Hypertension, most commonly referred to as "high blood pressure", HTN or HPN, is a medical condition in which the blood pressure is chronically elevated. It was previously referred to as arterial hypertension, but in current usage, the word "hypertension" without a qualifier normally refers to arterial hypertension.

Understanding Renovascular Hypertension


The abnormal changes in the usual blood flow to kidneys cause renovascular hypertension. It is a type of the secondary hypertension. It is quickly discovered in patients with kidney ailments, for normal people it is normally diagnosed through a period of examination and tests. It can also can get worse if the proper treatment is not followed.

The renal arteries provide the kidneys with a stable blood flow that has to be cleaned and sent back to the normal flow of the body. As the filtering work of the kidney are mostly powered by the pressure. The kidneys are pretty good at feeling the change in the blood pressure. If the kidney feels that the pressure is going low to power the filtration, they react by discharging hormones to raise the level of the pressure. The troubles take place when the decreased blood flow is not due to low pressure. The kidneys raise the pressure to a very high level so that they are able to push more blood in the narrowed arteries.

The patients with high blood vessel or kidney ailments, a sudden development of high blood pressure is a big signal that this form of hypertension is the problem. Generally, the diagnosis needs a meticulous investigation and tests. Some causes that indicate this hypertension are:

1. High blood pressure in people less than the age of 30

2. A sudden increase in the pressure in people above the age of 55

3. Blood pressure that does not react to medicines

4. Pressure that stops responding to the former medicines

Blood tests are carried out when the condition is suspected, but a definite method of diagnosing is to in fact look at the narrowing of the arteries. This can be done through a CT scan or an MRI, though at times a further investigation can be called for. In such cases, a small catheter is inserted in the groin into the renal artery, small quantities of dye is released through the catheter. Images are taken to see the course of the dye that would display the narrow spots in artery.

The treatment of renovascular hypertension is different from the treatment of the common hypertension. The treatment is planned according to the cause of the narrowing of the renal artery. Though the goals of the treatment are same, to widen the artery and restore the normal blood flows. The first step to the treatment is to try drugs that dissolve the deposits. If it is found to be ineffective then physically expanding the artery might be required and that involves surgery known as stenting. The treatment of this disease is a little tough than other diseases, but the success rates are high. If it is planned correctly then one should have no problems in getting well soon.

Autor: Mary Ponce

If you want to understand more about this condition you can visit http://www.treating-hypertension.com and to learn more about the relationship between garlic and hypertension.

Added: December 30, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

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