Hypertension, most commonly referred to as "high blood pressure", HTN or HPN, is a medical condition in which the blood pressure is chronically elevated. It was previously referred to as arterial hypertension, but in current usage, the word "hypertension" without a qualifier normally refers to arterial hypertension.

A Diet For Hypertension


You can read this article, because from now on, you are probably aware that hypertension or high blood pressure can cause big problems for your health. And you're right. But it is also true that high blood pressure can be controlled, if you are the right steps, one of them is an adequate diet. That is the reason why people with hypertension should be aware of what foods would be beneficial and which could have a negative effect on this condition. Let's take a look at the steps you can take.

If you have hypertension

If this is your case, will not be discouraged thinking that a healthy diet is eating "boring" menus, nothing of this kind What it does mean that you need to make small changes in your menus, and some simple guidelines, such as they are listed below:

Lower salt in your meals a little more

reducing sodium (salt) in your diet to high blood pressure to go. Avoid salty and smoked foods, meats and cheeses. For the season, meals, replace salt with herbs, lemon or vinegar.

foods rich in potassium

This mineral helps achieve an internal balance with sodium. It can be found in fruits and vegetables. Try a salad for lunch. Personally, I like steamed vegetables such as spinach, peas or green beans Saut? with olive oil and a few cloves of garlic, one of these vegetables would be a healthy and tasty supplement. In the night trying to either a vegetable soup or a vegetable purely as a first antenna.

Reduce saturated fat

fats from animal origin (meat, meat and eggs), increased blood pressure, while omega-3-fatty acids (fish) and oleic acid (olive oil) is lower. Try about 2 or 3 times per week fatty fish for lunch or dinner. As for breakfast, you can make a toast of wholemeal bread, low in sodium, with extra virgin olive oil. Olive oil would help, not just to the right level of blood pressure, but also to protect your arteries.

Avoid alcohol more

If you drink alcohol, do it in moderation: a small glass of red wine per day with meals. Studies have shown that an excess of alcohol for 7% of cases of hypertension.

limit coffee intake

Limit drinks containing caffeine such as coffee, tea, cola, etc., because they cause high blood pressure. My favorite drink is water, you can not go wrong with him.

more calcium and magnesium

Research has shown that low doses of calcium and magnesium, especially during menopause, increased blood pressure. How can these two minerals in your diet? Increase your intake of dark green vegetables such as spinach, lettuce, kale, etc. You can find a variety of dark green vegetables on the market, in your salad with very little work for you.

vitamin D

According to the University of Harvard, women, daily calcium and vitamin D have less risk for the development of hypertension. My favorite way to increase vitamin D in my body is always in the sun to walk at least 20 minutes per day, most days of the week. If you work, you can use 15 or 20 minutes after lunch in the sunny days and go for a walk. It would be the question for you: it would help to lower blood pressure, prevent osteoporosis, and I guarantee you, you would be in a good mood.

Control your stress

situations that cause you anxiety and stress can increase your blood pressure. Stress triggers certain hormones, which in turn, they cause the level of blood pressure up. You can try meditation, it works wonders to lower blood pressure.


A study by the Harvard Medical School has shown that women who smoke two packs of cigarettes per day over a 21% greater risk of developing hypertension. Remember that hypertension is the most important risk for strokes and heart attacks.

Avoid overweight

triggers obesity hypertension. If you have a few pounds, not only on a temporary diet. The best way to ensure an adequate weight to learn how to eat healthy and keep the good habits for the rest of your life.


Try to walk at least a minimum of 30 minutes per day, 4 or 5 days per week. It would be helpful to lower your hypertension. Walking for several days in the week also helps lower the level of LDL, the bad cholesterol and increase HDL, the good.


As you can see, so that a few changes is not as bad as it sounds, since. A few changes in the diet will pay back nicely by your hypertension or high blood pressure under control, which in turn allows you a lot of grief, mental and physical, in the future.

Have a great and healthy day.

Emilia Klapp, BS, RD.


About the Author: With her new book, "Your Heart Needs the Mediterranean Diet", Emilia Klapp has helped thousands of people just like you reduce the risk of heart disease, lose weight and enjoy a more abundant life at the same time. For more information on the book and to receive a FREE especial report on the "Top 10 Mediterranean Curative Ingredients" go to: http://www.mediterraneanheart.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Emilia_Klapp

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