Hypertension, most commonly referred to as "high blood pressure", HTN or HPN, is a medical condition in which the blood pressure is chronically elevated. It was previously referred to as arterial hypertension, but in current usage, the word "hypertension" without a qualifier normally refers to arterial hypertension.

How Do You Know Your Teenager Has High Blood Pressure?


Sleep Sleep

could be a very real threat in the life of a teenager. If your teenager is deprived of sleep, this could set them up for heart disease later in their lives. Even if your child is healthy, and they are not sleeping enough, this could lead to high blood pressure.

What causes insomnia?

With increasing high-tech, such as iPods, cell phones, laptops, etc., young people are more difficult to switch once they have finished their schooling. We as parents need to communicate with our young people and find out how they sleep. It may be necessary to determine the limits, if your teenager is always late every night on the phone or listening to music. Young people need to be at least 9 hours of sleep, but most young people are not that much, so that research has shown that between 7-8 hours of sleep regularly from Monday to Friday is enough for your teenager to energy throughout the day.

remind teenagers about the value of sleep is also important, especially for young people that find it difficult to get out of bed in the morning.


Apart from the fact that sleep deprived, your youth nutrition will help her insomnia. If your teenager is eating too much fast-food snacks with plenty of sugar, or lacking in nutritional value, long term, will focus on your child to sleep, how your child's concentration and energy.

Encourage your teens to eat healthy snacks such as bananas, apples, oranges and melons. Even healthy muesli bars much food and get your teenagers between classes or during the lunch break time. Eating healthy snacks will not only get your child throughout the school, but they also enough energy so that they do not unnecessarily tired.

introducing healthy meals at home will also help your teenagers have more energy, until they go to bed. This will also enable them better sleep and an unbroken sleep, then wake up feeling that they are updated and untired. This coupled with a healthy breakfast with whole grain cereals and fruit will be sustained for a long time and their energy high.


If you need to know if your teenager is suffering from high blood pressure, this guide will show what signs to look for to prevent it or reduce it. Click Here for more information about how you can prevent your teenager from getting high blood pressure.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Veronica_Anglin

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