Hypertension, most commonly referred to as "high blood pressure", HTN or HPN, is a medical condition in which the blood pressure is chronically elevated. It was previously referred to as arterial hypertension, but in current usage, the word "hypertension" without a qualifier normally refers to arterial hypertension.

Cure Hypertension - 2 Simple Steps to Drop Blood Pressure in Weeks


Hypertension is a really dangerous condition that cause damage to your internal organs like kidneys, heart and brain and it's more dangerous because it doesn't show any symptom.

The most common causes for high blood pressure are a poor diet full of fat and sodium and a sedentary lifestyle, however if you suffer from this condition you can make some simple changes in your lifestyle to cure high blood pressure.

Remember that hypertension is one of the most common causes for stroke and heart attack, if you drop your blood pressure to a normal pressure you will have a longer life with a better life quality.

Can I Cure Hypertension with Pills?

No, pills don't cure high blood pressure, they just lower the pressure for a day or a couple hours.

I know thanks to some friends that the feeling of having to buy medicine for the rest of your life is just horrible and the secondary effects are even worst.

Then what can I do to Cure Hypertension?

You can follow this two simple rules and drop your pressure in weeks, even some minor changes in your daily life can work wonders and increase your life quality in just a few weeks!

Change your feeding habits: If your daily diet includes lots of salt, fat and sugar there is a great risk of increase your pressure. This is not about stop eating, what you really need is too follow a healthy diet plan with lots of calcium and potassium.

Change your sedentary habits: If your lifestyle is sedentary then you have to try to follow an exercise plan designed to drop blood pressure, this exercise plans are not about dying in a gym.

Exercise plans designed for people with hypertension are about doing the right exercises to regularize your body pressure.

Autor: Guillermo Pareja

If you want more info about how to cure hypertension in a few weeks check the next links. To read more about a great step by step plan to drop blood pressure in 3 weeks with just 3 simple exercises click the next link... Cure Hypertension Plan

To read an article about 3 natural remedies for High Blood Pressure click the next link... Hypertension Natural Treatments

Added: November 18, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

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