Hypertension, most commonly referred to as "high blood pressure", HTN or HPN, is a medical condition in which the blood pressure is chronically elevated. It was previously referred to as arterial hypertension, but in current usage, the word "hypertension" without a qualifier normally refers to arterial hypertension.

High Blood Pressure Causes You Need to Know


High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, can be just as dangerous as any other chronic disease. It is also known as the "silent killer" because people are suffering from high blood pressure can usually not recognize them early, unless it is diagnosed during a routine checkup. In our very busy lives we sometimes neglect our high blood pressure and stress. As such, it is important for us to recognize some of the causes of high blood pressure, so that we are able to minimize or modify certain activities and practices to avoid the development of this condition.

There are many causes for high blood pressure , But an important factor that seems to be in almost all cases, stress. For a very long time, when the doctors stress that a factor, and not a cause. But new findings show that chronic stress is in fact one of the main causes of hypertension.

Everyone gets stressed out at times. The difference is that some can also manage their stress and take measures to alleviate congestion, while others ignore them and let it build up until it explodes or results in other negative consequences or even disease. No matter what the circumstances, stress can be easily managed if you know the right technique and makes the effort to use them, if needed.

There are countless ways to relieve stress. The simple joy of listening to music, for example, can be very reassuring. The next time you feel like tearing your hair out to your favorite music, and it always works. This proven method is certainly the spirit in your ease.

Breathing in some ways is also known that stress and has recently proved to be directly on blood pressure as well. A new method called "slow breathing with music" combines a breathing technique proven to lower blood pressure by relaxing music. This great new method offers numerous health benefits and takes only a few minutes day.

High high blood pressure may also be caused by poor nutrition. You are what you eat, as they say, and our diet plays a very important role in regulating our blood pressure. For example, many people are aware that now have sodium in blood pressure can shoot sky high. It is therefore important to avoid salty foods and snacks and not add salt to your meals. A normal, balanced diet provides many natural sodium, without the need for additional salt.

Another element of a poor diet eat too much fatty food, usually a high amount of the wrong kind of cholesterol. This is the so-called "bad" cholesterol, plaque in the arteries, which is under construction blockades with dire health consequences.

The answer to the avoidance of excess capacity sodium, fat and cholesterol is easy to eat a balanced and varied diet of whole, natural and unprocessed foods. Natural foods contain a healthy balance of nutrients, which are degraded through processing. Example: A fresh fish, fried or baked simply healthier than a pack of "fish sticks", were chopped, mixed with starch and preservatives, dipped in salt dough and frozen.

Closely related to the diet is our weight and activity. A poor diet combined with physical inactivity will quickly lead to obesity. Obesity makes the heart work harder and increases the blood pressure. At the same time, inactivity weakens the heart, because as a muscle, the heart needs to exercise strong and healthy. Poor nutrition, obesity and inactivity are a recipe for disaster.

Smoking and drink too much alcohol are popular truck, but they are also important causes of high blood pressure. The answer to smoking is easy to stop one way or another. There is no safe level of smoking. Alcohol is much more complicated because in the right quantity It can even be healthy. It is a difficult balance, because even a small amount of alcohol to excess capacity regelmaiger base can easily raise your blood pressure. How much is too much? This is often difficult to say because different people handle it differently, but if you look at regular hangover and /or sleep disorders, you are definitely too much to drink and that is certainly having an impact on your blood pressure.

These are some of the key factors Lifestyle can be causes of high blood pressure. Doctors estimate that up to 95% of cases of high blood pressure are the result of the lifestyle. The good news is that changes in lifestyle, such as better eating and drinking less, are often the most effective way to treat your high blood pressure pressure.

At at the same time, it is important to note that high blood pressure can also depend on genetic factors. In fact, there are many cases of the condition, with no other possible explanation. If high blood pressure runs in your family, chances are high that it be developed. If so, treatment with medications may offer the only solution. Whatever the case, maintaining a healthy lifestyle will always affect your blood pressure and reduce the severity of your hypertension.


Jan Oliver is an academic, writer and researcher in Natural Health. Discover the genuine natural ways to lower blood pressure immediately. Click Here to get your free report on dealing with high blood pressure.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jan_Oliver

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