Hypertension, most commonly referred to as "high blood pressure", HTN or HPN, is a medical condition in which the blood pressure is chronically elevated. It was previously referred to as arterial hypertension, but in current usage, the word "hypertension" without a qualifier normally refers to arterial hypertension.

Natural Treatment For High Blood Pressure


Also hypertension, high blood pressure is a widespread health problem. One in five Americans have it already, and more than 90% will get it. The fact that at least 90% of us to develop high blood pressure or hypertension suggests that we are genetically programmed to, but it is not our fate, it is something we do to ourselves. Natural treatment is a safe method for lowering blood pressure to a normal level. The upper number, or systolic pressure is the highest, which is each time the heart beats, and the lower number, or diastolic pressure is the lowest, which occurs when the heart relaxes between beats. If only one of the two numbers is increased, a person to see and natural treatment of high blood pressure should be considered.

A person who is consistently over 140/90 mmHg, he has high blood pressure. As we age, hypertension is associated with the narrowing and constriction of blood vessels reduces the blood flow to the organs and hunger of the oxygen they need for a heart attack or a stroke. Women are more likely than men to suffer strokes, yet not known why.

natural treatment for high blood pressure

Natural treatment is a safe way to prevent this disease of the poor lifestyle such as salt and weight. Kidney and certain endocrine disorders can also contribute to hypertension, but less widespread. Most cases (90% to 95%) are associated with the genetics, physiology and lifestyle. Other cases arise from pregnancy, drugs, tumors or disease. It is worth noting that most people are unaware they have high blood pressure until it is measured. It is very important that people who regularly present their own blood pressure using approved monitoring devices, so you can see if they are in a normal range.

If your reading is higher than 135 mmHg for the top number or 85 mmHg for the lower number may mean that you should take action. It would be appropriate to lower blood pressure with lifestyle changes like cutting back on salt and alcohol, weight and more movement before they committed to use drugs. Natural treatment for high blood pressure with a healthy diet and exercise may be the need for drugs and reduce both systolic and diastolic pressure. Natural treatment emphasizes on nutrition, fruits and vegetables, lean meats, low-fat dairy products, whole grains and limiting salt intake sense of not more than 1500 mg of sodium per day. Stress is a factor not to neglect.

Natural treatment has been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years to ensure the sound health of the cardiovascular system. More recently, research has investigated these claims. There are now a number of published clinical studies demonstrating the ability of the natural treatment of high blood pressure, which has a range of herbs to support the cardiovascular system and the maintenance of blood pressure in a normal range.


Article by Gilles Coulombe B.A. B.LL D.S.A. Gilles Coulombe is the webmaster of NewHealthFrontier.com a site about a wide range of health problems proposing for each of them natural solutions for a longer and healthier life.

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