Hypertension, most commonly referred to as "high blood pressure", HTN or HPN, is a medical condition in which the blood pressure is chronically elevated. It was previously referred to as arterial hypertension, but in current usage, the word "hypertension" without a qualifier normally refers to arterial hypertension.

How to Treat Hypertension Without Drugs Successfully


If you are looking for information on how to treat hypertension without drugs, then this article will definitely help you.

You are already aware that it is of vital importance that you take steps to control and lower your high blood pressure which will enable you to live a healthier and longer life.

While doctors generally prescribe you drugs or medications to reduce the same you might be aware that they are definitely not the only option much less the best option. When you consider the complications and side effects these drugs can cause you over a period of time, you are definitely better of resorting to hypertension treatment without drugs.

As more and more people are finding to their relief, that it is not only possible to treat high blood pressure without medications and using only natural treatments, these natural remedies are proving safer and more effective too.

These are some of the natural treatments you can use to lower your hypertension.

Regular exercising and shedding some of the excess weight will aid in bringing down your pressure levels. Also dietary changes like eating healthy, including potassium rich foods and reducing the sodium or salt content in the diet is one more way of treating this condition.

Try avoiding stress or put undue pressure on yourself on account of situations in personal or work life. Getting stressed up has never helped anyone and you are not an exception. Try to tackle things in a calm way not only will you be able to manage things well you will be keeping your pressure levels in check too.

Also avoid alcohol and caffeine as much as possible and remember to constantly monitor your hypertension level.

These are some of the ways that will help you to treat high blood pressure without medication.

It is highly recommended that you go in for a systematic step by step plan to lower your pressure. That will give you maximum and fast results.

Autor: Shwetha Nathan

For Complete Information on Best Natural Home Remedies For Lowering Blood Pressure to cure your high blood pressure naturally, click here to visit Natural Ways To Lower Blood Pressure

Added: May 18, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

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