The Complications of Not Reducing Blood Pressure Levels to a Normal Range
0 commentsIf you are diagnosed with hypertension, lowering blood pressure levels back into the normal range should be a priority. You can feel good and show no outward symptoms, but is gradually increasing damage in your body. Over the years, the damage builds up by a serious medical complications or even premature death. The reduction in blood pressure right away, and the healthy numbers is the key to avoiding them.
Stroke - A stroke refers to a cessation of blood flow in the brain. This is usually either a disturbance or interruption in a blood vessel. Uncontrolled hypertension is to increase the probability for each of these events.
renal insufficiency - Because they filter and purify the blood and are filled with small blood vessels, the kidneys are extremely vulnerable to high blood pressure. Kidney failure is a leading cause of premature death in patients blood pressure and diabetes.
cardiovascular disease - The building is on the blood vessels leading into the heart and blood flow is reduced, it is well known, such as cardiovascular diseases. If these blockages build up to a point where blood flow is severely disabled, there will be a heart attack.
Heart Attack - When the blood flow to the heart is blocked, it is known as a heart attack. This is partly due to the blockades, as a result of cardiovascular disease, but they can also be seen from the increased stress that the hearts, because they work so much harder, due to increased blood pressure.
When I first learned of the complications of leaving my blood pressure levels unchecked, I immediately set to doing whatever I could to return it to a safe amount before the complications began adding up and I ended up dying prematurely because I did not take action right away. When I discovered, I discovered hundreds of things I could do in my daily life to bring my hypertension under control in a safe, natural manner. I have never looked back.
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