Hypertension, most commonly referred to as "high blood pressure", HTN or HPN, is a medical condition in which the blood pressure is chronically elevated. It was previously referred to as arterial hypertension, but in current usage, the word "hypertension" without a qualifier normally refers to arterial hypertension.

Looking For a Natural Remedy For High Blood Pressure? Know the Facts First


Many people are looking for a natural remedy for high blood pressure. It can make your eyes cross after you read all of the marketing materials that some companies put out touting some new treatment that they are selling. The question remains who can you believe?

Then there are the pharmaceutical companies trying to sell the latest and greatest drug for hypertension. One must wonder how these drugs will affect a person after they take them for so many years?

Thankfully, our planet has provided so many natural compounds that are available and do a great job at lowering blood pressure naturally. Your doctor may be unaware of these alternatives or they may not be interested in learning about them. As a patient, it is your right and responsibility to understand what is available before making a decision on what to put into your body.

One very simple example of a natural remedy for hypertension is garlic. We all know about garlic and perhaps you put it in your spaghetti every now and then, but it has wonderfully healing properties when it comes to the subject of blood pressure.

Another natural alternative that you can find in your local health food store would be magnesium. Beefing up your diet with magnesium rich foods and adding a supplement will truly contribute control your hypertension without having to take a prescription medication.

There are several other herbs, minerals and vitamins that all work together to complement each other in the effort to lower blood pressure. It is important to get a supplement that has all of the right components and in the right amounts.

A supplement that has a combination of Hawthorn Berry, Holly Leaf, Garlic and Daikon Seed could be an excellent choice as these herbs work synergistically to lower blood pressure.

Remember that you must take control of your own health and not simply agree to take a strong prescription medication unless you feel that is the right way to go for you. Good quality blood pressure supplements may be a better alternative.

Autor: Maya Uriodain

Lowering your blood pressure naturally is easy. For more information visit Natural Remedy for Hypertension.

Added: August 21, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

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