Hypertension, most commonly referred to as "high blood pressure", HTN or HPN, is a medical condition in which the blood pressure is chronically elevated. It was previously referred to as arterial hypertension, but in current usage, the word "hypertension" without a qualifier normally refers to arterial hypertension.

Understanding Chronic Hypertension - Crucial Information You Should Know


Chronic hypertension is basically the equivalent of high blood pressure. The blood pressure is judged by the strength of the narrowing of blood vessels when the heart pumps blood into the arteries.

When blood flow is increased talk of hypertension or high blood pressure. Either term is equally serious, hypertension can lead to heart disease and heart attacks and strokes. Adult hypertension is defined by the blood pressure:

-140 mmHg systolic pressure or higher installed. Systolic pressure is when the blood is pumped by the heart muscle contraction.

to 90 mm Hg diastolic pressure or higher installed. Diastolic pressure, when the heart beats between the pumping of blood. In fact, within a short time the heart appears to be calm.

women, previously diagnosed with hypertension or have been diagnosed before their 20th Week of pregnancy, it is a chronic hypertension. This can be a very serious condition, but is generally less than 3% of women are diagnosed with chronic hypertension during pregnancy.

There are several risks in connection with chronic hypertension in pregnant women. However, these risks are dramatically increased if there are other problems. How pih, pregnancy induced hypertension and diabetes.

Here is a brief list of possible risks associated with chronic hypertension:

* kidney failure in the mother.

* Bleeding from the mother's brain.

* The mother may suffer from heart failure.

* Continuous increase in blood pressure mother.

* The calls this enviable status "for the mother.

* The placenta can detach themselves prematurely from the uterus. This is usually referred to as placental abruption.

The unborn child may be in danger. Here you see a small list of some of the possible risks for the child:

* IUGR or fetal growth restriction. This is when the child is unable to grow properly because of poor blood flow to the placenta.

* big. This is if the child is not able to survive and be born deceased.

* Going into labor and the birth of a child prematurely. Generally it is before the mother has reached 37 weeks of pregnancy.

In most Cases women must continue the medication for chronic hypertension under control, while she is pregnant. However, in some situations, the doctor may prefer to prescribe to prevent possible negative reactions to the child.

In any case, the doctor Monitoring of blood pressure frequently throughout the pregnancy to make sure the baby and mother are healthy and safe as possible.

The doctor should run laboratory tests frequently during pregnancy. Some of the tests are urine and blood work. Here are a Some of the tests, you might have to undergo during your pregnancy to monitor the baby and your condition:

* to keep an eye on fetal growth could give you the doctor for several ultrasounds.

* Doppler flow studies. This is a test, the measurement of blood flow through the sound waves.

* The doctor will probably be a non-stress test to measure the fetal movement in connection with the fetal heart rate.

* A combination of a non-stress test and an ultrasound is a further examination as a biophysical profile.

For many women who want to become pregnant and was diagnosed with chronic hypertension, they begin to feel they are not a mother. However, you should contact your medical provider to determine whether or not you should become pregnant. Think about it and give you a few months before you really your final decision.


Alvin Hopkinson is a leading and avid researcher of various high blood pressure treatments. He runs a content-packed website that provides free tips to lower your hypertension and unbiased reviews on common blood pressure medications. Grab your FREE report on how to lower blood pressure naturally and visit his site at http://www.minusbloodpressure.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alvin_Hopkinson

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