Hypertension, most commonly referred to as "high blood pressure", HTN or HPN, is a medical condition in which the blood pressure is chronically elevated. It was previously referred to as arterial hypertension, but in current usage, the word "hypertension" without a qualifier normally refers to arterial hypertension.

Natural Cures For Hypertension - Using the Natural Power of Herbs to Lower Blood Pressure


There are herbs that also lower blood pressure. These herbs are wonderful alternative cures for hypertension, because they are direct and significant impact on your body. Some of them sound to your vessel, so that they are strong and supple. Other herbs on your kidneys by enhancing their salt and water degraded capabilities. Still, other types of herbs have their own different way of working, but they really work wonders.

Hawthorn, is a modest thorny bush, which is an excellent herbal heart tonic. This herb regulates your blood pressure, strengthens and brings the heart and circulatory system. It helps prevent heart disease by dilating your blood vessels, especially the coronary arteries. Take it as a decoction of fresh berries, or as a tincture, with bushes of the flower tops.

Another herbal remedy is the Rosemary. It is an aromatic leaves in the Mediterranean. This herb is packed with flavonoids and essential oils. This can lower blood pressure by inhibiting the arteries from free radical damage. Flavonoids and the blood circulation and strengthen the heart.

A correction of Rosemary tea, you can take a refreshing tonic heart, lift the spirit and calm your anxiety. The best part is that it reduces stress, which has a high risk factor for hypertension.

questions like, "these are really effective?", "Are they safe?", "Are there any side effects?" Is in your mind, with the mention of herbs. As the proverb says, "Nature's Way is the best way." You may consider these herbs in the recording.


Did you know you can control your high blood pressure by simple but highly effective hypertension natural remedies and a bit lifestyle change. If you want to have an effective control on your high blood pressure naturally, do visit my website Hypertension Natural Remedies for full information.

Waseem Dar is a prolific writer who writes about health issues particularly about men's health. His ebook "Erectile Dysfunction No More" is a compendium of highly effective exercises which boost male sexual power to the maximum level without any over the counter drugs involved. If you are interested to know a lot more highly sex boosting exercises, visit his website at http://www.harderectionregained.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Waseem_Dar

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