Hypertension, most commonly referred to as "high blood pressure", HTN or HPN, is a medical condition in which the blood pressure is chronically elevated. It was previously referred to as arterial hypertension, but in current usage, the word "hypertension" without a qualifier normally refers to arterial hypertension.

High Blood Pressure and Kidneys - An Overview


The measure of the pressure inside your blood vessels is known as Blood pressure. When the pressure within the blood vessels is too high, the condition is called Hypertension. High blood pressure, if not given due attention can lead to serious health hazards. It makes working of the heart too hard, hardens the walls of arteries and can cause brain hemorrhage. It can also make the kidneys function poorly. Other dangerous situations caused by it include kidney failure, congestive heart failure and stroke.

In the present age, when many are suffering from kidney ailments as a result of hypertension, it is important to understand the relation between kidneys and high blood pressure.

The kidneys are sophisticated reprocessing machines, located near the middle of your back. The kidneys process about 200 quarts of blood to sift out about 2 quarts of waste products and extra water. The waste and extra water become urine, which flows to your bladder through tubes called ureters.

In addition to removing wastes, kidneys release three important hormones - Erythropoietin, which stimulates the bone marrow to make red blood cells; Rennin, which regulates blood pressure and Calcitriol, which maintains calcium for bones.

Hypertension makes your heart work harder and longer and can damage blood vessels throughout your body. As we discussed earlier, it is one of the leading causes of kidney failure. This condition is also known as end-stage renal disease (ESRD). It is indispensable for people with kidney failure to go for a kidney transplant or dialysis.

Autor: Sheeba Benjamin Benju Sheeba Benjamin Benju
Level: Platinum
I am an educationist, counsellor and freelance writer. I am keenly interested in gathering information and staying abreast of the times. Equipped with a powerful ... ...


Added: August 30, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


Causes of High Blood Pressure and Treatments to Reduce It


High blood pressure is a medical problem that many people deal with on a daily basis, and once it has developed, it will be around for the rest of their life. This is not a condition that can be treated and it will go away completely.

That is why it is important to know the causes of it and how to treat it.

Race, age and gender do not matter with this health problem because the truth is that anyone can develop this problem. Did you know that it has been estimated that for every four adults in America, one of them has blood pressure that is too high?

That is a lot of people that need to learn to deal with this problem. To help, here are the causes that make it too high.

The causes for this problem vary, but some of the different causes are a narrowing of the arteries, your heart beating at a faster rate than it should, and a higher blood volume than is normal. All of these conditions have been known to cause an increase in pressure that pushes against the artery walls.

Another cause is excess weight, which unfortunately, a lot of people have a problem with. It is three times more likely for an overweight person to develop this health condition.

By losing even a little weight such as, five or ten pounds can help to reduce your blood pressure to a more normal range. It is recommended that everyone try to get as close as they can to their ideal body weight because this is the best way to reduce blood pressure that is too high.

Now that you know the causes of this health problem, it is important to also know how to treat it. Here are the best ways for anyone to use to reduce their blood pressure without a lot of problems.

1. Walking can help anyone reduce it. Start small and walk about a quarter of a mile until this is comfortable and then make your walks longer. Take a daily walk for two weeks and you will be amazed at how much this simple exercise can help to reduce your blood pressure.

2. Take medicine for this health problem that is prescribed by your doctor. Along with taking the medicine, eat healthier and get plenty of rest because this will also have a big affect.

3. There are many nutritional products available these days that you can take to help lower your blood pressure. Do some research and if needed, talk to your doctor about what the best nutritional products would be for you to take.

These are the causes and treatments that everyone needs to know about. This health concern can be treated so the pressure is within normal range, but it will still be something that you have to deal with daily for the rest of your life.

Autor: Gary Giardina Gary Giardina
Level: Platinum
I have been working online for a few years now and writing has become a great pastime of mine.Through my articles, I aim to provide ... ...

Gary Giardina has found the perfect health home business to make money and help people with healthy aging. Plus it is the only internet business that lets you buy real customers and not just leads. Click here now: http://homebizsuccess1.com

Added: August 29, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


Hypertension - Combat Both High Blood Pressure and Acidosis - The Silent and the Real Silent Killers


High blood pressure (hypertension) is called the silent killer because it does not give symptoms or warning before it strikes. Hypertension is not just one disease or diagnosis, look at hypertension as a sign of poor picture of overall health. Remember that blood pressure is one of the vital signs we measure as a gauge to your your overall health (other vital signs are pulse, temperature and respiration). A sign like elevated blood pressure is not the disease; it points to the disease of inflammation going on in the body.

Inflammation is the two edged sword or process that powers tissue repair and regeneration when it is acute. But if inflammation becomes chronic (well-pass the the short time for repairs), it becomes a seat-bed for all chronic debilitating lifestyle diseases like high blood pressure, atheroslerosis and weight gain. By the way, acute inflammation is characterized by swelling, pain, redness, and fever. Hypertension is actually a low grade chronic inflammatory response to chronic acid insult to the blood vessels and vital organs of the body.

In a generic sense, the body is acid in function but alkaline in design. This is because the blood PH is slightly alkaline at 7.4. On the other hand, the body's metabolic reactions generate too much acid which need alkaline environment to neutralize. Even more alkaline food is need to alkalize the blood PH and overcome blood acidity. Acid anywhere burns and corrodes tissues just like it does to metals. This leads to endothelial dysfunction, acid erosion of internal lining of blood vessels, atheroslerosis and high blood pressure. Therefore, acidosis (not just hypertension) is the 'real silent killer.'

The Chinese believe that high blood acidity is the cause of hypertension and called high blood pressure the fire within. They believe that hypertension is due to yang imbalance of excess or liver heat. Yang heat or energy comes from eating too much cooked food that speed up catabolism--biochemical reaction that leads to the breakdown of the body. According to Chinese philosophy, you lower hypertension by eating ying food (mainly raw fruit and vegetables) that supply cooling energy that lower blood pressure and put out the fire (inflammation) on the tissues.

The Chinese medicine philosophy of hypertension is right because I have never seen a hypertensive patient who eats the recommended five servings of fruits and vegetables daily. I must add that processed, fragmented, chemical-laden and packaged foods are devoid of life enzymes as such create high blood pressure pointing to the fact that the body needs fixing. According to law of biogenesis, only life can give life; Therefore, only life food can produce lively people. Therefore, the Standard American Diet (SAD) with high levels of oxidizing fats, junk food, and denatured, nutrient deficient food is to be blamed for rampant high blood pressure.

However, when the body is broken down with hypertension as a sign, you have to approach the cure (not control) from different perspectives. This include correcting high blood acidity (foundation of hypertension), combat inflammation, dietry changes, enzyme supplementation, aggressive detoxification and exercise.

Detoxification must be focused on liver flushing because the liver creates C-reactive protein that marks inflammation. C-reactive protein is a more specific marker of hypertension and heart disease than high cholesterol. The liver also filters the blood and produces fibrin that is part of fibrosis and sclerosis that set up atheroslerotic plagues and subsequent hypertension. Raw green vegetables help the detoxification work of the liver, combat inflammation and lowers high blood pressure. Proteolytic systemic enzymes also combat inflammation and lower hypertension. Alkalizing the body with ginger, lemon juice and cucumbers also help to normalize hypertension. Alkalizing diet rich in magnesium and potassium also help to detoxify the blood of acidic wastes.

Hypertension the 'silent killer' is only the fruit or sign of inflammation which in-turn is a pointer to chronic high blood acid 'the real silent killer' that setup the environment for hypertension and other cardiovascular embarrassment. Remove high blood acid and inflammation and high blood pressure will disappear without expensive and harmful anti-hypertensive drugs. This is the only lasting cure (not symptomatic control) of high blood pressure.

Autor: Uzo Onukwugha Uzo Onukwugha
Level: Platinum
Uzo Onukwugha is the Chief Spiritual Officer of Weblinkbusiness.com that comprises weblinkcopywriting, webmarketingvideobasics.com and wordmeditation.com among others. Uzo is a noted Bible Teacher, Motivational Speaker, ... ...

Uzo Onukwugha comes back to discuss high blood pressure remedies. Uzo is a medical doctor that follows the path of nature to find cure and lasting solution to bleeding health issues. He believes that the greatest prescription is knowledge. Sickness and disease is like a tree. The root empowers every other visible parts of disease (hypertension). Don't cut off the fruit (high blood pressure), dissolve the root cause and you will cure (not control) the patient. More vital is the fact that we should ask, "what type of person has the disease; and not what type of disease the person has."

Added: August 27, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


Lower Blood Pressure Fast, Naturally and Quickly


Recently I visited my doctor and as he looked as me and said your blood pressure is on rise and you have to control it. I mentioned to him the ways to lower it naturally rather than by medicines. He gave some tips and I did a lot of research online to lower blood pressure quickly and fast naturally without using drugs. This article is a summary of what is learned in the process.

What is high blood pressure ?

It is is a medical condition in which the pressure of blood against arteries is chronically elevated.

What is considered as high ? - In individuals older than 50 years BP of least 140 mmHg systolic or 90 mmHg diastolic. Patients with BP over 130/80 mmHg along with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, or kidney disease need additional treatment. The HBP ranges in children are different.

High Blood Pressure Readings

Pressure Systolic Pressure Diastolic pressure

Normal 90-119 60-79

Pre Hypertension 120-139 80-89

Hypertension Stage 1 140-159 90-99

Hypertension Stage 2 >=160 >=100

Lower blood Pressure naturally and quickly

Follow a healthy eating plan to lower it naturally and quickly. This includes limiting the amount of sodium (salt) and alcohol that you consume, and it can lower it fast. The above factor is the main factor to quickly bring BP down naturally.

Other factors that you can control to lower BP naturally are:

- Maintain a healthy weight for your Lose weight if you're overweight or obese.
- Do enough physical activity.
- Quit smoking.
- Manage your stress and learn to cope with stress
- If you are prescribed medication, take it as directed.

Foods that lower blood Pressure

Foods that are part of DASH diet can lower the BP. DASH stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH). DASH eating plan has more daily servings of fruits, vegetables, and whole grain foods and lower sugar and fatty foods than you may be used to eating. Because the plan is high in fiber, it can cause bloating and diarrhea in some persons. To avoid these problems, gradually increase your intake of fruit, vegetables, and whole grain foods.

Lower blood pressure diet

DASH diet, which includes whole grain products, fish, poultry, and nuts. It is reduced in lean red meat, sweets, added sugars, and sugar-containing beverages compared to the typical American diet. It is rich in potassium, magnesium, and calcium, as well as protein and fiber.

Lower Blood Pressure Herbs

Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna [Latin]), also called haw, mayblossom, and mayflower has been used for thousands of years in Asian, European, and Native American cultures to treat heart disease. Hawthorn contains several proanthocyanidins and flavonoids, which increase the heart's ability to pump blood and oxygen to all parts of the body by dilating coronary blood vessels and strengthening the heart muscle.

As you can see if you are diagnosed with HBP you can lower it naturally and quickly with diet and lifestyle changes but since this is not a doctor advice you can get a complete plan with steps and details to normalize your high Blood Pressure. It is an e-book with you can download in minute and start following it up.

Autor: Aaron S Smith

You can Lower your blood pressure Naturally and Quickly with step by step guide by downloading the report instantly from the website below. http://LowerMyBpGuide.com

Added: August 25, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


A Natural Remedy For High Blood Pressure - How to Find the Cure You Need


Looking for a natural remedy for high blood pressure can be a challenge to say the least. You hear all of the claims and you have to wonder what is true and what is not true.

Unfortunately, there are companies out there that try and make a profit off of someone else's ailment. Hypertension is so prevalent in today's society, which makes those suffering a prime target for every new drug that comes on the market.

Thankfully, there are natural treatments for hypertension that actually do work. These treatments come from nature and are therefore powerful and inexpensive to get. They do not come from a pharmacy, however, so your doctor may not know or understand much about them.

For example, did you know that magnesium can relax the arteries thus lowering blood pressure? It is true! Magnesium is an essential mineral that is used in over 300 processes in the body. Unfortunately, due to the overuse of the soil that our food is grown in these days, most people do not get enough magnesium in their diet.

But it is not just about magnesium. There are many other herbs, vitamins and minerals that can assist in lowering blood pressure for someone who is suffering from hypertension. These natural compounds can work together to bring a person's blood pressure down naturally.

Another great natural alternative is garlic. Believe it or not, garlic is not just a food seasoning. It works well in controlling hypertension too.

When looking for a natural remedy for hypertension, be mindful that you cannot believe everything you read. Look for information from studies and research that explain all of the facts you need to know to make an informed decision.

Autor: Maya Uriodain

Finding an effective natural remedy is possible. For more information visit Natural Remedy for Hypertension.

Added: August 24, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


Medication For High Blood Pressure


High blood pressure is something you want to want to pay attention. It is the most common cause of many heart diseases and heart disease, which often happen to people in today's society. It's even worse if your family with an elevated blood pressure.

As this has become a big issue in North America and other parts of the world there are many different pieces of equipment that you can use. You can find a monitor in most places, and this is used to measure your blood pressure. Best is one of these available at all times. It is also a good idea to use it at least twice a day.

There are also many other types of medication you can take to help lower your blood pressure. To a hold of this type of medication that you will likely have to go to your doctor and see what ones are right for you. Your doctor will know what is best for you to be. Never take someone else's advice on this issue.

You can guarantee your health and lives at risk by setting it a friend or a stranger.

If you find that your medication does not work very well for you then usually all you can do is slow the dosage. If you notice that it still does not work then you may need to try something else. Go back to your doctor and see what other options are available.

While there are many different types of medication taken for you, the best thing you can do is a few changes in lifestyle and to make. Drugs will only be able to help you temporarily, and will not completely eliminate your high blood pressure. Eat healthily

can always enough exercise is two very important things that you need to know about it. Overeating and being lazy is a common way for someone to inflate her blood pressure.

with a few simple lifestyle changes can dramatically reduce your blood pressure.


Click here for more information about manual blood pressure equipment.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rob_Ganion

A Natural Remedy For High Blood Pressure - What to Look For When Choosing a Supplement


When looking for a natural remedy for high blood pressure, you have to be careful. After all, your health is a very serious, important issue, right? Anything that affects your heart and arteries should be examined with great caution.

So many marketing companies espouse that their supplement is the best or cures your ailment in one day. You must take all of these promises with a grain of salt until you have a chance to really research the ingredients in these supplements.

One great natural remedy for hypertension is a simple mineral called magnesium. Certainly everyone has heard of magnesium. Magnesium handles 300 biochemical processes in the body, yet most people are severely depleted of this essential mineral. One study has shown that magnesium may play a very important role in regulating blood pressure. Eating a diet rich in magnesium is certainly important, but taking a supplement that is designed to aid in controlling hypertension may be far more advantageous in the long run.

There are complementary supplements that can go with magnesium to create a powerful blood pressure lowering combination. For example, the herb Hawthorn Berry extract has been shown to help improve blood supply to the heart by dilating the heart's vessels.

Garlic is another familiar supplement that is known to improve blood flow to the heart as well as decrease blood pressure. It is very easy to get garlic in your diet by simply adding it to your food.

The key to using supplementation in your regimen to reduce hypertension is finding the right combination of naturally occurring substances. They must also be in the right dosages to make the greatest difference in your blood pressure number.

Autor: Maya Uriodain

Lowering your blood pressure naturally is easy. For more information visit Natural Remedy for Hypertension.

Added: August 23, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


Looking For a Natural Remedy For High Blood Pressure? Know the Facts First


Many people are looking for a natural remedy for high blood pressure. It can make your eyes cross after you read all of the marketing materials that some companies put out touting some new treatment that they are selling. The question remains who can you believe?

Then there are the pharmaceutical companies trying to sell the latest and greatest drug for hypertension. One must wonder how these drugs will affect a person after they take them for so many years?

Thankfully, our planet has provided so many natural compounds that are available and do a great job at lowering blood pressure naturally. Your doctor may be unaware of these alternatives or they may not be interested in learning about them. As a patient, it is your right and responsibility to understand what is available before making a decision on what to put into your body.

One very simple example of a natural remedy for hypertension is garlic. We all know about garlic and perhaps you put it in your spaghetti every now and then, but it has wonderfully healing properties when it comes to the subject of blood pressure.

Another natural alternative that you can find in your local health food store would be magnesium. Beefing up your diet with magnesium rich foods and adding a supplement will truly contribute control your hypertension without having to take a prescription medication.

There are several other herbs, minerals and vitamins that all work together to complement each other in the effort to lower blood pressure. It is important to get a supplement that has all of the right components and in the right amounts.

A supplement that has a combination of Hawthorn Berry, Holly Leaf, Garlic and Daikon Seed could be an excellent choice as these herbs work synergistically to lower blood pressure.

Remember that you must take control of your own health and not simply agree to take a strong prescription medication unless you feel that is the right way to go for you. Good quality blood pressure supplements may be a better alternative.

Autor: Maya Uriodain

Lowering your blood pressure naturally is easy. For more information visit Natural Remedy for Hypertension.

Added: August 21, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


Finding the Right Blood Pressure Supplement For You - Tips and Tricks to Remember


If you are looking for a good blood pressure supplement, it can be a bit of an overwhelming task. Your doctor is probably trying to give you a beta blocker or calcium channel blocker, but maybe you are not ready to opt for a prescription drug.

Many people feel that treating a disease or a symptom naturally should be the first line of treatment. After all, you do not have a beta blocker deficiency, do you? Of course not! Your body is trying to tell you something by increasing your blood pressure. Perhaps you are under too much stress, eating the wrong foods, not getting enough sleep or not getting your exercise.

Whatever the reason for your high blood pressure, you will want to research and find the right blood pressure supplement for you. Often, a variety of good supplements will be the key to keeping you off a prescription medication for the rest of your life. Therefore, it is important to take the time necessary to do your research and make an informed decision.

One out of three people have hypertension, so this is a common problem. However, unchecked and untreated high blood pressure can lead to serious consequences such as heart disease and stroke. It has been said that over 85% of people could reverse their hypertension by making lifestyle modifications including adding more magnesium.

Magnesium dilates blood vessels, prevents heart muscle spasms, dissolves blood clots and prevents arrhythmias. As you can see, this vital mineral is one major player when it comes to heart health. However, there are other wonderful supplements that, when combined with magnesium, can help you completely stay away from taking a prescription drug.

There are also key natural herbs that can play a major role in lowering blood pressure. Among them are Hawthorn Berry, Holly Leaf and Garlic. A good supplement should have a combination of these herbs.

Take some time and research to make an informed decision.

Autor: Maya Uriodain

For more information, visit Right Blood Pressure Supplement.

Added: August 20, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


If You Are Looking For a Blood Pressure Supplement, Proper Research is Key


If you have hypertension and are looking for a blood pressure supplement, you may find that talking with your doctor and other medical professionals becomes quite frustrating. Being told you have a potentially serious medical condition is hard enough, but to have your only options be prescription medication is not a good feeling.

As an informed patient, the first step you take should always be research. Even if you have had hypertension for 10 years, it always pays to go back and see what the most current research is about your situation.

If you have recently been diagnosed with hypertension, there are steps you can take to help reduce your blood pressure naturally. For instance, exercise has often been shown to assist in lowering blood pressure.

Getting more sleep and meditating are also great ways to relieve stress and thus alleviate hypertension. No one can totally remove stress from their life, but you should certainly take steps to minimize stress in your daily routine. It never hurts to have less stress, does it?

There are also wonderful natural supplements you can take. Mother Nature certainly gave an abundant amount of herbs and other minerals that are successful in treating high blood pressure without the use of pharmaceuticals.

However, with the rise of natural supplements has also come the rise in false claims being made by marketers. You must be careful to read and do your own research when looking for a supplement for your situation.

Look for minerals like magnesium and calcium for starters as these two minerals can greatly help you. Garlic, Holly Leaf and Hawthorn Berry are key natural herbs that can contribute to lowering blood pressure. It is the combination of several supplements that will help you the most, however.

Autor: Maya Uriodain

Lowering your blood pressure naturally is easy. For more information visit Natural Remedy for Hypertension.

Added: August 19, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


Natural High Blood Pressure Treatments Are As Close As Your Grocery Store


While there is no clear consensus on what the core causes of hypertension, the medical community agree on the mechanisms of disease. Often called "silent killer" because it can cause a stroke or heart attack without obvious symptoms, hypertension or high blood pressure has become a public health problem, the fourth of adults.

And you know what? This killer is preventable and reversible.

By the end of the 90s turned to the Americans medication regularly to the condition. However, drugs come with their own problems such as side effects and costs. A study conducted in 1998 suggested that a diet rich in certain vegetables, fruit and low fat dairy products can prevent or reduce high blood pressure. This diet is a dietary approach to hypertension or hyphen.

In a study in New York, a group of people with high blood pressure were on the DASH diet, and said nothing else to do, like exercise, to try and lower their BP. In two weeks almost all of them had a reduction of blood pressure.

Here are some of the hero of that diet ingredients:

The Amazing Garlic

Not only useful for keeping vampires away, the garlic is a vegetable with a powerful one two punch. It acts as gefäßerweiternden and may attend the opening of the arteries, which in turn reduces pressure. In addition, it contains an antioxidant that attacks free radicals which destroy cells. Besides hypertension, the garlic has been proven to prevent stomach and intestinal cancers as well.

Ironically, this powerful Little Fighter is the exception to the rule and is stronger as a supplement, as it is raw or cooked.

Top Banana

If there is an imbalance in our bodies between sodium and potassium, the increasingly severe hypertension. Almost everyone knows that their intake of sodium, but this is a very delicate matter.

Most people think that cutting salt intake is from the shaker on the table. All processed food and some "new" meats have sodium in them. The main reason is salt in processed foods is a better option not because it is from the actual processing. It shows in the food that we do not connect it to.

Can you imagine sitting in your morning bowl of cornflakes and sprinkling a spoonful of salt on them? Of course not. But check out the ingredients on the cereal, and you will see that it contains 11% to 12% of the DRA for sodium per serving.

This is a tricky business, but the control of sodium bigger problem is the balance of sodium to potassium. If we do not know how much sodium we take in, we can certainly have more potassium by eating bananas. Three to six servings per day are recommended in the DASH.

If you're not a banana fan, try watermelon, spinach, oranges and almonds, all good sources of potassium.

Fiberrific fruit and beans

Another flaw in the typical American diet is both soluble fiber, which help the blood pressure and helps keep our insoluble in the gastro-intestinal tract and may be indirectly through the reduction burden of cardiovascular system. Fruits are super high in both types of fiber and legumes.

Go Fishing for good health,

probably the hardest part of the diet is the reduction of red meat and the increase of "oily" fish such as salmon and mackerel. Tuna, probably the most popular, is sadly low on the fish oil, cholesterol effects.

So diet can cure or cause hypertension. For the entire chart of foods in the DASH diet 00,000,000th Understand, you must not do everything at once. You can use "to" this diet in your family, eating a little at a time and still take advantage.


Rachel Willson researches natural approaches to health and fitness issues. If you are worried about high blood pressure and you would like a step by step plan to deal with the anti hypertension diet as well as exercise and stress, please visit Rachel's site now. Thanks!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rachel_Willson


Searching For a Blood Pressure Supplement - Things to Remember


If you have just been given the diagnosis of high blood pressure, you are probably very concerned right now. You may also be searching for a good blood pressure supplement. Although hypertension is now a common ailment among many populations, it is definitely not good for your long term health and wellbeing.

There are many natural remedies available for someone who is interested in treating high blood pressure naturally. Doctors are often dismissive of these natural alternatives, however many of them may work even better than a prescribed medication would.

As a patient, you always want to take your time making a good decision on what you put into your body. There is so much research available to you when you are looking for a blood pressure supplement. The studies have been done and the results have been very good for natural supplementation.

Of course, not every supplement on the market is the real deal. Some marketing claims are simply over the top with promises that cannot be guaranteed. However, mixed into the marketing hype are many grains of truth when it comes to which natural supplements work and which do not.

One very simple food you can begin to eat more of is garlic. Garlic has had a great history of being good for hypertension as well as circulation. Most people would not think a lot about having more garlic in their diet. It is a very simple thing to add that will make a difference.

Finding natural supplements that contain Hawthorn Berry is also a good choice. Studies have shown that this herb, which has been used in Europe and Asia for centuries, helps improve blood circulation by dilating the heart's vessels.

Another simple addition would be magnesium. Magnesium is a powerful mineral which handles over 300 processes in your body, calms the nerves, helps regular blood sugar and of course assists in regulating blood pressure too.

When looking for a blood pressure supplement, research is key!

Autor: Maya Uriodain

Maya Uriodain has been a Health Educator and Health Advocate for the past 15 years. She worked as the Manager of a cardiovascular disease prevention program for immigrant women in Broward County, Florida, for several years. That experience has encouraged her to research natural remedies for hypertension and share her findings with her clients. For more information visit Right Blood Pressure Supplement.

Added: August 18, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


Natural Alternatives to High Blood Pressure Prescription Medications


Prescription Drugs
Many hypertension prescription drugs are costly and create many dangerous side effects that damage your body and complicate your health. They create serious and unhealthy side effects that affect your body in unseen ways. The prescriptions only treat the symptoms but the root of the problem remains untreated and often ignored. The traditional cures for this condition are diuretics, beta blockers, alpha blockers and vasodilators. All of the traditional prescriptions for this condition only temporarily treat the symptoms and financially drain your budget and your health insurance.

Natural Alternative to Prescriptions and Temporary Fixes
The good news is there are permanent, affordable and natural methods to effectively lower your blood pressure without a doctors costly prescription and endangering your life with the dangerous side effects. These natural remedies will not only treat the root of the problem but make you feel and look healthier in the process. The natural remedy involves no drugs, no side effects and it's completely affordable, anyone can use this remedy to correct their condition permanently and naturally. "The High Blood Pressure Remedy Report" is jam-packed with honest and effective information that will show you how to safely, naturally and inexpensively reduce your blood pressure to a normal level using common grocery store products. This wealth of information is an invaluable resource for anyone wishing to prevent and permanently control their condition the natural and safe way. It only takes a minute to change your life and improve your health for a lifetime of happiness to enjoy your family and friends.

My whole family has been plagued with hypertension, diabetes, asthma and other health problems. My parents and several aunts have been diagnosed with hypertension and used doctor prescribed medications to treat their condition. They always complained about the high cost of the medications and how their health insurance only paid a portion of the cost. My mother fed up with the cost opted to try the "The High Blood Pressure Remedy Report" and was able to discontinue using those expensive prescriptions and get healthy at the same time. She was the first in the family to seek a natural alternative for her condition and reported success with this cure at her next doctors visit. After my mother was able to normalize her condition, my other aunts slowly followed her lead and took their conditions seriously and used the same report to lower their pressure naturally and improve their health.

Tips to Lower Your Blood Pressure
Here are a few tips to permanently treat your condition and reduce your risk of stroke, heart attack, heart failure or kidney failure. These tips will also make you healthier and live longer for your loved ones.

  • Reduce the stress in your life. Try to stay calm no matter what trials and tribulations you encounter every day. Stress is detrimental to your health and should be avoided.
  • It's best to quit smoking and leave tobacco products alone. If you have difficulty quitting or find that suggestion impossible at this time try to set a daily goal to reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke so eventually your smoking is reduced.
  • Stop drinking alcoholic beverages or reduce your intake.
  • Exercise regularly. Take walks more often. All your family members can partake in this form of exercise and spend some quality time together.
  • Get plenty of rest daily.
  • Eat plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables and nuts daily.
  • Reduce your salt intake or cut the salt out of your diet altogether.
  • Eat more dark chocolate.
  • Eat more fish and fish oils that contain Omega 3 fish oils. Salmon, mackerel, flax seeds and walnuts are some excellent sources of Omega 3 fish oils.
  • Avoid animal fats, cheese and diary products.
  • Eat more fiber.
Please click here to read this life-changing report: Blood Pressure Cure.

Autor: Letitia Pope Letitia Pope
Level: Basic PLUS
Letitia Pope is a stay at home mother of four children, two boys and two girls ages 17, 9, 8, and 6 years old. Her ... ...

Letitia Pope is a stay at home mother of four children, two boys and two girls ages 17, 9, 8, and 6 years old. Her husband has been disabled and blind since February 2008 after being diagnosed with a life-threatening brain tumor. She opted to leave the dead end 9 to 5 job to be a full time mom. The decision was the best decision she made. It was the best decision she made because the stress of the job, caring for her husband and her children was too much. She loves working at home, it gives her extra time to devote to her children and her husband's needs. She is able to concentrate on their needs as well as her own. Being a work at home mom is an excellent way to spend quality time with her family and it saves money on gas.

She loves to read mysteries, inspirational books, short stories and fiction novels. She enjoys writing poetry and short stories. She enjoys watching tennis, basketball and football. She enjoys playing video games in her spare time. She is an avid Sims 3 fan.

She works at home on various online projects such as Legitimate Online Opportunities. It takes work and dedication, but the end result is worth the hard work and effort.

Added: August 16, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


The Right Blood Pressure Supplement - Where to Turn When You Are Diagnosed With Hypertension


If you have been diagnosed as having hypertension or even pre-hypertension, you are probably considering your options right now. You may even be looking for a blood pressure supplement to counteract the high blood pressure you are suffering from.

It is a scary time when you learn you have hypertension. It has a major influence on heart health and life expectancy. It can lead to heart disease and stroke, so it is important that you weigh all of your options at this point to know whether you want to be on a prescription medication or use natural supplementation.

When looking for a blood pressure supplement, you want to be sure you include the mineral magnesium. This fantastic mineral participates in over 300 processes in the human body. Unfortunately, most people do not get anywhere near the right amount in their diet each day.

You can add magnesium to your supplement routine and enjoy the huge benefits it provides such as blood sugar regulation, blood pressure regulation and relaxing your muscles. It helps prevent heart arrhythmias and strokes as well.

There are natural herbs also that are very effective in fighting hypertension. Hawthorn Berry is an herb that has been used for centuries in Asia and Europe.

Along with adding key minerals and herbs, making some life style changes has been shown to help. Adopting a low sodium diet, exercising regularly at least five times a week and meditating to control stress are all steps that are beneficial.

If you have been found to have severe high blood pressure, you may have to go on a prescription medication at first. Later, with the assistance of your medical professional, you may find that you can go on a natural supplement and be weaned off your medication.

Autor: Maya Uriodain

Maya Uriodain has been a Health Educator and Health Advocate for the past 15 years. She worked as the Manager of a cardiovascular disease prevention program for immigrant women in Broward County, Florida, for several years. That experience has encouraged her to research natural remedies for hypertension and share her findings with her clients. For more information visit Right Blood Pressure Supplement.

Added: August 15, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


Finding the Right Blood Pressure Supplement - Navigating the Tricky Waters of Research


If you are looking for a blood pressure supplement, it means either you or someone you love has learned they have hypertension. It is a never a good feeling to think that something is wrong in your body that you cannot control.

Thankfully, most people can naturally control their high blood pressure by taking the time to fully research the options available to them. Mother Nature has given us a lot of great alternative treatments for ailments. Unfortunately, many doctors do not know a lot about these natural alternatives.

If you ask your doctor about getting a supplement, you may be given the name of several drugs including beta blockers and calcium channel blockers. While some people choose to take these medications out of necessity and fear, you may have the time to try alternative routes before resorting to a pharmaceutical drug.

Garlic, for instance, has been shown to be helpful for people suffering from hypertension. However, if you ask your doctor about this, you may not get the answer you desire. As a patient, you must take the time to do your own research and draw your own conclusions. Taking the sole advice of one doctor is never a great way to proceed.

Hawthorn Berry is a natural herb that has been used for centuries in Asia and Europe to lower blood pressure. It has been shown to help improve the circulation of the blood supply to and from the heart.

Note that the best herbal supplement should have several key herbs that work synergistically.

You could also ask your doctor about the mineral magnesium. Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body and is very important to good health. It helps maintain normal muscle and nerve function, keeps your heart rhythm regular, helps your immune system, and maintains strong bones. Magnesium also helps to regulate blood sugar levels, and helps promote normal blood pressure.

Finding the right blood pressure supplement can be a challenge, but with proper research you can find a natural way to restore your pressure to normal levels.

Autor: Maya Uriodain

Maya Uriodain has been a Health Educator and Health Advocate for the past 15 years. She worked as the Manager of a cardiovascular disease prevention program for immigrant women in Broward County, Florida, for several years. That experience has encouraged her to research natural remedies for hypertension and share her findings with her clients. For more information visit Right Blood Pressure Supplement.

Added: August 13, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


Stop Playing Around With Your High Blood Pressure


Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a health issue for millions of Americans. Diet plays a big part in the onset and progression of this silent killer, but the good news is that there are some really positive diet changes that you can make that can have a great impact to this deadly disease. HBP is a product of the way our bodies have become over the years to be able to store water and avoid being dehydrated.

Dietary choices form the foundation of lowering blood pressure naturally. Of course, nutrition plays a key role not just in controlling it, but in everything else relating to health and disease. Diet is of primary importance. Meat and eggs, more than any other food, can cause the blood pressure to rise.

Diet and exercise are even more important if you have HBP due to an uncontrollable cause. Having routine medical examinations to monitor your blood pressure changes will help in diagnosing any secondary medical problems which the primary hypertension may cause.

Exercises such as cycling, brisk walking or swimming are helpful for both healthy weight loss and stress management , which help lower high blood pressure. Regular exercising is also advantageous for overall physical fitness. Exercise on its own is known to help reduce pressure. Regular aerobic exercise (e.g. Exercises will provide a wholesome goodness because you will not just be in top shape but you will look and feel great as well.

Exercise and lowering your hypertension go hand in hand. Being active reduces your risk of heart disease and helps to keep your pressure down. If you are serious about changing your life style, the there is no way of getting around exercising. You must do it you want to have even the slightest chance of succeeding.

It's your life, either you win or the silent killer will eventually catch you, and you won't even know he's there until it's too late.

Autor: Lamarion Ziegler

For more information on controlling your blood pressure naturally visit LA's site http://www.yourinforighthere.com right now!

Added: August 11, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Stop Playing Around With Your High Blood Pressure


hypertension or high blood pressure, health is an issue for millions of Americans. Nutrition plays a major role in the beginning and the progression of this silent killer, but the good news is that there are some very positive dietary changes you can make that have a major impact on this deadly disease. HBP is a product of the way our bodies have evolved over the years to be able to save water and prevent dehydrated.

diets form the basis for lowering blood pressure naturally. Of course, diet plays an important role not only in control, but in everything related to health and disease. The diet is essential. Meat and eggs, more than any other food can cause the blood pressure rises.

diet and exercise are especially important if you HBP by an uncontrollable cause. After routine medical examinations to monitor your blood pressure changes will help to diagnose any medical problems secondary proceedings, which may be the primary hypertension.

exercises like cycling, brisk walking or swimming are helpful for healthy weight loss and stress management, which lower high blood pressure. Regular exercise is also beneficial for the overall physical fitness. Exercise on its own is known to release the pressure. Regular aerobic exercise (eg exercise, a healthy goodness, because you not only in top form, but you will see and feel will be.

Exercise and lowering your hypertension go hand in hand. The active reduces the risk of heart disease and helps keep your pressure down. If you are serious about changing your lifestyle, there is no way to prevent the perception. You must do it you have the slightest chance of success.

It's your life, either you win or the silent killer will catch you and you will not even know he's there until it is too late.


For more information on controlling your blood pressure naturally visit LA's site http://www.yourinforighthere.com right now!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lamarion_Ziegler


Dealing With High Blood Pressure - The Silent Killer


You would be surprised with the number of individuals who are walking around with high blood pressure at any given time. The most frightening part about this is the fact that the majority of them will never know that they have high blood pressure until it is too late. That is the reason that this disease is known as the silent killer and it has earned that reputation.

Some of the most common problems that are reported as a result of hypertension are rather serious. These include heart attack, stroke and kidney failure. There are also individuals who have a problem with blindness as a result of high blood pressure. There's no doubt about it, having hypertension can cause a number of different serious health problems so it needs to be corrected right away.

There are several different ways for you to be able to correct pressure that is high, all of them naturally. The drugs that you get from the doctor have the ability to lower your blood pressure to a certain extent but the unfortunate thing is that they can also cause side effects which are rather serious. One of the most serious side effects is dehydration, something that is usually not talked about. The dehydration effect can cause a number of different illnesses, even though it does lower your blood pressure significantly.

The easiest way for you to lower your pressure naturally is to supplement your diet. There are a number of different natural herbs that lower blood pressure but it is important for you to make sure that these are taken blended in their proper percentages. For that reason, most people will go with a natural cure, such as Hemoxide to take care of the problem.

Something else that you may be able to do to lower your pressure even further is to lose weight. If you are carrying around additional weight, especially if you are over the age of 40, you are at high risk for hypertension. Even losing just 2% of your body weight in fat can drop your blood pressure numbers several points. Some people were able to drop their blood pressure enough that they don't need to take any medicine as a result.

Something else that is very important for you to do is to exercise regularly. Cardiovascular exercise helps to lower your blood pressure by several points when it is done on a daily basis. If you have a difficult time exercising, just try walking around the block once or twice a day. The results will come quickly.

There's no doubt that you want to make sure that your hypertension is lowered as quickly as possible. By getting on a program of diet and exercise along with taking Hemoxide regularly, you will have the best opportunity to overcome this dangerous and sometimes deadly disease. It's a battle that is well worth fighting.

Autor: Jack Miller

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There is one way to lower high blood pressure naturally that is often overlooked. Visit our website for more information

Added: August 9, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


Benefits of Using High Blood Pressure Herbal Remedies


Introduction - Why Herbal Remedies?
Most of you will be aware of the existence of high blood pressure herbal remedies that have been a talk for quite some time. It will be a relief to know that drugs are not the only solution for the HBP, which is aggravated due to the overweight and genetic complications. It does not harm to try the herbal remedies for the high blood pressure, as they do not have any side effects and they can save you many bucks that you otherwise spend on the expensive drugs.

How the Best of Herbs Work?
The herbs used to reduce the BP, apart from mitigating the stress levels, stimulate the blood circulation, which helps the heart to pump blood much easily. It is to be noted that the high blood pressure herbal remedies are free from the possible side effects such as insomnia, mood swings, fatigue, impotence, dry mouth, or cramps. The two factors that are crucial to be noted are the dosage levels and the quality of the herbs used in the treatment. It is to be understood that even the best of the herbal treatments fail to produce the expected results if it does not meet the above-mentioned factors. It is a disturbing fact that many of the herbal products available in the market do not instruct the required dosage levels and thus may prolong the recovery period.

Top Herbal Remedies for HBP
Hawthorn leaves/berry tops the list that is popular for improving the functions of cardiovascular system while it lowers hypertension by relaxing the arteries. Reishi is a rejuvenating mushroom that reduces your cholesterol while the centuries old use of garlic to lower blood pressure needs no mentioning. Dandelion leaves can effectively improve your urine flow and they can reduce the blood pressure too. Guggul increases HDL while lowering the triglycerides and cholesterol. Cynarin present in artichoke enables the body to block the absorption of cholesterol.

Herbal treatments are thus one of the safest and most effective means to lower your blood pressure remarkably. Take time to know these impressive herbal remedies, as there are several reports supporting the significance of them (for instance, the article published in The Wall Street Journal emphasizes that the herbal alternatives are scientifically documented). It is advisable to consult your physician before deciding to reduce your regular intake of drugs or substituting them with the high blood pressure herbal remedies.

Autor: Peter Hill Peter Hill
Level: Basic PLUS
Peter Hill is an expert in health, nutrition, psychology, finances and computer security. He runs a number of informational websites with articles, tips and media ... ...

Peter Hill is a writer and public speaker. He runs an informational website with articles, video's and practical step-by-step High Blood Pressure Herbal Remedies. For a free report that shows how anyone can easily lower their BP down to 120/80 with out using risky drugs be sure to visit the High Blood Pressure Herbal Remedies website.

Added: August 7, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Water Drinking and Hypertension - The Linkage


It is important to know that drinking water and hypertension is a connection. Drink plenty of water can give us the benefit of control of blood pressure. Living with hypertension or high blood pressure is a frightening condition. Ironically, there is no cure for hypertension. Although, because hypertension and water are connected, you can live longer by drinking lots of water.

ruins of arteries

It is to know that significant hypertension or high blood pressure can damage your arteries. Furthermore, this condition can lead to some life-threatening conditions such as myocardial infarction, endocrine disorders, cardiovascular disease, kidney failure and stroke. Since the end of suffering this condition never realized that they actually have until it's too late, hypertension continues to be silent killer. Then, what is the relationship between blood pressure and some water to drink?

in relation to the truth that the blood pressure may be drinking lots of water, the correlation between hypertension and drinking water apparently arises. In addition, in a simple and effective way to high blood pressure can be eased if you drink a lot water quantity.

It is necessary to know that if your body is not enough water in the, blood pressure has a negative impact. This condition actually shows that it is indeed a very close relationship between hypertension and drink some water.

Apart from this, you must note that the corresponding quantity of drinking water is a long page in the support for the control of hypertension effectively.

The relationship between blood pressure and water is an issue that in some medical connections. They have been conducting some studies on this topic on Hypertension and drinking water correlation. Hopefully, as a progressive in the studies on the subject, we understand how drinking water helps with high blood pressure problem.

are not caught hold in the case of doubt. More knowledge on water drinking and hypertension and get with hypertension, by clicking on the links here!


HypertensionSolution is a professional online medication of blood pressure, and any other related disease, including water drinking and hypertension.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chris_B_Richard


High Blood Pressure Causes


According to the American Heart Association's website one in three adults has high blood pressure but only 78.7 percent of them were aware of their condition.

The website went on to point out that even though many times the cause of hypertension isn't known, it is easily detected and usually controllable. Note that they said easily detectable, that is if you go to a doctor or health clinic and have your blood pressure checked.

You could be one of the 73.6 million people in the United States age 20 and older that have high blood pressure. One of the most alarming and dangerous things about hypertension, is that initially there are often few or no symptoms. In fact, it can be difficult, if not impossible to know that you have it unless you make regular routine visits to your doctor. If you can't make it to your doctor go to the health clinic in your neighborhood.

These visits are extremely important, because hypertension can lead to all types of very serious and life threatening complications. It can worsen diabetes sometimes, but even more commonly, can put you at risk of heart disease or stroke. Although I have heard conflicting reports, I believe that my father was in denial about his high blood pressure for years before it finally caught up to him, causing him a severe stroke. His stoke nearly crippled him and caused him to live in pain for the last ten years of his life. This is why you need to get your medical checkup. Because, even though it is dangerous, the common causes of hypertension are easily treated.

One of the most common causes is excessive salt consumption. Some people have high sensitivity to sodium (salt), and their blood pressure goes up when they use salt. When these people reduce their sodium intake it goes down. According to many experts, taking in too much salt is common among Americans. It is estimated that we consume 10 to 15 times more salt than we need.

Diets of fast and processed foods contain particularly high amounts of sodium. To reduce your sodium intake levels read labels carefully to find out how much sodium is contained in food items and then avoid those with high sodium levels. Although this is only one of the high blood pressure causes for certain salt sensitive people, it can't hurt to decrease your salt consumption, and may help prevent your risk of heart attack.

Even more common among causes of hypertension is obesity. Obesity is defined as having a body mass index (BMI) greater than 30 kg/m2. It is very closely related to high blood pressure. Obesity causes hypertension because it puts a strain on your circulatory system. This means that your heart has to work harder to pump blood, resulting in higher pressure in your veins and arteries.

Medical professionals strongly recommend that all obese people with high blood pressure lose weight until they are within 15% of their healthy body weight. This leads to the next cause, the lack of exercise. When you don't do cardiovascular exercise your heart atrophies. This means that it needs to pump harder to circulate your blood. Using exercise to lose weight, you can treat both of these causes at once.

Be careful what drugs you put in your body. Certain drugs, such as amphetamines (stimulants), diet pills, and some pills used for cold and allergy symptoms, tend to raise blood pressure. Also, people that drink too much alcohol have a tendency to develop hypertension. For those that are sensitive to alcohol, drinking more than one to two drinks of alcohol per day tends to raise their blood pressure.

Some causes are not so easily treatable. For example, it appears that there is a genetic component, that make some people simply more prone. Along with this, there is a process called arteriosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries, which can occur with age.

Diabetes, which can be treated through diet and exercise, but not necessarily completely eliminated, is another one of the causes which can't completely be improved through conscientious treatment.

So the facts remain that you can reduce your chance of high blood pressure by getting your checkup, exercising, and eating right. Start today. You owe it to yourself and your loved ones.

Autor: Wil Dieck Wil Dieck
Level: Platinum
Wil Dieck has spent over 30 years studying how to increase human potential. He began his studies of hypnotism in the late 1970's while attending ... ...

Wil Dieck is the founder of Total Mind Therapy and author of a Fitness e-Course that you can have at absolutely no charge. Drop by http://www.yournewbodycourse.com/ for your copy today.

Added: August 6, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


13 Natural Remedies For Hypertension


Almost one in three adults in the U.S. has hypertension (high blood pressure), but since sometimes there are no symptoms, almost a third of them don't even know they have it.

So no matter how healthy you feel...always have your blood pressure checked often.

I have suffered from" diagnosed" hypertension for over ten years now...probably had it many years before I was diagnosed. I have the kind that can be perfectly normal one minute and sky rocket up the next.

This year through watching what I eat (most of the time) and using some of these herbal and home remedies listed below...I have finally got my blood pressure under control and am off my hypertension medicine.

I still check my blood pressure often and monitor it closely....but so far so good!

Here are some great natural hypertension remedies and tips:

  • HAWTHORN BERRIES: Strengthens the heart. Lowers blood pressure. Relaxes arteries. Make a tea of the flowering tops or a decoction of the berries or can take in capsules. Tincture recipe-Hawthorn Brandy: Pick the flowering shoots (with flowers and leaves)-(see last picture on this page), wash, dry, and pack into a large jar, Cover with brandy and leave in a cool place for 2 weeks. Strain off the liquid, bottle, and label. Dose: 2 tablespoons daily).
  • LAVENDER OIL: Soothes and relaxes. Can use in a relaxing warm bath or massage.
  • NEROLI: Massage Blend for High Blood Pressure - Add 3 drops neroli, 3 drops celery, 4 drops rose to 1 fl. oz. (25ml) of 5 teaspoons grapeseed or vegetable oil and use for gentle massage.
  • LAVENDER, MARJORAM, and YLANG YLANG: Regular massages with this combination of essential oils can have beneficial effects
  • POTASSIUM: Helps generate energy, helps maintain balance of body fluids, drives excess sodium out of the body, supports kidney function, provides essential nutrients for muscles like the heart, promotes proper nerve transmission, and activates cellular cleansing.
  • ANTIOXIDANTS: Found in fresh fruit and vegetables. Provides key nutrients needed by the body to neutralize free radicals, helps prevent cellular damage, and boost immunity.
  • GARLIC: The best home remedy you can take for high and low pressure alike! Can take in capsules or just eat plenty of fresh raw garlic, which acts as a tonic to the circulatory system and maintains its health. Tends to normalize blood pressure to the level it should be. (Note: Do not take if you are on blood thinning medication without consulting your doctor first. Garlic is a natural blood thinner)
  • CONCORD GRAPE JUICE: Studies show drinking the juice regularly may help lower blood pressure.
  • FIBER: One of the most interesting high blood pressure natural remedies is "Psyllium". Also referred to as plantago. It has one of the highest levels of soluble fiber known-much more than that of oat bran. Can play an important part in helping the body maintain cholesterol levels that are already within the normal range and may help to support cardiovascular health and lower blood pressure.
  • MAGNESIUM: Is highly bioavailable, is alkalizing, promotes musculoskeletal health, supports a healthy biological terrain, supports a healthy cardiovascular system.
  • POMEGRANATE JUICE: Drinking the juice regularly may help lower your pressure.
  • AVOID SALT: This is essential for hypertension. Read the labels: Many foods contain sodium. Look for "salt," "sodium," "soda," or "Na" on the label. Also avoid MSG (monosodium glutamate), baking soda, saccharin, soy sauce, diet soft drinks, preservatives, and meat tenderizers.(Man, I struggle with this one....I love my salt!....I use a salt substitute most of the time...but there are times I just have to have my salt).
  • AVOID STRESS: Stress, fear, anger, and pain increases hypertension. Adequate daily outdoor exercise helps reduce the effects of stress.(I struggles with this one too...it's easier said than done...but I am managing to handle it a little bit better lately...until another nerve-racking deadline comes up at work again).

Don't put it off any longer...start today watching your diet, exercising, and utilizing some of the natural hypertension remedies mentioned above. You owe it to yourself and your family to do the very best you can to monitor and control your blood pressure.

Autor: Vickey Boatright Vickey Boatright
Level: Basic PLUS
Vickey Boatright has worked as a fund accountant for over 10 years; she is the financial advisor of her church and editor of two websites: ... ...

Discover more proven effective natural remedies for hypertension at http://www.vickeys-home-remedies.com

Added: August 5, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


Natural Hypertension Remedy


More and more people are searching out natural remedies to help them with hypertension.

Year after year you hear about conventional medicine and the multitude of prescription drugs for the treatment of hypertension.The negative side effects of taking these drugs have detoured a great number of sufferers from using such medications. Hypertension is a major factor that may cause heart failure, stroke, and kidney disease to name a few.

Normal blood pressure is said to be in the range of 120/80 mm hg.

Some of the symptoms of hypertension include fatigue, respiratory issues, red face, headaches, depression, and an irregular heartbeat.

The major causes of hypertension include, but are not limited to, clogged arteries from fatty deposits, the resistance to insulin, toxins in the body, red meat, poor kidney function, and lack of exercise. Sometimes all you have to do is change your eating habits to prevent high blood pressure. Stay away from Salt, sodium, liquor, caffeine, soda, and fried foods.

Some good foods would be, fruits and vegetables, whole grains and beans. Essential fatty acids, garlic and the enzyme Coenzyme Q10 are a few natural remedies that may lower your blood pressure (consult physician).

The thought that breathing effects our blood pressure is nothing new, With all the Natural Hypertension remedies available, more and more people are turning to natural breathing technique's. Many Hypertension sufferers seeking this method have found great success in controlling their high blood pressure.

Did you find these tips on Natural Hypertension Remedies useful?

You can learn a lot more about an effective natural hypertension remedy, make sure and follow the link in the resource box below.

Autor: Steve Guttridge Steve Guttridge
Level: Basic PLUS
Experienced Marketer, affiliate marketing, sharing knowledge, great music, good food, and a positive attitude. Born and raised in Northern California. I'm a draftsman by trade ... ...

Steve Guttridge, Helping others finding natural remedies to various conditions.

Learn more about how to use natural remedies to prevent hypertension, here http://www.naturalhypertensionremedy.com

Added: August 3, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


How to Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally


High blood pressure affects approximately 25% of adults in North America. Of these 75% only slightly elevated blood pressure, which is suitable for control through proven natural way. However, there are many proven natural methods that can help to stabilize your body and keep blood pressure in the normal range.

high risk

Patients with high blood pressure before the serious risks of heart attack, stroke and severe kidney damage if they are uncontrolled. Therefore, patients must take measures to ensure their blood pressure in a normal and safe range.

medications to reduce high blood pressure can have serious negative effects on other aspects of health, such as fatigue, dizziness, elevated cholesterol, male impotence or erectile dysfunction, liver and kidney diseases, and much more. This is why a natural approach is what more and more people prefer.

positive changes

Special dietary practices, natural supplements, spinal adjustments (JMPT 1988; 11:484-8), and changes in lifestyle (exercise, stop smoking, weight loss) are proven strategies that lower blood pressure. In fact, these changes have shown the need for drugs or reduce the required dose significantly.

nature and lifestyle changes

proven methods to lower blood pressure naturally are:

1. Chiropractic treatment.

2. Weight loss.

3. Endurance exercise - even a walk for 45 minutes per day, four times a week can make a big difference.

4. Limit alcohol consumption to one drink per day.

5. Reduce your intake of salt and high salt processed foods.

6. Eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables per day.

7. Eat fish three or more times per week.

8. Natural supplements ie: coenzyme Q10, hawthorn extract, flaxseed oil, calcium and magnesium.

With the help of our nutritional and wellness care, many people have life-changing knowledge and have become a healthier lifestyle.


Optimal Health = Optimum Function

Whole Health Family Chiropractic in Thousand Oaks, California has a team of highly specialized health professionals that will help you reach your Health and Wellness goals. Chiropractic care improves your body's natural ability to heal and enhances your overall quality of life. Imagine living a healthy and holistic lifestyle free of asthma, low back pain, ear infections, menstrual pain, headaches, ADHD, and many others. Take the first step toward better living and contact us today at (805) 449-0061.

Dr. Alan Rosenthal also dedicates his time to health awareness and education within his community. He offers free lectures and workshops to businesses and organizations. If you would like to schedule Dr. Rosenthal to speak at your next event or to view his list of chiropractic lecture topics, please go to Free Lecture Topics.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr._Alan_Rosenthal

Increase Testosterone and Lower Blood Pressure


Around 65 million people in the US have high blood pressure, also known as hypertension. That is one in three Adults living. Countless more are at risk from developing it. And if you are 60+ years of age you have a 50% chance of being afflicted. What is worse, that over the course of an average American's lifetime the chance of developing high blood pressure is 90%.

As we age our blood pressures slowly creep up, and increases more rapidly if we have other risk factors. Diet has a major impact. A skewed sodium/potassium ratio and heavy drinking are shown to increase blood pressure.

Not getting enough physical activity is known to increase the danger of developing high BP. This is a twofold issue as being overweight or obese, increases blood pressure, and is partly caused by low activity levels.

Having high blood pressure is not inevitable. There is plenty you can do to help prevent, and treat high blood pressure.

One interesting bit of research coming out of the International Journal of Impotence Research has shown a direct correlation between Testosterone levels and Systolic Blood Pressure, the higher the levels of Testosterone, the lower the systolic BP.

The research didn't make any conclusions to why this happens but one explanation is that Testosterone is going to lower body fat, increase lean muscle, and help stop inflammation. All causes of high BP.

There are three steps to increase Testosterone and help Lower your BP.

1.) Intense Strength Training. Using compound exercises utilizing multiple muscle groups you will increase your testosterone production by 40-50%. This helps you lose fat, build muscle, and fight the downward cycle of aging.

2.) Interval Training has been shown to increase your testosterone tremendously when compared to steady paced cardio. Not, only that it actually increases your heart's strength not just it's endurance. Heart attacks don't happen because their heart didn't have enough endurance, but they die, because they heart is not STRONG enough to pump the blood through the clogged artery, or pass that blockage.

3.) Hormone Replacement Therapy. This option is not for everyone, and should only be considered after you have tried the first two measures in raising your testosterone. If you think Testosterone replacement is right for you, consult an Anti-Aging Doctor in your area. If you need a referral please visit Find an Anti-Aging Doctor

Remember Aging is Inevitable, but Looking and Feeling Old is Optional...

Autor: Joshua P. Taylor Joshua P. Taylor
Level: Basic
Aging is Inevitable but Looking and Feeling Old is Optional. You can break the Downward Cycle of Aging. My name is Joshua Taylor. I am ... ...

Joshua Taylor
It's Not Your Fault You're Getting Fat. Find out why by grabbing your free report "3 Reasons It's Not Your Fault You're Fat.

Not only that but finally learn how to increase testosterone and "Life hormone" production: enabling you to shred fat, build lean muscle, and get the fit sexy body no matter what your age.

Take Back control of your life, increase hormones.
Aging is Inevitable, but looking and feeling old is optional.

Added: August 2, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/