Hypertension, most commonly referred to as "high blood pressure", HTN or HPN, is a medical condition in which the blood pressure is chronically elevated. It was previously referred to as arterial hypertension, but in current usage, the word "hypertension" without a qualifier normally refers to arterial hypertension.

Hypertension Guidelines - Salt, a Dietary Hypertension Cause That We Can Modify


A diet high in salt diet hypertension is a cause that we simply change. Many studies show that reducing the amount of salt in our diet, lowers blood pressure or high blood pressure pressure.

For years, a high sodium intake was the primary factor for hypertension. Now research has pointed out, salt (sodium chloride), as the diet-related hypertension cause.

Are you sensitive to salt?

Some people are sensitive to salt intake on and experience high blood pressure. People most likely to have a salt sensitivity include those with kidney disease, type 2 diabetes or hypertension. Obese people also seem to be particularly sensitive to the effects of salt on blood pressure.

reducing salt consumption

Salt is necessary for our system in small quantities, but if it goes beyond the correct amount, it could lead to fluid retention and an increase in our blood. We need only 1.25 grams of salt per day, and we must try to salt intake to 6 grams per day, the amount that fits into a teaspoon.

Whether people with normal blood pressure benefit from a salt diet remains controversial. But because the reduction in salt intake causes no harm and reduces the risk of hypertension and heart disease for some people, public health recommendations advise limiting daily salt intake to less than 6 grams, the equivalent of 2.4 grams (2400 mg) of sodium) ,

Best way to reduce salt intake

The best way to reduce the salt in our diet is not to put it into food. Let us also keep in mind that fresh foods are usually low, while in Salt precooked or processed foods are higher in salt.

food with high salt are :

� Commercial soups

� Hard cheese

� Boiled ham

� Olives
� �

� Salty nuts

� Cold cuts

It is very important to read food labels. Food labels show under the name Salt Sodium, a component of salt. Compare and choose those with a low content of sodium. Ingredients are in a descending order based on the amount used in the product. Choose those that salt is at the end of the list. It is better to choose foods containing 140 or fewer milligrams (mg) of sodium per portion.

People under a salt restriction diet need to remember that some medicines are high in sodium, especially those with an effervescent tablet presentation.

Species and aromatic herbs to flavor your food


� bay leaves
� �
black pepper
� �
� �

� onions

� oregano

� Rosemary
� �


� curry powder
� �
black pepper

� lemon juice
� �
� �


� Rosemary

� Sage

� Cinnamon

� Basil

� parsley
� �

last thoughts on

An salt recording is not the only cause hypertension . A healthy lifestyle, physical activity, proper weight, smoking is prohibited, and a healthy diet, such as the Mediterranean diet, may help to prevent and control hypertension ,

have a healthy Day

Emilia folding, BS, RD


Emilia Klapp has a bachelor in Nutrition Science. She is certified as a Registered Dietitian by the American Dietetic Association and the author of the book Your Heart Needs the Mediterranean Diet. For more information on Hypertension Causes and to get a FREE list of the 10 Top Mediterranean Curative Foods, go to http://www.MediterraneanHeart.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Emilia_Klapp


Hypertension Warning Signs - Can You Detect Them?


Have you ever wondered why high blood pressure is known as a silent killer? It is because the signs of high blood pressure or hypertension are usually difficult to detect in a person. It is indeed a disease that has no signs or symptoms at its beginning. There will be more visible signs only if they have the critical stage.

During the advanced stages, signs and symptoms of high blood pressure are typical headaches, dizziness, nosebleeds, or nosebleeds, and fatigue.

Other symptoms will be stronger when the disease reached a very advanced stage. These symptoms are shortness of breath, ringing in the ear, dizziness or fatigue, confusion, blurred vision, restlessness, vomiting, seizures, moderate pain in the chest, reduced libido and blood in urine. A person with high blood pressure in an advanced stage in May coma.

However, some of these symptoms can also be used in people with normal blood pressure. This is why the diagnosis of hypertension on the basis of this is not conclusive.

And even if a person does not display these common signs of high blood pressure, it does not mean he is already free of it. There are cases where a person May have high blood pressure, but not the typical symptoms because the disease has not yet progressed to the advanced stage.

Considered as a lifestyle disease, high blood pressure has primary and secondary causes. There are approximately 95% of patients that suffer from hypertension primary or essential hypertension hypertension.

A person is vulnerable to essential hypertension due to the combination of the primary factors that lead to it.

These primary factors include smoking, sedentary lifestyle, obesity , Cholesterol-rich diet, Too salty food, alcohol, stress, ethnicity, gender and heredity. These factors have different effects for each individual. There are people who tend to have temporary hypertension due to their fear of the sight of doctor.

About 5% of patients acquire secondary hypertension. This means there is a state that the underlying causes of hypertension. These could include health conditions such as kidney disease, endocrine and metabolic disorders, pregnancy, congenital heart disease, and adrenal gland tumor.

If a patient with hypertension has cancer of the adrenal gland, he will have symptoms such as rapid heart beats and unstable, headaches, sweating, Pallor, and anxiety.

It is recommended that people checked their blood pressure at regular intervals, especially those in their thirties or older. The systolic /diastolic reading, which shows higher than 140/90 mm Hg shows a high blood pressure.

Some have systolic hypertension, while others have diastolic hypertension. Other May, both. The signs of hypertension in this state is different. High blood pressure is not a joke. You can recognize the signs and monitor your health before it is too late. Source: Simplehypertensionguide dot com


Get information on natural cures for high blood pressure and how I dropped from 170/110 to 120/75 without drugs at Simplehypertensionguide dot com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=James_Liow


High Blood Pressure Remedies You Can Use Without a Drug Prescription


Discovering that you have high blood pressure can be a devastating thing to accept. While learned all dietary and lifestyle changes you need to, it may be tempting to want to solve the problem by drugs. For, how can it takes years to discover the changes in the way of life, the reversal of the damage, the comparison of drugs against high blood pressure remedies, and a few simple things you can do immediately without a prescription. This article aims to better understand high blood pressure remedies.

For those who suffer from high blood pressure may be sometimes a challenge. Often times it will take years to discover, during this time, they graten damage. This is the reason why the condition is often called the silent killer. It is good news however.

With some very simple changes to diet and lifestyle of a person who can reverse years of losses. Over time the new healthy habits can change your heart and circulatory system. Although it can be very tempting to just one drug, and as free from the problem. Because most medications for high blood pressure seem to be rather effective. The most compelling reason to drugs would be the rapid and almost immediate impact they have. The drugs work immediately, while more natural remedies high blood pressure can take some time. The main reason is that changes in the way of life to the desired result, the effort and time to establish.

Now before you decide on a treatment or another, it is always important to visit a doctor. In this sense, to say that you and you alone are responsible for their own health and wellbeing. Use the following high blood pressure remedies as part of a healthy and active lifestyle.

Proven High Blood Pressure Remedies

For now for many years, garlic has proved a powerful want to treat high blood pressure naturally. Although all the reasons are not clear, it seems, a thinning effect on the blood. May now some people find that it interferes with their medication and this should be considered. But for most people with high blood pressure, with a garlic supplement is a good idea. Though garlic is one of the best know, appeal, there are some other famous and not so well known ideas, you should consider.

One supplement, which is generally regarded as helpful is hawthorn. Fish oil was also known to support the blood pressure as well as folic acid. Along with this its important to reduce your total salt intake and increase the amount of healthy, nutrient rich vegetables in your diet. Vegetables and fruits such as bananas's, grapefruit, melons, oranges, cabbage, cauliflower and are great. They will help you maintain proper function in blood pressure levels. Other foods are rice, beans, nuts, wheat and soy. Vegetables and nuts with high levels of magnesium are what you want most. Reduce on alcohol and stop smoking completely. This is not only important, it is critical.

Although the temptation might be to just get your doctor to get your prescription medication, there are more healthy alternatives. With the addition of gentle exercise and a healthy diet can learn the changes in the way of life that the reversal of the damage. Move your diet more on the way to a Mediterranean or Heart and Stroke Foundation diet is also highly recommended. Appeals involving high blood pressure in your lifestyle and control over your health.


Not only does Tina Campbell know what it's like to have high blood pressure (hypertension), she also runs an informational web site with articles, videos and reports on high blood pressure remedies. For all this and more, be sure to check out High Blood Pressure Remedies at http://www.HighBloodPressureRemedies.net

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tina_Campbell


How to Create a Diet For Hypertension


Big changes in the diet are necessary if a suffers from hypertension. Self-discipline and a healthy way of life are in the food for this disease. You can check her condition, one has to know the good and bad foods for them to eat.

You should have a lot to consider, if they follow a diet for hypertension. First, what you do not forget that when it comes to hypertension is that they do not exaggerate, especially in their eating habits. With hypertension, to monitor everything, limited and regulated in certain amounts enough for the person who it.

Salt recording will definitely be reduced as from the doctors. Alcohol should be completely removed. However study shows that alcohol has some good effects on the heart. But still, if alcohol will be taken is to be a certain amount, it may not be harmful to the patient.

Doctors recommend the use of the DASH diet. This is a diet for people who have hypertension. But still, like any other diet plans, there also has its pros and a cons.

When changes in his diet, self-discipline is a requirement. This is behind the fact that we are tempted with food the whole time. Remember that everything you have an influence on your body.

The Internet is a great source of information on the Dos and don'ts of this diet. It informs about the other misconceptions about diets, if you are in a particular state. The information given great knowledge about the condition and how it can be treated. Understanding your condition could help you choose the right diet for you.


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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Vincent_Russells


Can Garlic Cure Hypertension?


Hypertension health is a state that is not taken lightly. Complications due to the hypertension is a significant health risk to a person. Before on the medical effects of garlic on high blood pressure, you have to be aware when he suffers from high blood pressure or not. A visit to the doctor say when you have hypertension, because it will check your blood pressure and see if you suffer from high blood pressure. Once you are diagnosed with the condition, your doctor will take a course of the operation and maintenance medications, take your blood pressure normal.

You can complement the drug your doctor will help you with a natural in the form of garlic. Garlic is known that the treatment of high blood pressure to change the amount of lipids in the blood. In this context, garlic is also very effective in reducing cholesterol.

One property of garlic, it is very effective in the treatment of high blood pressure is the presence of allicin. Allicin is a substance that is known that Blutgefae relax, thereby reducing blood pressure and Blutgefae damage.

There studies were done to prove that garlic actually treated hypertension by reducing platelet aggregation lead to a lower risk of Thrombosis. And not only garlic very effectively with hypertension, it was found that it is also effective in reducing the level of glucose patients with diabetes.

How effective garlic to the normalisation of blood pressure? Now, a separate study shows that the systolic pressure below 20 to 30 mm Hg and the diastolic pressure 10 to 20 mmHg.

If you suffer from high blood pressure and want the benefits of garlic to work for you, you have the choice whether the use of garlic or additions to the actual season itself. But it would be best if the actual spice itself, which is if you do not smell, so you would its maximum therapeutic effect.

Some people consume would suggest two or three cloves of raw garlic, but if you think you will not handle this then it would be best if you make use of garlic when you cook your meals. Others prefer even a broth or juice from garlic. But it was observed that it is chopping garlic loses its allicinity shall be very is the best way to the best of the spice.

However when garlic as a treatment of high blood pressure, you should know the right amount and must be taken do not go overboard, because this is his excessive amounts are surprising effects you experience in your stomach. Plus, you can imagine the smell of consuming too much garlic.

Treating hypertension is the natural way is one of the safest ways to do this. You can be sure that there are no side effects with herbal treatments. Remember that nature has its own way of treating the disease, and it would be best if the benefits of this while you can.


Learn more about the hypertension and how to control it at http://www.hypertension-symptom.com/ and http://www.hypertension-symptom.com/hypertension-symptoms/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Natsuko_Tsuchiya

Let's Drink to Lower Blood Pressure! The Lowdown on Alcohol and High Blood Pressure


If you are confused about the effect of alcohol on your blood pressure you can be sure. For years, we have said that moderate drinking is good for our hearts. We have heard about the "French paradox" that the French consume large quantities of red wine and saturated fats, even lower rates of heart disease than Americans and other non-Mediterranean people. A large part of the "paradox" is attributed to drink red wine. Other studies have shown that the modest amounts of other types of alcohol similar benefits.

Now a few new studies from Japan are killjoys, indicating that even modest drinking alcohol can increase blood pressure. The researchers found a direct link between alcohol consumption and blood pressure. In other words, as you drink your blood pressure increases, starting with the first drink. The doctor leads one of the studies concluded: "Alcohol consumption is an important modifiable risk factor for high blood pressure" .

So what should we believe? Some could hedge their bets by saying that more research is needed, but the preponderance of the evidence clearly supports moderate consumption of alcohol for a healthy heart and blood pressure. An extensive study in Denmark has shown that one or two drinks per day significantly reduced the risk of heart attack in both men and women, particularly from middle age. What's more, a study carried out just from Harvard shows that a drink or two of alcohol per day an additional benefit to also physically fit, healthy men with an already low risk of heart disease and disease.

So until unless Additional evidence says otherwise, you can raise your glass with confidence that the glow on your cheeks is a healthy one. We should also recognize that responsible drinking is not just about physical health, but can also contribute to a healthy social life and can help alleviate stress. These benefits can help to further improve our general health and lower our blood pressure.

But to what point, the inevitable question: How much is too much? This could be the most important question of all, because the fact that characterized most clearly in the debate on alcohol and your health is that excess is extremely harmful. We all know what makes over-benefit for our liver, but it also damages our hearts by the increase in blood pressure, among other things things.

And how much is too much? Unfortunately, the answer is not a simple matter of "units". Did you know that this measure has formed trusts that in the field of public health for 20 years has been suspended as a completely arbitrary and without any scientific basis? A member of the Royal College of Physicians (UK) that the recommendation in 1987 called it "a kind of intelligent guess by a committee. He went on to say that "the borders really were plucked from the air. It is impossible to say what is safe and what is not. We do not really have any information about you."

The original manual recommends that men do not consume more than 21 units of alcohol per week and women no more than 14th More recently, we tend to hear the more restrictive recommendation of 2 units daily for men and one for women.

There is evidence that the limits should be. For example, a British study found that men drink 21 to 30 units of alcohol a week had the lowest mortality. Another found that men had to drink an entire bottle of wine per day, or 63 units per week, will reach the same risk of mortality teetotaler.

Of one does not mean that anything goes. The conflicting evidence only to the fact that our tolerance for alcohol varies depending on many factors, including sex, age, race, weight, general health and fitness, time of day and whether food consumed while drinking alcohol .

Considering all these variants, and more, it's easy to see how foolish it is, units of alcohol. Especially if there is a much better way: It's called common sense. Most people know when they drink too much, regardless of whether they are prepared to admit it to himself or others. If you have any doubts, there are countless signs of common sense more than enjoyment-from the blatantly obvious - a cat - subtle evidence that sleep problems, fatigue, mood swings, and so on. Do we really need in the field of public health, to tell us how much we can safely drink?

Having said, The Tipping Point between healthy drinking water and is dangerous on a penalty, so that if you should err on the side caution. �bermaiger alcohol consumption increases your blood pressure and such an increase will bring about a graeres risk than high blood pressure, which is stable. If you experience increased blood pressure, together with a nagging feeling bad about your drink, you would be well advised to a reassessment your lifestyle and cut back. A decrease in consumption of alcohol may lower blood pressure significantly.

Perhaps the Greek comic Eubulus (with the words of Dionysus, the god of wine) said it best: "Three bowls, I can only mix for the gemaigt - One on health, seconds after love and joy, and the third to sleep. The fourth bowl does not belong to us, but on hubris, the fifth in turmoil, the sixth to drunken Revel, the seventh to black eyes, in the eighth the police and the ninth to vomiting. The tenth belongs to the madness and the throwing of furniture. "


David O'Hara is a researcher and product developer in the field of natural health and blood pressure control. Click here for more common sense advice on natural ways to lower blood pressure.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_O'Hara


Alkaline Nutrition - 7 Reasons You Should Increase Your Salt Intake For Better Health - Part 1


Salt has long been seen by the traditional medical community as the culprit for diseases such as high blood pressure. But "Salt" is not the enemy. The enemy is the type of salt used, which have high blood pressure pressure.

The heating and processing of salt is the real reason why salt gets so bad rap. Unfortunately, these heated and processed salts are the salts that most people have in their salt shaker at home, as well as the same salt in most processed foods.

This heated and processed salt is "denatured", which means that the chemical composition was changed by the high heat and processing. Because the molecular structure of the salt is changed, your body can not digest the salt properly. If this happens, the salt is a toxin to your body, and this is the reason why the salt has rap.

However bad, "natural" salts are not only indispensable, they are good for you. Without salt, dies ... It's that simple. Here are 7 reasons you should increase your intake of salt good to be healthier (and leaner) .

1) Good Salt Can they reach your ideal weight - acids are the true cause of obesity, not calories . Your body will bind with fatty acids and store it in your fat storage areas (hips, Butt, love handles) just to keep you alive. Salts to help neutralize these deadly acids.

By good food salts to neutralize acids your body needs to keep the fat content has fallen. If your body is no longer relying on fat acid to neutralize, then the excess fat in your body begins to melt away.

2) Your Body runs on salt, not calories - It is a big misunderstanding that "burning calories" is the key to weight loss and staying slim. The reality is that "calories" are a measurement of heat. Your body does not run on heat, where it runs on ions. And you get these ions from salt.

3) "Cravings" feelings are really hungry for salt - If most people feel little energy, it is usually crave something with sugar. But this is really your body craving salt. The next time you have cravings and low on energy, try a healthy snack with salts. One of my favorite snacks is to add natural sea salt to over avocado. This satisfied my desire for salt and fat.

For the next 4 benefits of good healthy salt, please see Part 2 of this article, part two. Remember that healthy salts are one of the most important elements to live a healthy lifestyle. Make sure that you go into your local health food store and buy some natural sea salt, was not heated.


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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dean_Teitelbaum


Reducing Hypertension Through Relaxation


To control hypertension, it is important to follow your doctor to order and make sure that your medication every day, when all is required. In addition to these things, it's something else you can on your own, not related to prescription drugs, is all natural and although it does not hurt to your doctor ask, is it looked to positive from the medical community.

What I talking about is the blood pressure controlled effects of relaxation exercises. Probably you can do anything better in a relaxed state. But beyond this fact is the fact, relaxation is good for your blood pressure. The following is a step-by-step process, you get into a relaxed state. Following these steps everyday to help you achieve a calmness helpful if they try to control or hypertension anxiety.


The first step is simply too comfortable. The choice of a bed is a possibility, but any way you can easily done. Maybe you are very happy to be in a chair or simply, it is even possible to be comfortably in a car seat. This would be appropriate if we wanted to relax during the break of work.

Being comfortable is the basis of this exercise is, is built on. If you need to tense every muscle in the least to maintain your position, it will not work. If you fear of falling your seat, it will not work. Get comfortable mentally and physically.

Slow Down Your Breathing

Relaxation can often induced by simply the pace of your breathing pattern. While nervous, we tend to take breaths, the rapid and shallow. Conversely, while relaxing, we tend to breathe more deeply and slowly.

Therefore, Step number two is too slow your breathing a little and take nice long breaths. Do not try to breathe, you are completely filling your lungs, breathe only in something deep. A good rule is to breathe in the count of four and exhale to the count of five years. We are not trying to induce dizziness, we are just trying to slow the internal system a little, and we can do this by relatively slow and relatively deep breaths.

At first, it is best to breathe through the nose and the mouth, but After a few minutes, in and through the nose is best.

Listen to your breathing

After you have found a good comfortable deep breathing patterns, start to draw your attention to them. Try not to think anything at this point only your breathing. Feel your breath, feel the air entering and exiting your body.

Feel relaxation of muscles

After about 3 to 5 minutes, turn your attention to your main body parts starting with the F ing and work your way up to your head. As you to draw your attention to each part, feel they are always relaxed. Do not try to make it looser. Simply say: "I feel my Fae always relaxed. I feel my legs always relaxed, I feel my lower abs become more relaxed, etc." Do you feel any relaxation are part of your body as you do this.

Think relaxation

After you reach the top of your head, you will be at least a semi-relaxed state. Perhaps you have achieved total relaxation. In any case, turn your attention to some relaxing scene, you do not forget, some time during your life. If you do not think that one of the two. Gentle breeze; ongoing stream of water, whatever it is that you relax, think about it. Treat yourself to a few minutes this.

do I feel better and better

By with this method should be to a very relaxed state almost every time, if not every time you practice it. Performing this exercise daily will help you relax, in general. Also, it will provide a state of mind can remember, during the tense moments throughout the day. This is generally very helpful for the reduction of high blood pressure pressure.

An option is added after you achieve relaxation, is to imagine something about your life that you feel must be improved and think of themselves as a conquering this goal.

For For example, one might think: "I feel wonderful that I now have paid all my bills." Or: "I feel great now that my blood pressure reading is normal." This part of the relaxation exercise is that they are even hypnotism. It works over time, because in a relaxed state is the subconscious amenable, and once the subconscious has received a suggestion, it is on this suggestion.


Jason Falson has lived with hypertension for many years. He has credited the remarkable improvement he has seen in his high blood pressure to a change in attitude and the power of relaxation. This is, of course, along with following his doctor's orders. He recommends hypertension sufferers visit Symptom of Hypertension. Also, learn more about the connection between hypertension and anxiety and how to control it at Dealing With Anxiety.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jason_Falson


How to Overcome High Blood Pressure Without Medication and Get Your Life Back


Everyday millions of adults in the United States are diagnosed with high blood pressure. Learn more about this many Americans are dying as a result. Heart disease is extremely difficult to detect, which means that many people live with their normal day without being aware of its danger.

Every physician has the important task of detection and diagnosis of hypertension. After the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe medication to control the progression of the disease, nor is it possible to learn how to overcome high blood pressure, without medication.

There are several elements that cause high blood pressure. The proposed number one cause of high blood pressure is obesity. Obesity is more pressure on your heart and arteries, but also minimize the blood flow. Other factors contributing to high blood pressure, stress, high sodium intake and insufficient physical activity.

Regardless your way of life, once you are diagnosed, you were subsequently prescribed drugs. According to recent studies and general progress, there was a significant reduction in blood pressure patients without the help of drugs. The patients were affected by the consequent adverse effects of drugs, which is why they began to adapt to certain lifestyle changes to control blood pressure levels.

It is obvious that the control of hypertension reduces the incidence of other complications such as stroke, heart failure or kidney disease. How drugs seem to be the obvious solution, the identification and treatment of the actual risk factors is effective. Many of the associated risks for cardiovascular diseases during clinical examination.

Learning to overcome, such as high blood pressure without drugs would benefit in many ways. Lifestyle changes will alleviate risk factors, thereby reducing high blood pressure. Even some of the key factors that contribute to stress, hypertension, smoking, obesity, lack of physical activity.

These are factors that you have complete control over. If you control these factors, you control your blood pressure. By the mere implementation of physical activity into your daily, it will help with diet and you will lose weight. As you can see, you can then have full control over your body and health, without ever drugs.


Alvin Hopkinson is a leading and avid researcher of various high blood pressure treatments. He runs a content-packed website that provides free tips to lower your hypertension and unbiased reviews on common blood pressure medications. Grab your FREE report on how to lower blood pressure naturally and visit his site at http://www.minusbloodpressure.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alvin_Hopkinson


Powerful Natural Remedies for Hypertension Uncovered


Hypertension - or high blood pressure - is a major problem for many people. Millions of people in the United States alone were diagnosed with high blood pressure.

You are the only one that can change your life and your current lifestyle to do something to improve that blood pressure problem.

Increasing consumption of plant foods in your Food is very important to lower blood pressure. A good vegetarian food contains less saturated fat and refined carbohydrates, and more potassium, complex carbohydrates, fiber, calcium, magnesium, vitamin C and essential fatty acids acids.

Some, which is good for the reduction of blood pressure are fish oil supplements or linseed oil, both rich in

omega-3 fatty acids acids.

Measuring blood pressure:

There two figures are taken into account when blood pressure is measured. The highest number is the systolic measures the pressure in the arteries when the heart beats. The lower number is the diastolic, which measures the pressure in the arteries when the heart is at rest between beats.

Hypertension ranked in phases with the first stage Prehypertension. The measurements in this area are Systolischer - 120 to 139 and diastolic - 80 to 89.

Stage 1 is the next stage with measurements are Systolischer - 140 to 159 and diastolic - 90 to 99.

Stage 2 is the highest level of hypertension with measurements are more Systolischer than 160 and diastolic graer as 100.

Some natural remedy for high blood pressure are:

1 - raw garlic. Have garlic in salads and use it in the kitchen. Garlic supplements are good to take on a daily basis, after breakfast and after dinner.

2-EAT apples. Apples have pectin can help lower blood pressure, so try to eat two apples a day.

3-papaya is very good if you eat it first thing in the morning every day and then do not eat anything for two hours after .

4-Eggs and meat will lead to blood pressure increasing at a faster rate than any other food. Avoid meat, tea and coffee, sugar and Fried food.

5-cucumber are rich in potassium, phosphorus and calcium. They are also a good diuretic and calming agent. In order to reduce blood pressure, try a cucumber eat every day. If you have a juicer, drink � cup fresh cucumber juice. You can also use some carrots and parsley, this is another good diuretic.

6 cayenne pepper is very good for the stabilisation of the blood-drink pressure.

7 watermelon seeds. Crush or two teaspoon of mixture of dried seeds and watermelon, put it in a cup of boiled water. Leave them for an hour and then strain. Drinking water melon seed tea half an hour before each meal. This can also be used to improve kidney function, so that you can also use the bathroom with a bit more than usual.

8-Raspberry leaf tea can also help reduce blood pressure. You can use this tea hot or cold. Combine 1 oz raspberry leaves in 2 cups boiling water and cook for 20 minutes. 1 cup last day.

The drink a natural remedy ...

Laugh! Studies have shown that five to ten minutes laugh first thing in the morning is a good way to improve blood pressure levels.


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