Hypertension, most commonly referred to as "high blood pressure", HTN or HPN, is a medical condition in which the blood pressure is chronically elevated. It was previously referred to as arterial hypertension, but in current usage, the word "hypertension" without a qualifier normally refers to arterial hypertension.

Normal Blood Pressure - Understanding Healthy Blood Pressure Readings


after normal blood pressure simply means that the blood pumped by your heart through the arteries is in an acceptable range of sound pressure. Think of this pressure as the volume force is exercised against the inside of the arteries at a certain time - like the water that flows through a tube.

As the blood is determined by your arterial channels that must be regulated, in the form of pressure. When the pressure is too great, as is the case with hypertension, it can damage your arteries and they lose their elasticity (think of a garden hose expand and possibly explode, because the pressure of the water inside is too big.)

Because we do not want to damage our arteries, we should have or develop an understanding of just acceptable, what are the blood pressure readings. Then we must learn how to use these values when we need them to ensure our health for the long term. Remember that our blood pumping, it will be for each area of our body. High blood pressure is more than just damage arteries, it damages the organs and tissues of the arteries and through.

normal blood pressure readings

There are 2 numbers that you overall blood pressure. They are in the form of a ratio - the one against the other, such as x /y The top row is the "systolic" reading and the lower number represents the "diastolic" reading. The systolic number shows the strength of the pressure when the heart actually pumps. The diastolic pressure is the force of the pressure between heart beats. The blood pressure reading ratio is always followed by "mmHg" what "millimeters of mercury, the standard adopted by experts from the health care system for this measurement. Following the readings to search:

normal blood pressure less than 120 /80

Pre-hypertension from 120 to 139 /80 89


  • first stage hypertension - 140 to 159 /90 to 99

  • Second phase
  • hypertension - 160 and over /100 and above


Nearly 33% of Americans have hypertension. It is often called the "silent killer" because often there are no noticeable symptoms. Years, and people have no idea that something goes wrong. But within her body, every day they are damaged. Chronic hypertension can lead to cardiovascular disease, heart failure, kidney failure, stroke, and much more. Prevention

hypertension for

Like almost every single preventable health condition, high blood pressure can be avoided by changes in your healthy lifestyle. We all need to eat foods low in solid fats, low cholesterol, low in sodium and with the nutrients that our body needs. These foods are very easy plants that nature has equipped us with.

Further, we need to exercise on a daily basis. Only 20 minutes walking, stretching or the like every day to do so. Moreover, we must necessarily reflect the levels of stress. There are one million things at all times, which is too stressful - if we are to them to be.

Maintain your normal blood pressure readings are living in a holistic healthy and stress-free lifestyle from today. Increase your vitality and prosper!


Steven R Arnold is editor of http://fatsense.com.

The Healthy Heart Series of Essential Knowledge Guides is a new audio book series that will show you how to naturally lower your cholesterol and blood glucose numbers safely and easily.

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You'll find the Healthy Heart Series of Essential Knowledge Guides only at http://fatsense.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Steven_R_Arnold

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