Hypertension, most commonly referred to as "high blood pressure", HTN or HPN, is a medical condition in which the blood pressure is chronically elevated. It was previously referred to as arterial hypertension, but in current usage, the word "hypertension" without a qualifier normally refers to arterial hypertension.

Herbs For Blood Pressure - 5 Power Herbs to Kill Your High Blood Pressure


More and more people are turning to herbs to control their blood pressure. It should come as no surprise because the main alternative is a combination of pharmaceutical drugs with intolerable side effects. Natural herbs can help you to lower your blood pressure but without these side effects.

Hawthorne Berry

This unique berry works in two ways. First of all it helps to dilate the blood vessels and therefore directly lower your bp. Secondly, it also helps to dislodge the build-up of plaque on the arterial walls - although this has only a limited effect on your b.p., it will help to lower the risk of a cardiac arrest or stroke which is the same aim of reducing your b.p. too.


This is a natural diuretic that will help your body to rid itself of excess sodium. Because sodium would otherwise narrow your blood vessels and increase the pressure in them then eliminating it will have the reverse effect. Furthermore, you don't lose valuable potassium (a mineral which has the opposite effect to sodium) when doing this.


Garlic is a powerful cure-all. Although some people claim that it is a toxin, several studies have shown that it reduces build-up of arterial plaque and lowers the blood pressure. It is best taken in the raw form - I recommend garlic capsules as you can get the equivalent of a clove a day but minus the garlic breath! Also, check with your doctor first if you have any existing health problems as garlic thins the blood and may interfere with other drugs or aggravate other medical conditions.

Fish Oil

Numerous studies have shown that the DHA content in fish oil has a small effect on lowering elevated blood pressure levels.

Gingko Biloba

This is a Chinese herbal remedy that is well known for having numerous health properties. It is said that lowering of the b.p. is one of them although I have not yet seen this with my own eyes but you may wish to consider it for further investigation.

Herbs are a superior alternative to drugs and several can be taken in combination to delivery huge reductions in blood pressure. Combined with dietary changes and reducing the stress in your life, herbs are now seen to be much more potent that drugs and without the side effects.

Autor: Chris Cage

Discover an all-natural, easy, step-by-step program for easily lowering your blood pressure here: Blood Pressure Truth.

Added: January 26, 2010
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

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