reports for the court, and the challenge of getting my grandchildren through college and graduate school. No wonder I was stressed.

Health experts refer to hypertension as the "silent killer." Mayo Clinic describes its dangers in a Website article, "High Blood Pressure." The effects of hypertension are alarming and include damage to the cells of your arteries' inner lining, heart damage, heart attack, mini stroke (transient ischemic attack), stroke, brain damage, kidney failure, and damage to your eye vessels.

When I read this list I became even more anxious. Thankfully, the medications my doctor prescribed started to work immediately. In two weeks I will see my doctor again and she will evaluate my treatment plan.

There are things you and I can do to lower our pressure. First, we can exercise regularly. I'm going to re-activate my walking program, which dwindled in the last few months. Second, we can carve out more time for ourselves. This is hard to do if you are grieving for multiple losses or caring for children. We can substitute herbs for salt. If we think a recipe needs salt, we can add the low-sodium kind. Keeping a blood pressure diary is also helpful and many drug stores have free pressure machines.

"High blood pressure can occur in children or adults," notes the American Heart Association. "It's particularly prevalent in African Americans, middle-age and elderly people, obese people and heavy drinkers."

Mourners face many challenges -- planning the memorial service, disposing of a loved one's possessions, tending to financial matters, protecting children, protecting themselves, and dealing with unforeseen secondary losses. Stir these ingredients together and you may have high blood pressure. There are people who need you, so take care of yourself.

Copyright 2009 by Harriet Hodgson

Autor: Harriet Hodgson


Harriet Hodgson has been an independent journalist for 31 years. She is a member of the American Society of Journalists and Authors, Association of Health Care Journalists, and Association for Death Education and Counseling. Her 24th book, "Smiling Through Your Tears: Anticipating Grief," written with Loi Krahn, MD, is available from Amazon.

Centering Corporation in Omaha, Nebraska, USA has published her 26th book, "Writing to Recover: The Journey from Loss and Grief to a New Life." The company has also produced a companion resource, the "Writing to Recover Journal," which contains 100 writing prompts. Please visit Harriet's Website and learn more about this busy author and grandmother.

Added: November 22, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/