Hypertension, most commonly referred to as "high blood pressure", HTN or HPN, is a medical condition in which the blood pressure is chronically elevated. It was previously referred to as arterial hypertension, but in current usage, the word "hypertension" without a qualifier normally refers to arterial hypertension.

Home Remedies For High Blood Pressure


Home and herbal remedies are quick to the choice of many people on drug-medication. During the last two decades we have seen an increase in people with hypertension. It is always such an epidemic that children are now vulnerable to high blood pressure. When I growing up, high blood pressure was a disease of old people. However, like high blood pressure more common - people are looking for alternative ways to remedy the situation. High blood pressure drugs come with many side effects that people do not want to deal with.

There are many at home and herbal cure for high blood pressure, and many of them work only as good as or even better than the drugs. The best part is that home remedies without side effects. Home remedies are inexpensive and are readily available at health food store.

Below I will list a few home remedies that you can use to lower your blood pressure. These measures are also good for the entire health.

Foods the high potassium and magnesium, such as molasses, soy products, bananas, grapes and watermelons are ideal for a lowering of blood pressure. Eating an abundance of these foods will not only lower your blood pressure, but also for your general health.

One my favorite remedy is garlic. This herb is so powerful that even as the FDA labeling it as a drug. In my own experience, garlic lowered my blood pressure in a matter of minutes. Garlic is a blood thinner so be careful - let your doctor know you are taking garlic for high blood pressure before the surgery. Garlic is also a natural antibiotic, and a virulent germ killer. Now you see why garlic is my all time favorite home remedy.

People with high cholesterol may also benefit from the use of garlic. Eating raw garlic is the best way to go. However, I have not the time to prepare garlic in regular intervals, so I am of the garlic in tablet form. Many people who choose to go garlic tablets for the unscented because they are afraid of bad breath. Unfortunately, the tablets that reek of garlic are the best ones.

Although there are many alternatives to drug cultivation of drugs to lower blood pressure, I recommend still see a doctor. Due to the damage high blood pressure can do to your kidneys and arteries, it is advisable to see your doctor to ensure that no damage has been done. You can log in with your doctor about the use of alternative means to reduce your blood pressure. Most doctors are to recommend lifestyle changes now to their patients as a first line of defense for reducing their pressure. When diet and exercise along with herbal remedies do not work, then you and your doctor can decide what the next step is best for you.


For more information and other remedies for high blood pressure:

Home Health Remedies -or- Natural cures for High Blood Pressure

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jason_Hunter

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