Hypertension, most commonly referred to as "high blood pressure", HTN or HPN, is a medical condition in which the blood pressure is chronically elevated. It was previously referred to as arterial hypertension, but in current usage, the word "hypertension" without a qualifier normally refers to arterial hypertension.

5 Ways to Control Hypertension


As you probably know, hypertension is a condition that must be taken very seriously. It is the heart of the work much harder than normal, and as such is a condition that must be avoided, if possible.

Here, I will tell you 5 ways you can control high blood pressure, or better yet to prevent it in the first place.

1) Cut down on salt

Salt is in many foods today, and adding a little more your taste is nice, but salt can your blood pressure, so it is best, either on the amount you on the food or cut it out whole.

2) Watch what you eat

Fast food is everywhere. It is convenient, cheap and it tastes good, but devastating to your blood pressure. This is definitely best avoided, since they are usually full of sugar and salt fat.

3) Quit Smoking

Smoking is really bad news, because it can not only worse hypertension, but it can also lead to lung disease, various forms of cancer, stroke and peripheral arterial disease.

4) the reduction of alcohol

Ok, so most people like a drink, and that can actually be beneficial, but only if practiced in moderation, like many things in life.

5) Exercise more

Exercise is very important to life in full, and you feel like a lot better about themselves There is also the heart of a good training, and help reduce your blood pressure over time.

So, you now know the 5 ways to control hypertension. It is important that you take the above advice and continue to do so. Always start slowly begins when something new to do, your health, but the most important thing is to actually begin!


Did you find these tips on controlling Hypertension useful? You can learn a lot more about controlling Hypertension at http://www.Hypertensionless.blogspot.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chris_Guthrie

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