Hypertension, most commonly referred to as "high blood pressure", HTN or HPN, is a medical condition in which the blood pressure is chronically elevated. It was previously referred to as arterial hypertension, but in current usage, the word "hypertension" without a qualifier normally refers to arterial hypertension.

Live a Healthy Life - Natural Ways to Avoid High Blood Pressure


If you want to live a healthy life, you must learn how to avoid high blood pressure and lower cholesterol level. These two are the most common health problems in the United States of America. Unfortunately, there are no visible symptoms to indicate that such problems exist. Most people usually come to know about it only when you get a thorough health check up when applying for medical or health insurance. So, they come as a surprise. If you want to avoid such horrible surprises, you must follow these natural ways that lead to a healthy lifestyle.

Exercise Regularly
Regular exercise is the key to avoid high blood pressure. If you follow the right exercise program thoroughly, it will also keep your cholesterol at good level. Exercise burns extra calories, increases metabolism, helps you lose weight, and keeps you stress-free. If you are steady and regular, you will also achieve a healthy weight by lowering your body mass index.

Avoid Foods With High Trans Fats
Limiting trans fats to only 1% of your daily calorie intake can also help you avoid high blood pressure. Foods that are rich in trans fats include cookies, pastries, fried foods, and other similar foods.

Avoid Stress And Anxiety
Various research and studies have found that the certain chemicals are released in the body when a person is overstressed. These chemicals eventually cause the problem of hypertension. Tension also reduces the flow of blood to your heart. So, make sure that you avoid stressful situations. Besides that, you can also use several stress removal techniques, such as meditation, yoga, and breathing exercise. These techniques have been proved to be very effective in reducing the effects of stress and anxiety on your body system. Another great way is to focus on healthy social activities. Stay away from social behaviors that are unhealthy and stressful, such as overeating, physical inactivity, drinking, and arguments. Instead, you should focus on family and friendship activities that are fun, relaxing, and stress-free. Overall, if you want to avoid high blood pressure, you must learn how to effectively deal with stress.

Lose Those Extra Pounds
Gaining those extra pounds changes the metabolism of your body, adversely affecting its ability to deal with problems like hypertension, cholesterol, diabetes, and heart disease. So, it is important for you to follow a specific weight loss program that should help you lose the extra weight in a slow and steady manner. Following a balanced diet plan is the key to such program. You can significantly reduce the risks of high blood pressure and heart disease by maintaining a healthy weight.

There are several other things as well that you can do to avoid high blood pressure. For example, you should be very careful about what you eat.

Autor: Alexander Miller

If you want to avoid high blood pressure the natural way, there are a lot of ways to do that. You just have to educate yourself about the various aspects associated with the same, such as the right exercise program, food that you have to avoid, and the best high blood pressure diet plan.

Added: July 23, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

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