Hypertension, most commonly referred to as "high blood pressure", HTN or HPN, is a medical condition in which the blood pressure is chronically elevated. It was previously referred to as arterial hypertension, but in current usage, the word "hypertension" without a qualifier normally refers to arterial hypertension.

Some Simple Ideas on How to Lower Blood Pressure


A doctor inform you that you have a life-threatening condition like high blood pressure and that it requires prescribed drugs for the rest of your life to control can be a tremendous experience. For people in the medical drugs is usually the first thing proposed, without giving due consideration to other methods can be used to lower blood pressure without drugs, health problems due to side effects.

The fact is that about 95% of people with high blood pressure can reduce their blood pressure readings, although a definitive cause of high blood pressure is not known. It must however be said that if this condition is not treated over a longer period, the consequences could be catastrophic. It is extremely important that you monitor carefully blood pressure readings from the process of trying various alternative methods. It is possible that your blood pressure without medication, but you need to caution.

Where do I start? There are a variety of treatments and therapies available to all a little confusing, after a while, so here are a few very simple methods, such as low blood pressure, you can try

Obesity is probably the most common cause of high blood pressure. With over nutrition and weight more than ever to maximize your chances for the development of these life-threatening condition. Simply by using your diet to a healthy and balanced diet with fresh food and some gentle exercise, it is possible to lose weight and reduce high blood pressure, without the need for drugs. A little effort can go a long way to go, and certainly it needs to be better in this case, as revenue from drugs for more and more suffering and side effects associated with them.

Another tip, how to lower blood pressure is to increase the amount of water you drink. By increasing your water intake and elimination of fatty substances, salty fast food from your diet significant reductions in your blood pressure readings be seen. A week fasting with water is only an option for those who are really serious, results show blood pressure readings by as much as 60 points. Personally I would be very careful, fasting in this way can be harmful to your health.

Increasing consumption of certain foods can help with lowering blood pressure. Two immediately come to mind, celery and garlic. Take celery, it works in reducing blood pressure, by acting as a natural diuretic. It increases the amount of water, extra body and distributing the excess water sodium - from Salt is also expelled.

These are just some of the simplest tips on how to lower blood pressure. The mountain is information available on many different methods, but I would recommend this as a starting point. You can make a big difference to your own health and blood pressure, by every measure available. Take the drugs for the life of a real last resort.


If you would like to lower your high blood pressure without medication visit http://howtoloweryourbloodpressure.com where you will find articles offering tips and advice on high blood pressure.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kevin_Snowie

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