Hypertension, most commonly referred to as "high blood pressure", HTN or HPN, is a medical condition in which the blood pressure is chronically elevated. It was previously referred to as arterial hypertension, but in current usage, the word "hypertension" without a qualifier normally refers to arterial hypertension.

Should I Worry About Hypertension?


Hypertension is a disease and with all diseases, you should worry about it. Not only should you worry about it, but you have to fully understand the disease and become familiar with the treatments available for it.

Hypertension is a serious disease. It is one that can kill you. That is if you don't get treatment for it. You can go to your doctor and have him or her diagnose you with high blood pressure. While high blood pressure can't be diagnosed in just one doctor visit, it is important that you schedule regular visits with your doctor so he can measure pressure that runs in your blood. After several visits, your doctor can plot and read the readings that were taken.

After the doctor has determined that you do indeed have this disease, the doctor will prescribe medications that control pressure in your blood. These medications work good and have worked good for dozens of years. There is no denying that.

However with all doctor prescribed medications, there are side effects. Some of these side effects can be in fact worse than the disease itself. So, should you worry? Yes because even if you do get treatment for your disease from your doctor, odds is you are left open to succumb to the side effects of the medications. Some of these side effects are annoying and some are deadly.

Such side effects include constant urination. These are typical of diuretic medications. They work by removing excess salt in your blood system through your urine. Imagine having to go to the bathroom every 30 minutes or more frequently just to keep your blood pressure under control? It will be definitely hard for you to go to concerts, the movies, out to dinner. It is an annoying and embarrassing side effect of diuretics.

Other serious side effects include death! Yes you can die from these side effects. You can have a bad allergic reaction to the medicine. Also, these medications can affect your liver. If you liver goes out on you. Your body wont be be able to filter out the deadly toxins your body expels. The toxins will simply continue circulating in your body and after you accumulate enough toxins in your body, you can die from self poisoning.

These are indeed serious side effects from hypertension. You must keep pressure in your blood under control. However, doctors give you these medications that pose harm to you because they are subsidized by the pharmaceutical companies. That is why if you ask them if there are other alternatives to the drugs you are taking, they will simply indicate to other drugs. Not very optional right?

Autor: Oscar Orihuela Oscar Orihuela
Level: Basic PLUS
What can I say. I've gone through a lot in this life and learned a lot from those experiences....

Well, let me tell you that there are natural herb that promote natural cures to high blood pressure. Certainly this is a serious disease and mother nature thankfully has natural remedies to handle this. The reason we don't hear or know about these natural cures is because multi billion dollar companies do everything in their power to keep them quiet. After all, it is a business to prescribe drugs and that is how they make billions of dollars each year. Your doctor prescribed medications can be expensive, but there are cheap natural ways to regulate and lower your blood pressure. If you would like to learn of these natural solutions, visit http://www.bloodpressuresafety.com today.

Added: May 25, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

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