Hypertension, most commonly referred to as "high blood pressure", HTN or HPN, is a medical condition in which the blood pressure is chronically elevated. It was previously referred to as arterial hypertension, but in current usage, the word "hypertension" without a qualifier normally refers to arterial hypertension.

The Dangers of Beta Blockers on PPH Patients


In the treatment of persons suffering from primary pulmonary hypertension, or PPH, there are a number of different medical options that can be used. Often, doctors will review the use of diuretics, beta blockers, ACE inhibitors and the optimization of the left ventricle function.

beta-blockers, especially, are a class of drugs used to treat not only people suffer from hypertension, but is known as cardio protection for people who have experienced myocardial infarction (heart attack), as well.

What do you take beta blockers?

There are significant differences between the different types of beta-blockers, as they are used to treat a variety of medical conditions, including

? Hypertension

? Angina

? Cardiac arrhythmia

? Heart Failure

? Glaucoma

? Migraine Prevention

? Essential tremor

In general, however, beta blockers are used to block the effect of endogenous catecholamines (eg adrenaline) on beta receptors in the central nervous system. More specifically, it affects receptors in the sympathy of the central nervous system, the body of the fight or flight response. Due to the calming influence that these drugs can have, beta-blockers are sometimes the people who experience performance anxiety.

dangers of beta blockers

As with any medicine, there are a number of side effects that are detrimental to individuals who receive these types of drugs. For beta-blockers, some of the most common side effects include

? Lower blood pressure

? Slow heart rate

? Traffic affected

? Loss of sleep

? Asthma

? Depression

? Sexual Dysfunction

? Nausea

? Headaches

These side effects are one-sided for individuals, the beta-blockers for all medical condition. In cases of patients with pulmonary hypertension, medical professionals often do not suggest that beta-blockers as the primary method of treatment, since there is a significant history of beta-blockers cause diabetes in hypertension patients.

In fact, a study in 2007 showed that both diuretics and beta-blockers, two formerly common treatment options for patients with pulmonary hypertension, a patient increased the risk for developing diabetes. It is interesting that ACE inhibitors, another common hypertension treatment option was found that person actually a decrease the risk for diabetes.

Because of studies like these, beta-blockers were officially removed as first-line treatment option for people suffering from pulmonary hypertension.


If you would like more information on beta blockers and / or primary pulmonary hypertension, contact the PPH lawyers of Williams Kherkher today.

Joseph Devine

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joseph_Devine

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