Hypertension, most commonly referred to as "high blood pressure", HTN or HPN, is a medical condition in which the blood pressure is chronically elevated. It was previously referred to as arterial hypertension, but in current usage, the word "hypertension" without a qualifier normally refers to arterial hypertension.

High Blood Pressure - What Do the Number Mean and What Are the Causes of High Blood Pressure?


As a first step, let's talk about your heart.

Your heart is an organ, usually the muscle tissue. It is a pump. In very simple terms, his task is incoming blood from the body is low that oxygen and pump it to lungs.

As It passes through the lungs removed the blood oxygen and carbon dioxide fetches. Then the blood goes back to the heart and the heart pumped blood oxygen rich, to the whole body.

blood is flowing through the arteries from the heart go to different parts of the body, and through the veins on his way back into the heart.

The heart pumps blood through the rhythmic contraction of the four chambers in the heart. It is the strong contractions of the lower two chambers (the so-called Chambers) that the pumping of blood and away from the heart to different parts of the body.

There is a lot of pressure from the contraction of the ventricles. and it is this pressure, pushes the blood through the arteries miles within the body.

It is the pressure, the force of blood pushing against the inside walls of your arteries that will be discussed when we talk of blood "pressure".

What do the numbers mean?

You've probably heard the sound of a beating heart at a time. It sounds like kind: lub-dub, lub-dub, lub-dub, lub-DUB.

The "lub" is the sound of the ear to beat pumped blood into the graeren, more powerful chambers, the ventricles. The "dub" is the sound of the ventricles to beat and pump blood away from the powerful heart.

When ventricles contract (the "Dub"), this is the moment of pressure graten called "systolic pressure."

Between a "lub-dub" and the next "lub-dub" is a moment where the heart is not to suggest to all, this is the moment of the lowest pressure of the term "diastolic pressure."

When doctors or nurses measure your blood pressure , They usually give it to you as two numbers, the "systolic" about the "diastolic" or high above the low measurements.

These figures in certain ranges.

What controls blood pressure?

Blood pressure is by tiny muscles that line the inside of your blood vessels.

These muscles allow your arteries to use as soft rubber tubes, which expand with each beat heart.

When your muscles throughout the circulatory system [of the arteries and veins, the blood] extend these blood pressure drops.

When Muscles throughout the circulatory system tense, blood pressure rises.

When these muscles get tense, the arteries are close, stiffer, less flexible, and the heart has to beat harder to keep the blood flowing through those narrower tubes.

If the muscles that Their main arteries are tense all the time, the blood pressure is still high. This is called hypertension!

Continuous high blood pressure provides additional exposure, wear in your heart and arteries that can ultimately lead to heart attacks and strokes.

What causes high blood pressure?

What is it that the muscles that line your Blutgefae tense all the time? What are the things that can really drive your blood pressure?

* Poor nutrition
� Nutritional deficiencies

* obesity
� *
alcohol and caffeine, on the

* emotional and physical stress

* Being diabetic

Each of the above can lead to the loss of vital minerals from the body. These minerals are essential for the natural and effective control of blood pressure.

"Magnesium is important for cells to maintain balances ordnungsgemae other minerals such as potassium, sodium and calcium."

"If cells are deficient in magnesium, this balance is disturbed, and cells lose and potassium are flooded with calcium and sodium."

"In the smooth muscle cells of the Blutgefae, it sets the stage for constriction and increasing blood pressure. "

excerpted by The magnesium Solution

by Jay S. Cohen, MD

Not enough magnesium is one of the main causes of high blood pressure pressure.

"As many as half of us in the United States are magnesium deficient."

"Our soils are depleted of magnesium, which eliminates the natural opportunity to receive magnesium from fruits, vegetables and water." - Excerpts from the Sinatra solution by Stephen T. Sinatra, MD


Bob Held is the Founder and President of the Wellness Support Network The Wellness Support Network's mission is to help people with health challenges such as Diabetes.

http://realfoodnutrients.com/db/home.htm A website with recipes that lower blood sugar is available at http://diabetes-support.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bob_Held


Natural Ways to Lower Blood Pressure Easily


There are many natural ways to lower blood pressure without the use of synthetic drugs. Of course, the pharmaceutical industry does not want you to know that some medications can damage your internal organs such as liver and your kidneys. Natural methods work very well reduce hypertension.

Lifestyle plays an important role in all aspects of your health. There are many factors that can cause or contribute to high blood pressure. Some of them are nutrition, lack of exercise, stress, alcohol and smoking.

Natural Ways to Lower Blood Pressure

1. Do you smoke? I know it is difficult to quit, I did it myself. But we all know that smoking is dangerous for many reasons. Smoking causes lung cancer, heart disease and high blood pressure. Apart from the fact that the habit is extremely expensive! Try to quit, if ever possible.

2. Alcohol - alcohol consumption of more contributes to high blood pressure. Many people in the medical field say that after a few drinks per day is healthy, but if you drink more than try to cut back.

3. Diet and exercise - One of the easiest ways to lower blood pressure natural add is that foods are healthy. Fresh fruit and vegetables are a good choice. The limit fried and processed foods will contribute to hypertension. Salt is a major offender, so try to reduce. Season your food with other spices. Try to only 15 or 20 minutes per day of exercise. This helps tremendously!

4. Stress - Are you afraid of a lot or a stressful situation in your life? Try meditation, deep breathing and movement. If the source of stress is your job, a recreation leave. Sometimes just getting away for a few days can really help reduce stress levels.

5. Natural treatment - studies have shown that natural herbs and minerals can significantly reduce hypertension. There are many products today in the right direction to reduce high blood pressure. When it comes to natural or synthetic decisions, natural best.

If is always you suffer from high blood pressure, try some of these tips to improve your health. This is only a short list, but there are really many natural ways to lower blood pressure! Many more information, visit the links below.


Avoid dangerous and costly prescription drugs! There are many natural ways to lower blood pressure that are easy and effective. Visit Natural Health Connection for resources, tips and information.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lori_Hastings


Recognizing the Four Stages of Hypertension


Of all chronic illnesses that the Americans, high blood pressure is part of a pervasive. More than 25% of all U.S. citizens are dealing with more they get each year. Since high blood pressure or hypertension has very few symptoms, at least until in its advanced stages, many people are walking around with her, without knowing that they have it.

But what high blood pressure or hypertension? And why is it so dangerous?

Hypertension is a condition in which the amount of pressure needed for blood to pass through the body's arterial Gefae so dangerously high that if effects on other organs of the body. It is usually defined as a systolic blood pressure greater than 140/90 - where the first number is the systolic blood pressure and the second is the diastolic blood pressure pressure.

The average adult human body has about 10 to 11 pints of blood Coursing through her body as any time. In order to flow through the arterial Gefae a certain amount of force or pressure is required. This is what is commonly known as the blood pressure. At a low power and you will not typically suffer tired, light pipe, woozy, and so on. Chronic low blood pressure, or hypotension, rare.

If violence against the arterial walls too high, but even if you rarely experience physical symptoms, your body's internal organs can be very good to begin damage caused by the excessive violence.

There are four levels of hypertension - Level 1, Level 2, Level 3 and Level 4.

Stage 1 - Most people, three out of four people with high blood pressure, have Stage 1 hypertension - the least difficult. If you have a reading of 140/90 to 159/99 You have Level 1 This stage is easy to control, usually by using a combination of diuretics, prescription drug medications, and lifestyle changes

Stage 2 - One in five people with high blood pressure level 2 If your blood pressure is 160/100 to 180/110 reading, you probably fall into this category. This is a dangerous stage as a Stage 1 and is usually several medicines need to quickly readings in a normal and safe range.

Stage 3 - Less than 5% of people with high blood pressure can be divided into Phase 3 category. If your blood pressure is 180/110 to 210/125 reading, you probably this fall, very dangerous category.

Stage 4 - This is the worst of the stages. If your high blood pressure reading is 210/130 to 230 + /140 + or higher, you probably fall into this category and should endeavour to ensure that the immediate help.

Note hypertension readings are not perfect, and can actually change wildly from morning till night, day after day, or between different readings. It is therefore important to a number of blood pressure readings over time a reliable consensus, what the average blood pressure actually is.

It 's important to note that high blood pressure, of course, is not a fatal disease. Hypertension, if treated in time, can be successfully controlled. If untreated, but it can lead to unnecessarily kidney failure, stroke, hardening of the arteries, heart and attacks.


Melissa Chow is a freelance writer who writes articles relating to high blood pressure including affective intervention for hypertension

Visit her site at http://www.highbloodpressurearticles.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Melissa_Chow


Natural Remedies For High Blood Pressure That Really Work


If If you have high blood pressure, you can think about synthetic drugs. It is a natural remedy for high blood pressure, that the work, together with a few changes in lifestyle habits, where necessary. By making a few changes you can save the money, spending for rules and improve your health!

You probably know, on habits that affect your blood pressure - smoking, ebermaiger alcohol consumption, lack of exercise, stress, etc. But did you know that there are natural herbs and minerals, the lower and control high blood pressure? Many people use natural remedies to control high blood pressure with great success.

Some of ingredients can be found in most natural supplements contain calcium, magnesium, folic acid, niacin and juniper berry. There are other ingredients and spices, but these are only a few that work to lower blood pressure. These herbs and vitamins to support the work of your cardiovascular system.

One of the main causes of increased blood pressure is high homocysteine levels, which can be normalized very well with B-6, B-12 and folic acid. Most natural supplements contain these vitamins and other herbal ingredients. Studies have shown that these vitamins may decrease the risk of high blood pressure by 46% - pretty amazing!

Common sense tells you if you smoke, quit. If you drink more than 2 drinks per day, cut back. And if you eat an unhealthy diet, to try more fresh fruit and vegetables and cut back on processed foods. Also, as you know, cutting back on salt! And try to reduce stress with exercise, meditation or a much needed vacation.

As you can see, there are many natural remedies for high blood pressure. In the interest of your health and your wallet, try your habits and use of natural herbs and vitamins!


You can find out more about natural remedies for high blood pressure, products and resources at Natural Cures for High Blood Pressure. You will also find the High Blood Pressure Remedy Report, a great source of information!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lori_Hastings


The Hidden Dangers of High Blood Pressure


High blood pressure is a silent killer. There may be adverse effects on your body for months, even years, before any symptoms develop. It can damage your arteries, your heart, your brain, your kidneys and your eyes. It can also cause sexual dysfunction, osteoperosis and sleep troubles.

Arteries in optimum health are flexible, strong and elastic. Arteries are the passage for blood to get to the vital organs and tissues and provide them with nutrients and oxygens. High blood pressure increases the pressure of blood flowing through your arteries and can cause a variety of conditions, including aneurysm. This is the case with ebermaiger burden caused by a high pressure of blood flowing through a weakened artery leading to a bulge in the wall known as an aneurysm. An aneurysm can rupture at any point and lead to life threatening internal bleeding. High blood pressure can also cause arteriosclerosis, when artery walls are stiff and thick. Fats by hardened arteries and accumulate to the process of atherosclerosis. These blocks blood reaches the heart, kidneys and brain and can lead to angina, heart attack and heart and kidney failure.

Damage of the heart due to high blood pressure is serious and can be fatal. The demand may cause it to the heart leads to the heart muscle weakens and work less efficiently. Over time, the heart and finally fail.

The brain is also in danger. High blood pressure weakens the Blutgefae leads to the brain. This leads to a leak, interruption or narrowing of the Gefae. This can lead to stroke. It was also associated with dementia, this is a disease of the brain affected, thinking, speaking, memory, vision and movement.

Kidneys are responsible for filtering and excreting waste from your blood and is heavily dependent on efficient Blutgefae. High blood pressure can damage the Blutgefaen and reduce the efficiency of waste disposal in the kidneys. This can lead to kidney failure, kidney and a kidney scarring of the artery aneurysm.

As good as the top life conditions, high blood pressure can lead to erectile dysfunction, osteoperosis and sleep apnea.


Don't you think it's about time you did something about your high blood pressure? Visit http://www.bloodpressureremedy.info to find out how you can lower your high blood pressure. It could just save your life!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andrew_Marsden


African American Women and Hypertension - Are You at Risk?


It was discovered that hypertension is most widespread among African-Americans that any other population in the United States. The disease is not easily detected, so it remains dormant for many years, when African-Americans rarely commit visits.

Unfortunately regular doctor before African-Americans seek medical attention, the blood pressure has increased to life-threatening. One of the primary target campaigns, the Department of Health is responsible for research and reduce the devastating impact of African American Women and Hypertension.

Overall, Afro-Americans develop hypertension at an earlier age than whites, thus subject to a variety of serious health problems at alarming rates. Studies have shown that there is a 80 percent higher mortality rate among African-Americans because of stroke associated with hypertension.

There is a 50 percent higher mortality rate due to heart disease associated with high blood pressure. For more information, there is a 320percent higher mortality rate associated with the end-stage renal disease. Many African-Americans live with high blood pressure as long as he has already begun to damage the institutions body.

African American women aged 18 to 45 are being diagnosed with high blood pressure. As already mentioned, the disease is a major cause of heart disease and stroke in these women in such a young age. Just the treatment of high blood pressure reduces the risk of further complications and illnesses.

Treatment for African American women with high blood pressure can vary from lifestyle changes and medications like any other. Since the risk of developing the disease is so much higher, but it is so important to the treatments. African American women are not, in a sufficient amount of physical activity. Research discovered that African American women are also compatible with other activities to include physical activity in their daily routine.

In addition to the movement, other lifestyle changes include losing weight if overweight or obese, a reduction in the consumption of alcohol and eating a low sodium Diet. It is recommended that African American women are natural remedies in their diet, such as herbs and vitamins while reducing fat and cholesterol. Natural supplements such as potassium and magnesium may also reduce blood pressure levels pressure.

Blood can increase if the African American women take any kind of oral contraceptives. A doctor should be the patient alternative methods of birth control. For example, hormone replacement therapy in postmenopausal women has concerns to a minimum blood pressure.

Physicians is often the treatment of high blood pressure with more than one medication. One of the drugs to African American women is the Diurectic water or pill. Some of the over-the-counter drugs actually complicated hypertension, the pressure to increase and mingles with the prescription medication.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, African American women and hypertension, presents itself at higher prices than in white or Hispanic women. In addition, there is a higher risk for severe high blood pressure in African American women due to unhealthy way of life and the genetic or environmental factors factors.

It is recommended that the African American woman visits a doctor to check blood pressure levels regularly. It is also advantageous for a personal control device at home. Since the risk of high blood pressure is so high among this population, they are more likely to fall victim to heart disease, stroke or kidney failure. It is recommended that African American women engage in serious lifestyle changes to the inevitable opportunity for the development hypertension.


Alvin Hopkinson is a leading and avid researcher of various high blood pressure treatments

He runs a content-packed website that provides free tips to lower your hypertension and unbiased reviews on common blood pressure medications. Grab your FREE report on how to lower blood pressure naturally and visit his site at http://www.minusbloodpressure.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alvin_Hopkinson


Beware of Hypertension


What is high blood pressure? Hypertension, another public known term, high blood pressure and arterial blood pressure is the force of the blood disease are pushing against the walls of the arteries as it flows through the arteries, usually this happens when those blood pressure are extremely high.

Are it Hypertension symptoms Nearly one third of people never realize that they already have hypertension. Get to know the characters on hypertension.

Normally to observe the signs of high blood pressure are not identifiable, but blood pressure can reach dangerously high of more than 140mmHg and are a threat to your organs of life.

Diabetes, kidney or tumors are diagnosed with one of these diseases? Are you one of the great women, the dosage of the pill? Do you smoke? If one of the above your answer is yes, be sure that your drive in the vicinity doctor to check your blood pressure regularly. Never wait until the time that warrants you to pick up your phone to call for a doctor visit.

If your blood pressure is consistently one of the measures 140 mm Hg or more, you have high blood pressure diagnosed. If your blood pressure reached 90 mm Hg or more consistently, your safe. Listen to the words "may be" as safe. Because the 2003 study from the Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure discovered that those with 120/80 mm Hg to 139/89 mm Hg blood pressure are categorized as "prehypertension", which has high risk of being potential diagnosis of hypertension disease.

Hypertension not choose between the victim race (white and black), gender and age. It is a blind disease that attacks pregnant women and adolescences, there are approximately 10% of pregnant women who have high blood pressure are diagnosed each year. A perception of good health and the lack of perceived need for a doctor to leave regelmaigen opportunities and possibilities of untreated and uncontrolled hypertension attack.

There are two levels of hypertension: an essential (primary) and secondary. Until today, that is diagnosed with essential hypertension is unexplained and untreatable. Meanwhile, the less often secondary hypertension is the result of another condition or illness such as kidney disease, diabetes, tumors or sleep apnea.


You might want to read about my story about diabetes and natural cure for it.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chester_Chen

Lower Blood Pressure - Natural Methods That Work


Millions people have high blood pressure, a passion that many times requires prescription drugs. You can take your blood pressure with natural methods that are much safer than synthetic drugs. The costs are much lower, adding an extra bonus!

There are several things you can do to treat this condition, such as changes in lifestyle habits. Did you know that there are vitamins, minerals and herbs that work naturally to lower blood pressure? I will give you some tips to help you control the disease without prescription medications.

Some of natural supplements you can to control hypertension contains the following ingredients:

Hawthorne Berry



Green Tea

Vitamin B-6


Folic Acid

This is only a few of the ingredients can be found in most supplements. These herbs and vitamins in different ways to way.

Here your blood pressure the natural way of life are some changes that need to be made to control hypertension.

Smoking is one of the worst things you can do. I know it is difficult to stop, but a huge effort, because smoking constricts a Blutgefaen and causes blood pressure levels rise.

Diet plays a major role! Healthy food such as fruit and vegetables to work naturally low blood pressure, while processed foods and fried foods increased. Try to stay away from fast food as far as possible, and avoid salt.

If you are overweight, try to lose a few pounds. With the loss of 10% of your body weight and adding in some exercise, you can significantly lower your numbers. You only need the exercise 15 or 20 minutes 3 times per week to the benefits.

Stress - I can not tell you how important it is to reduce stress. Stress is one of the leading causes of high blood pressure! To reduce your stress level, try yoga, meditation or deep breathing exercise. Also try to identify the areas in your life, you create fear and resolve them.

These are only a few ways you can lower blood pressure with natural methods. If you can, use these methods instead of synthetic prescription drugs. It is much safer, saves money and is ideal for your health!

Learn more about how you can lower your blood pressure! Here are more tips, ideas and resources on Natural Cures for High Blood Pressure Be sure that your blood pressure Remedy Report.


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lori_Hastings


Natural Ways to Lower Your High Blood Pressure


If you have high blood pressure, you have probably been told by your doctor, taking the medication to control. That is not quite right, you can try alternatives to reduce high pressure of course. In this article we take a look at some of the natural way you can lower your blood pressure. One thing to remember is make sure that carefully monitor and pressure from your readings, if you suffer under high pressure, because this condition can be fatal, it can lead to stroke, heart failure, kidney problems and other blood problems by body.

One the best ways to reduce the pressure, if you are overweight is to lose a few pounds. You can create a high blood pressure and too thin, but if you are overweight and a high pressure, you have a better chance of a reduction, if you exercise and start to eat diet.

Another a healthy way to reduce high blood pressure is limited to certain foods eat have been proved to be beneficial reduction in pressure. Such food is celery, it is a natural diuretic, it means that they will help flush excess fluid and salts in your body. It is, of course, has no bad side effects such as the prescription of diuretics, the available.

Another common food that helps lower pressure is garlic. It helps lower the risk of atherosclerosis, or hardening calcium deposits in arteries, caused by overcapacity plaques in the arteries. The garlic works by the blood in the right thickness and help the blood circulatory system remain healthy.

The hawthorn plant was also found to reduce high blood pressure. It is usually in capsule form and works by helping to strengthen the heart muscle.

Other possibilities are lower pressure, if your diet on low-salt foods, cut ready meals, fast food and fast food. Prepare your own meals and begin to eat more healthy foods, fruits, vegetables and lean meats.

Drinking more water is also good for the reduction of high blood pressure. Some people have tried to water fasts for 7 days have seen blood pressure drop as much as 60 points. Although this is not something to be done as easily 7 days only water is not easy and can not be healthy if you consider that this should be your doctor.

There are also natural mineral supplements you can reduce high blood pressure. Magnesium or potassium are just a few examples of both can help the heart and nervous system. You would probably have to take pills as a supplement to a sufficiently high level of daily intake for these minerals to do any good.

As you can see, there are some natural things you can do to make your blood pressure and with some assistance and Support from your doctor, you should not be dependent on medication for the rest of your life. Discuss with your doctor other alternatives to medicines and help him research alternatives to the daily medication.


If you would like to lower your high blood pressure without medication visit http://howtoloweryourbloodpressure.com where you will find articles offering tips and advice on high blood pressure.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kevin_Snowie


Common Causes and Symptoms of Hypertension


Hypertension is the health status in the blood pressure is higher than normal. It is a common problem especially with the working class people in connection with stress working atmosphere. It may, in its many forms and do not show symptoms until the condition is serious and requires medical intervention. More than the normal pressure against the walls of Blutgefaen by tensions or other problem exists for some weeks or months, then it is diagnosed as hypertension.

Health problems associated with hypertension:

However, diagnosis and medication for high blood pressure in the right time control situation to a large extent. If not healed at the time then it could lead to increased health problems. It is the main reason behind health problems such as heart and kidney problems. Older people are generally concerned with hypertension and it is also associated with dysfunction in the coronary circulation. Body organs affected due to high blood pressure, kidneys, eyes and hearts. Stroke is one of the most affected diseases for adults is the contribution of the hypertension.

Causes hypertension:

Hypertension is the result of a high intake of salt, obesity and genetic factors are also responsible for him. Stress and tension are the cause of high blood pressure. Aging and a higher intake of alcohol is the cause of it.


� Dizziness

� Severe headache

� tiredness /slow movement

� Vision problems

� pain in the leg chest

� swelling

� Rapid heartbeat.

According stage of hypertension in different treatment is ready. It can be easily controlled by adjusting the regelmaige treatment. Often the doctors ask these patients to lose weight and exercise. But before taking any medicine, it is better to consult a doctor to provide adequate assistance in this disease. Appropriate treatment right time largely reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke. Changes in lifestyle such as smoking, less intake of salt and reduction of cholesterol can benefit people suffer. Regelmaiger healthy diet with exercise is the basic rule to get rid of hypertension. Besides, if you suffer from this disease then enough drinking water. Thus, you can manage your diet and control of your illness without worry!


Jim is a normal person who has realized his passion by writing about being healthy. He has struggled with health problems. He is fit now, and wants to send the message accords to everyone. For more information and advice on Health and Hypertension. Please visit us at http://www.whatyouneedtoknow.co.in

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jim_Andrews


Blood Pressure Natural Cures - 5 Ways to Avoid Prescription Side Effects and Cure Hypertension


Did you know that one of the fastest growing treatments for high blood pressure, high blood pressure natural healing methods? In fact, because of adverse events associated with hypertension, many doctors are now prescribing some of these same natural remedies together with prescriptions.

However, many people wonder whether it is possible to not take (HBP) and rules or cure the disease known as the silent killer. Although commitment is required, there are thousands of "baby boomers" have completely weaned off rules are completely cured and sometimes fatal disease.

Just imagine that in great shape and without dealing with the rules and lateral effects.

Press hypertension Side Effects

We've do the research for you! Here is what you should know about your "miracle" prescriptions.

Diuretics are very popular because they rid your body of water and sodium. This leads to a lower score. However, these rules will actually make unhealthier in the long term, because they literally drain the body of nutrients. And if you understand the natural cure, you will know that many important vitamins and minerals (calcium, potassium and magnesium) are needed to normalize your pressure.

Beta blockers work because they slow the hearts of the pressure is. But did you know that frequent side effects are fatigue, poor circulation resulting in cold hands and Faen, dizziness, dryness of the mouth, eyes and skin and asthma-like symptoms? I thought they suppose to help?

ACE inhibitors reduce the formation of angiotensin II, relaxes the arteries. The arteries are then relaxed some of the pressure Common side effects include loss of taste, skin rash, coughing, kidney and possible failure.

Alpha blockers work by relaxing the muscles, which keep the pressure down. However, adverse events associated with this recipe include headache, nausea, fatigue, weight gain, unregelmaige heart rate and cholesterol problems. In other words, you get unhealthier.

And when you consider what you paid, do not you think that you should have a cure and not a band-aids, to a lower number?

5 Ways to Cure course hypertension

We go to your diet! There are numerous possibilities that vitamin therapy, mineral therapy, exercise tips, breathing tips, etc., but these have to deal with your diet plan.

1 sodium is one of the main causes. Reduce your intake to 2,300 mg per day. Stay away from processed foods loaded with sodium.

2 Lower Austria Their meat consumption, because many of the meat we eat are high in sodium. Especially stay away from red meats.

3 fruit and vegetables offer with a natural flush. In other words, you can lower score than you eat. We recommend at least 7 serving of raw, fresh fruits and vegetables because of their high soluble fibre content.

4 Avoid fats. Fats usually equated to cholesterol, saturated fat and trans fats. Try your intake to less than 60 grams per day. If you eat smaller portions, you will have no problem, remain under 60.

5 Water flushes! Even if you begin to understand, healthy living, you will always notice water is a factor. More than 80% of Americans are dehydrated. More than 70% of Americans are not healthy. Do you have a correlation? Try to aim for at least 10 full glasses of water per day to flush your body.


Naturally Cure High Blood Pressure

It took you years to develop this disease and it could take you weeks to cure yourself. Congratulations on not wanting to use prescriptions. These 5 tips are a great start but this is just the tip of the pyramid on natural health research involving hypertension.

If you are interested in a natural cure please visit our Blood Pressure Natural Cures website. We offer the only 100% guarantee that lasts 6 months (by that time you will be fully cured!) For our step by step report, please visit us today!

Researched! Natural! No Side Effects! With 22 years of natural health experience, Joe Barton and Barton Publishing offer the only 100% guaranteed Blood Pressure Natural Cures Report. Get yours today!

Blood Pressure Natural Cures

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joe_Barton